(5 years and 3545 days ago)
Nemo ![]() by Barracuda 16540 views - final score: 66.4% | Far away sun ![]() by wind 12909 views - final score: 63.8% | Blowing Bubbles ![]() by Barracuda 19896 views - final score: 61.6% |
mr. fish ![]() by blackxhijd 13126 views - final score: 61.5% | Lion Fish ![]() by adeincyprus 12359 views - final score: 61.5% | In the spotlight ![]() by wind 17204 views - final score: 60.6% |
Another World ![]() by Barracuda 5378 views - final score: 59.8% | Mermaid ![]() by wind 4670 views - final score: 58.7% | Sun Beams ![]() by Ory 4196 views - final score: 58.3% |
Coral reef ![]() by carousel 5305 views - final score: 57.6% | looking thru...... ![]() by adeincyprus 5699 views - final score: 57.2% | Swimming with Dolphins ![]() by UncleJimmy 6705 views - final score: 56.8% |
Underwater rocks ![]() by carousel 15762 views - final score: 55.9% | Hold Your Breath ![]() by Lamantine 5129 views - final score: 55.5% | Just under the water ![]() by carousel 4156 views - final score: 54.6% |
Dangerous ![]() by Lamantine 3072 views - final score: 54.5% | Twins ![]() by Lamantine 3325 views - final score: 53.7% | Living rock ![]() by ivanSpace 3556 views - final score: 52.7% |
Howdie Guest!
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Where was this taken?
From the inside of a big aquarium
You were actually in the aquarium with these things! Your nuts!
barracuda?...........not so dangerous! we swim with them here where I live, when we dive the wrecks. It is unusual for them to be in aquariums though!
what camera did you use for these, the shot is very dark!
I don't know about the camera, its a camera we got when we went there, just for rental though.
Those aren't barracuda Ade
you sure.......what are they.......they look something like the barracuda that live on a wreck here in Cyprus!
how deep were you when you took this shot author?
I dont know
I had to to that quickly because i hated this place, a lot of creepy creatures living down there !
author, I am a very experienced diver...........for it to be this dark, it had to be a long, long way down..........too far for normal diving even!
The original photo is not dark , i just adjusted curves with ps.
I can brighten it up a bit if you wish 
Ok I didn't want to do this because now I will officially be one of the biggest dorks on here but...

The barracuda species native to the Mediterranean is the "Sphyraena barracuda" It has a more elongated snout than the fish shown here, also some major differences are;
*The pectoral fins of the barracuda are more triangular shaped
*The anal fin of the barracuda is less streamlined
*The scale pattern. Barracuda have a thin silver lateral line, this fish has a wide dark line
* But the major difference between these two fish is the dorsal fin.
The barracuda has no dorsal, only a small "rear" or "soft" dorsal, if you look closely at the high res you'll see that the dorsal of this fish starts at the head and continues down the entire length of the fish.
It is hard to tell the exact species from this shot, but I am certain that this is a fish from the Channidae family. I am about 90% sure that this is an adolescent Channa micropeltes that has not changed completely to it's adult color pattern.
this is the best example that I could find but this one is younger that the one in question.
Ok bring on the teasing I'm ready for it
hahaha............great, but is it dangerous!..............
Yes they certainly have the potential to cause some pretty serious damage, if it was in a tank it was probably fed enough so it wouldn't be to aggressive but still, I would be nervous being in there with them.
you figure hunting razor, you have left the same 'comment' on all the entries here.......
Howdie stranger!
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