Builth Wells Bridge - created by shanta4

Builth Wells Bridge
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 6/25Score: 66.7% (12)5011 views

Bridge over the River Wye at Builth Wells in Wales.
My own image.
http://www.francisfrith.com/builth-wells/photos/wye-bridge-1936_87723/ (5 years and 2702 days ago)

Montpellier - created by WYSIWYG

Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 7/25Score: 66.4% (7)3007 views

http://www.notrefamille.com/cartes-postales-photos/cartes-postales-photos/cartes-postales-photos-Rue-Nationale-34000-MONTPELLIER-34-Herault-442820-57842-detail.html (5 years and 2699 days ago)

Star Ferry Temninal and clock tower - created by friiskiwi

Star Ferry Temninal and clock tower
Favs: 0SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 8/25Score: 66.1% (2)8823 views

I decided to include a lot more of the surrounding, as the clock tower is now totally dwarfed.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/53652797@N06/5189229500/ (5 years and 2702 days ago)

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The old ferris wheel... - created by SaHdeeQ

The old ferris wheel...
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 9/25Score: 66% (1)5550 views

(5 years and 2701 days ago)

Kärntner Straße - created by SaHdeeQ

Kärntner Straße
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 10/25Score: 65.6% (1)3852 views

Kärntner Straße (German for Carinthian street) is the most famous shopping street in central Vienna. It runs from the Stephansplatz out to the Wiener Staatsoper at Karlsplatz on the Ringstraße. The first record of Kärntner Straße is from 1257, as Strata Carintianorum, which refers to its importance as a trade route to the southern province of Carinthia

Picture in the SBS is about 1960... (5 years and 2700 days ago)