Complementary colors are colors opposite to each other on the color wheel, which when placed next to each other make both appear brighter. Take a creative shot of anything that has complementary colors. Flowers are not allowed in this contest. Here you can learn more about color theory. To find complementary colors, you can use the Color Scheme Designer.
robvdn: Complimentary colors are colors which mixed together with paint ideally turn out in black, in short blue + orange, red + green, yellow + purple. ( 5 years and 2867 days ago )
poetress59: The Color Scheme Designer is great if anyone is unsure if some colors are complimentary or not. ( 5 years and 2866 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Please keep your entries to 2 MAIN complimentary colors...if you take a photo with many colors, thinking "Well there are some complimentary colors in there somewhere", it will be removed...keep the main point of focus simple. ( 5 years and 2866 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
I love glass, and finally I see a nice plastic
Well I'm glad I could come sort of close to glass, and you like it, thanks.
Howdie stranger!
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