This image makes my heart yearn for a dog. With that captivating smile he melts the viewer's heart (mine for sure). It is a nice stop action photograph rendered sharp. I would not have minded just a tad more pronouncement on the sky, just to add a bit more sparkle and visual excitement...however, I do recognize that this is artistic license and I bow to your prerogative. The composition is smack on the money because you have left room for your pet to run into, and the natural pathway of the (western) human eye is to read from left to this is in tune with what we normally would read. My husband, just walked by the computer screen and had a look and he said "oh what a nice picture" there you have , two reviews for the price of one. Money can buy you a fine dog but to have a dog smile like this takes love. Oh and I also like you point of view. Grrrreat shot. woof
author says:
You are a true dog lover and you know them very well.In effects the beginning of Nelson's life has been difficult (he was found undernourished and frightened under the wheel of a car ..and it took an afternoon to get him out ) .Then he was adopted by a family which, however, after a few months no longer wanted him.
When I adopted him , he was nine months old, and he was afraid of everything :he was very strong in body but helpless.Now he's still a dog rather shy, in some circumstances, but it is undoubtedly a cheerful and happy dog. Thank you to you and to your husband for your nice words..
I love to hear stories like that. I live in Thailand and our lifestyle will not permit a dog (although in my life we have had a few). We have many street dogs here and they are timid and shy and hungry and are fed by the is a nice scene to witness a Thai woman offering food wrapped in a banana leaf to the dog.
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This beautifully rendered , clear and sharp image of this handsome fellow brings warmth to the viewer's heart. The fact you shot him at his eye level propels this image to the top ranks because we can engage quickly with him. His eyes are clear and sharp as are those whiskers. I don't whether to love his ears or laugh at him, no matter, it is what makes him rather a handsome boy. When you take photographs remember that you are also taking a photograph of the background too. See that big blue hue by his ear? Our eyes go there too...but it is in good bokeh, had the background been more uniform I do think the image would have been stronger. But it is the emotional impact that counts, and it rates high. This little dog is most likely under your feet all the time...a little heartbeat at your feet! Lovely....woof.
author says:
Thanks a lot for your kind and detaled comment
(5 years and 1150 days ago)
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Howdie stranger!
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