not as good as the last one,but still a good photo.
author says:
but it too posed? This poor guy was walking past me , minding his own business, when I asked if I could photograph him....this is the end result. Win some lose though. Thank you.
just prefer the other one,but you know i am your no1 fan in regards to street photos.
author says:
After all these years, you ought to know that I don't take offence at being told why my post is shit....I may not agree, but do appreciate knowing your point of view always. Thanks
Hey there, who said your post is shit? I love the timid smile. Something in his eyes tells about surprise and pride of being spotted by you. I like also the sharp texture of the skins, constrasting with the soft appearance of the rest of the image.
(5 years and 772 days ago)
author says:
Hey, those words are very encouraging and I thank you. Nobody said my photo was shit, except ME. Photonut is a pal of mine and a gentleman with a wry sense of humour...he wouldn't say shit if his mouth was full of it. I appreciate your review...Merci beaucoup once again.
I guess all we can do is keep up the reviews and comments and hope others will catch on. Sometimes though, if English is not their mother tongue it is difficult, but what a great opportunity to learn new words and grow in the language. yada yada yada yada yada....
thank you. I'm back to this site as I'm tiring of "smoke being blown up my ass" on TOS. This place just feels more pure. Thanks again, nice to see you here.
Not only in art photography but also in English language I keep learning with Pxleyes. Thanks for this new (to me) picturesque expression, I love it! (... and now I have to ask Google what it means )
(5 years and 773 days ago)
author says:
Mrs. Gooogle responds: To blow smoke up someone's ass means to flatter falsley. I think, if you got another answer do correct Mrs. Google because as we all know Google ain't always correct.
I just don't get it .....what does football club have to do with smoke being blown up people's arses....or do you mean the FC club refers to the composition to the side? Yeah, I see that now....give room for the football to be I on the right track?
Although this is slightly posed,it has a bit more strength to this one,real good photo this,
author says: looks like I have terrified the both of them. Good to be a good looking white woman that is three times larger than them....LOL. Thank you.
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
not as good as the last one,but still a good photo.
but it too posed? This poor guy was walking past me , minding his own business, when I asked if I could photograph him....this is the end result. Win some lose though. Thank you.
just prefer the other one,but you know i am your no1 fan in regards to street photos.
After all these years, you ought to know that I don't take offence at being told why my post is shit....I may not agree, but do appreciate knowing your point of view always. Thanks
Hey there, who said your post is shit? I love the timid smile. Something in his eyes tells about surprise and pride of being spotted by you. I like also the sharp texture of the skins, constrasting with the soft appearance of the rest of the image.
Hey, those words are very encouraging and I thank you. Nobody said my photo was shit, except ME. Photonut is a pal of mine and a gentleman with a wry sense of humour...he wouldn't say shit if his mouth was full of it. I appreciate your review...Merci beaucoup once again.
Hooops, I hope I didn't blow smoke up your ass then, please don't go
Thanks for the kind words,Gentleman that's a first
I told you!!! Congrats Still
Congrats for all five in this,still thought no5 would win,shows you what I no.
I thought #3 would win, shows you what I know...LOL. Thank you Brian.
Congrats Olga 1 - 5 well done
Thank you for your comments and time.
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: