Everything not man made: forests, sunsets, animals and so on. Humans not allowed.
Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
still26: Why does it show NO ENTRIES on my front page. I submitted 4 but they don't show there. I'm new to this site, so please excuse my confusion. ( 5 years and 1167 days ago )
Contest Moderator: @still26: I think you mean your profile page? They'll show there once the contest is over. ( 5 years and 1166 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Please do read the contest description carefully: no man made structure are allowed! ( 5 years and 1166 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
When I see photographs like this I can honestly say that I almost miss winter (stress almost). This was not an easy photo to get so right. Shooting white is difficult as it tends to blow out with the wrong exposure and you seem to have nailed it for not only is the exposure smack on the money but the white button calibration is good...you have white snow. KUDOS ...well done. The ISO is also skillfully done with a smooth background, no noise at all...smooth as butter. The image is sharp with appropriate dof to soften the background and the horizontal cut rule of photography was wisely applied. The format, in that tall presentation (not centered) is striking because the human eye reads along the longest line and as we study this image we go from bottom to top and we get engaged with your photograph. The colour palette is minimal and oh so cold in blues with a hint of warmth coming at us from the side. The beauty of winter, well seen and well shown. Thank you.
This is certainly a most eye grabbing image of an osprey. The eye catchment technique is splendid and riveting. I really like your POV, you have us looking up and this gives this bird a rather regal appearance, and he surely deserves that royal look. The dof used is perfect with the complete obliteration of background yet the colour palette supports the main focal point. A bit of blur at the very bottom of naughty leaves getting in the way and I can't help but wonder if you cropped up it would improve the image, make it cleaner and stronger, and a bit of a nip at the top, removing all that negative space would make the focal point tighter and engage us even more than it already does. Sharp, great contrast, simply dynamite.
author says:
Thanks for your feedback. I intended to crop the top a bit, but decided against it. I come from a moving image background, thus the 16:9 frame, although this is shot in portrait, funny. My intensions were to give him more head room and keep his head more center weighted.
Thank you again.
Thank you for educating us re: the name of this handsome fellow! Your catch is crisp and clear and the iridescent colours natural. The dof used shows good sharpness on face and thorax with some softening towards the interior of image, which is fine and pleasant to see. Your contrast and exposure is excellent with no clipping showing on the dark aspects of the photograph and no blow outs, well done. The format is most appropriate in a large horizontal. This format allows our eyes to dance across your canvas and to take in the beauty that your eyes (and camera) saw to share with us. Thank you for delighting us with your Golden Rose Chafer.
author says:
Thanks for your glowing comments Still26. When I candidly take a picture, you find lots of fine arguments about it. You seem to know a lot about photography.
Very nice
When I see photographs like this I can honestly say that I almost miss winter (stress almost). This was not an easy photo to get so right. Shooting white is difficult as it tends to blow out with the wrong exposure and you seem to have nailed it for not only is the exposure smack on the money but the white button calibration is good...you have white snow. KUDOS ...well done. The ISO is also skillfully done with a smooth background, no noise at all...smooth as butter. The image is sharp with appropriate dof to soften the background and the horizontal cut rule of photography was wisely applied. The format, in that tall presentation (not centered) is striking because the human eye reads along the longest line and as we study this image we go from bottom to top and we get engaged with your photograph. The colour palette is minimal and oh so cold in blues with a hint of warmth coming at us from the side. The beauty of winter, well seen and well shown. Thank you.
Congrats on the 2nd best entry of 2016!
Congrats, it really is beautiful
Congratulations, it's a beautiful photo. Welcome to the site.
Congrats Valcan. La multi ani!
La multi ani!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: