In every country you can see cars. Every car has its own brand. Your goal here is to take a picture of a car brand. It can be either the logo and/or the name of it. It can also be both of them, but not the model name.
Example: On a Toyota Corolla, you can suggest a picture of the logo, the name Toyota', but not 'Corolla' ! There is a restriction : it has to be a close-up picture taken of the car itself. Brand names or logos shot from an advertising poster, a wall, a garage, etc... will be considered off theme.
kyricom: Can we have a clarification, please Mod? Are just hood ornaments ok, without any other identifying manufacturer information present? ( 5 years and 2410 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Previous Car Brand contests did allow hood ornaments so this time will be the same. ( 5 years and 2410 days ago )
kyricom: Thanks for the clarification. ( 5 years and 2410 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Congrats ! What brand is this? I've NEVER seen a hood ornament like this
author says:
Thanks a lot. This is from a Franklin, an American made car that was in business from 1902 to 1934. I'm not positive (I'm certainly no expert in them), but I think this is from a 1930 "Pursuit."
(5 years and 2400 days ago)
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
My grandfather had a 1946 Hudson Commodore 8 with Suicide Doors
-- remember riding in the back as a young lad in the 1960's -- so big you could almost get lost back there
author says:
Yes. Those old cars were something else and very spacious. Thank you for your comment. Glad it holds good memories for you.
Very nice, but it's of a hood ornament. Doesn't show the brand.
author says:
Oh my. Confusion on my part. Sorry but I thought in times gone by the ornament was the brand. What exactly would the brand be here if it were shown? Does that mean the name of the car like Hudson should be shown as well? I will look into it and figure it out or put a replacement if I have one. Thanks for the heads up.
I put a question in the comment section for the mod asking for clarification. They may very well be allowed, since certain (although not all) hood ornaments were associated with certain brands (think - the Mercedes circle). Maybe it'll be fine.
(5 years and 2410 days ago)
author says:
OK - Thank you. Of course I will abide by the decision what ever it is. Just let me know.
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Great find, nice photo.
Congratulations for this first place ! ( With a similar picture as the first car brand contest
Congrats on 1st place.
Congrats on 1st place.
Congrats ! What brand is this? I've NEVER seen a hood ornament like this
Thanks a lot. This is from a Franklin, an American made car that was in business from 1902 to 1934. I'm not positive (I'm certainly no expert in them), but I think this is from a 1930 "Pursuit."
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: