Photography Pictures: The (page 530)

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The Last Buccaneer - created by jerostone

The Last Buccaneer
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 24/28Score: 59.5% (0)3845 views

The Last Buccaneer
THE winds were yelling, the waves were swelling,
The sky was black and drear,
When the crew with eyes of flame brought the ship without a name
Alongside the last Buccaneer.
"Whence flies your sloop full sail before so fierce a gale,
When all others drive bare on the seas?
Say, come ye from the shore of the holy Salvador,
Or the gulf of the rich Caribbees?"
"From a shore no search hath found, from a gulf no line can sound,
Without rudder or needle we steer;
Above, below, our bark, dies the sea-fowl and the shark,
As we fly by the last Buccaneer.
"To-night there shall be heard on the rocks of Cape de Verde,
A loud crash, and a louder roar;
And to-morrow shall the deep, with a heavy moaning, sweep
The corpses and wreck to the shore."
The stately ship of Clyde securely now may ride,
In the breath of the citron shades;
And Severn's towering mast securely now flies fast,
Through the sea of the balmy Trades.
From St Jago's wealthy port, from Havannah's royal fort,
The seaman goes forth without fear;
For since that stormy night not a mortal hath had sight
Of the flag of the last Buccaneer.

Thomas Babbington Macaulay

(5 years and 3004 days ago)

author says:

The place is a pub by the sea, frequented mostly by Brits, though it was the poem itself which, for various personal reasons, struck a chord when I read it some time ago, so I was hellbent in coming up with an image befitting it. The spot light of-course is a bummer, but there was no way of removing it.

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The Field Daisy - created by sassySue

The Field Daisy
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 6/28Score: 65% (10)5420 views

I'm a pretty little thing,
Always coming with the spring;
In the meadows green I'm found,
Peeping just above the ground,
And my stalk is cover'd flat
With a white and yellow hat.

Little Mary, when you pass
Lightly o'er the tender grass,
Skip about, but do not tread
On my bright but lowly head,
For I always seem to say,
"Surely winter's gone away."

Create Date : Friday, January 03, 2003

Ann Taylor (5 years and 3004 days ago)

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A Walk In The Golden Evening - created by drskn08

A Walk In The Golden Evening
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 17/28Score: 61.2% (0)5052 views

A Walk In the Golden Evening
With cool breeze & birds singing
This day has come to an end
& now its time for next beginning
The sun has set down and
The sky is ready to dress her night gown
But I am forced to think
Who is that champ
Lighting such a big lamp
Spreading these golden rays
All around my ways
Who is that Great Power
Controlling the soothing breeze
Arranging those clouds to shower
I am forced to think
He must be inside you & myself
Ready to listen us & help
With this thought I stopped
Saw the sky & smiled to say-
YES! This is you Almighty King
Who inspired to write my 1st poem
“A Walk In the Golden Evening”

Written By---
(5 years and 3004 days ago)

avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Great shot! Would crop some of the dark foreground off and reduce noise..

author says:

Thank you Jeani. But i purposely did not cut the dark foreground to emphasise the features of golden evening mentioned in my poem. More over if you can see there is a lady as well walking along me who is also quite related to the poem...

avatar FallingHorse

The foreground is a little too dark to see the lady - I didn't know she was there until you pointed it out

author says:

ya.. she is there

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Boating For The Weekend - created by angelaj

Boating For The Weekend
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 11/28Score: 64% (0)5660 views

(5 years and 3004 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!Boating, For, The, Weekend

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F*ck the police! - created by Lodd

F*ck the police!
Favs: 4SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 2/28Score: 69% (80)13038 views

If the title is to "un-cencored" please tell me.

This is photographed using a fisheye and two Nikonflashes as fillight. as backlight i used the sun. (5 years and 3004 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Nicely on theme Author, well done with the lighting balance, very good work...

author says:

Thank you! Does someone sees a pinkish tone in the image? it appeared when i uploaded so i'm thinking of compensating for it in post.

avatar maclu2iaf
maclu2iaf says:


avatar maclu2iaf
maclu2iaf says:

no pinky thing..everything's fine..all the colors are balance

avatar FallingHorse

I can't see any pink tinge either. It a great, fun portrait. Love the little boy in the BG too waiting for his trike to come back

avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

Howdie stranger!
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