found in my wild garden, taken with Nikon D90
don't know the name of this plant.
Hope that its allowed to clip a photo to show only the important details.
[edit: image updated now it has a natural hat for the Royal Ascot ;) (5 years and 3414 days ago)
I'm guessing you might be new. You're allowed to crop your photos but the guidelines are kind of specific about something being pierced:
"Take a photograph of thorns, prickles or cactus spines which are actually pricking/piercing something or someone."
oh, sorry I wrote the description too cursory. Yes I'm new and english is not my home language.
It seems not to be possible to delete the photo, so I will take a new one tomorrow that matches the rules.
It is really good that you respond so quick. MODs like that a lot. It says a lot of good about you too. I was told that and it meant a lot to me. I hope you enjoy this site. I have had a lot of fun myself.
Just stick marshmallows on the end of the spines. that will make it in theme.
@MnMCarta, thx for your positive echo

@jawshoewhah [what a name] good idea with the marshmallows but I'm sorry to say that I've all eaten
the actual image is now updated, no more clipped and has a oak-leaf hat and seems to raise the arms for the winner of the Royal Ascot.
Pretty cool shot...I actually never seen that kind of...plant?
Very well done! have fun on this site!
i know i do 
That works! GL!
That works! GL!
very nice image..good luck :]
Well done nice pic and great DOF..........btw the object in the pic is called DATURA and its some sort of poisonous fruit. Details ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datura
Howdie stranger!
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