(5 years and 1100 days ago)
This image has a very strong emotional impact on me. Tolstoy once said that when an emotion is pulled out of us then art has been achieved. This is emotional because I lived and worked in an area that looked like this...Moose Factory, Ontario, Canada. I love the pull on the eye that you have caught. You have the hot pop off center but I love symmetry in photographs and think that had you placed this dead center, with equal visual weight on sky to foreground it also would have rendered a strong image....this is of course all about artistic license and I bow to your prerogative. The colour palette, the exposure is gorgeous. This is top notch...LOVE IT. Where was it taken I wonder.
Thanks a lot for your kind and detailed comment This image was taken in the North West of Russia, around 400 km from the Barents Sea.
Howdie stranger!
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