Photography Pictures: The (page 747)

results 3731 - 3735 of 5353

The Band - created by thefinalcut

The Band
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 17/22Score: 53.5% (0)2691 views

Who doesn't love a marching band? (5 years and 3262 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!The, Band

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The Happiest Place On Earth... - created by Ory

The Happiest Place On Earth...
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 14/22Score: 54.6% (0)3809 views

... (5 years and 3263 days ago)

author says:

Wow, this little size just does not do any justice...

Howdie stranger!
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Rosie the Rock - created by jbillitteri

Rosie the Rock
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 22/22Score: 56% (0)3742 views

I saw the eye and lips in this rock,and painted it. (5 years and 3264 days ago)

avatar creativefreedom


avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

Makes me miss my pet rock I had as a child. LOL

avatar Andrewm
Andrewm says:

I liked it

Howdie stranger!
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The Essentials - created by locksmagic

The Essentials
Favs: 2SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 1/22Score: 63.1% (35)5652 views

(5 years and 3264 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

hair "goop" how precise.
i knew it was yours.
i like your perspective in this one. good luck.

avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Nicely sharp..

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Don't forget the ice for the beer!

avatar Mikaelbg
Mikaelbg says:

Haha nice list!

avatar RayTedwell

Nice job (on the list and the photo), and you can stock up on stuff cheap 'cos you shop at ALDI.

Oh and Josh, he might not need ice, most of us own refigerators, hehe

avatar craigers
craigers says:

looks kinda staged up to me!

author says:

well craigers i could take a picture of the receipt if you'd like. How on earth does this looked staged up!?

avatar craigers
craigers says:

Sorry, i forgot everyone takes their camera shopping, my bad!

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

hehehe... sometimes I take mine to Wal-Mart! Saves from buying stuff just for one shot!


Was just thinking it would be funny if there was "tampons" added to this list... then I would have thought the wife/girlfriend sent you out shopping! hehehe

author says:

Well craigers when a photographer needs to go grocery shopping and it just so happens that there is a contest that includes shopping lists then yes the possibility exists that that photographer will take his camera along, weird.

I'm sorry I tried to think out the box a bit and make an original entry, your right it probably would be better to have all the entries look the same, would you be happy if i put my list on a table took a snapshot of it straight down with no perspective and no consideration to lighting?

But tell you what my friend right below the comments here is a little box that says "raise red flag" feel free to check it, but be sure to leave a reason

avatar craigers
craigers says:

NAAAA, It's all good, me thinks you protest too much,...and you know how that goes!
all I got to say about that pix is;....Take 26,.....light ,,... action!

avatar Andrewm
Andrewm says:

I agree with Craigers, all other entries are on point, this one is out of the box we were all put in by Jawshoewhah who suggested it, and defended it! Going on location with camera and list is staging and defiantly not how the other entries perceived this contest .!

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

It's not staged if he actually shopped. I say it's fine.

avatar Andrewm
Andrewm says:

I suppose that's why the latest two entries also went on location, and the other "13" of us all assumed locations were staged! Fair?
Bad theme explanation from the start !

author says:

Andrewm, nothing in the description said on location makes it staged, if you misinterpreted the guidelines that isn't our fault. I see that you and your friend are new here and I know that the way things work around here can be funny at times but you may want to refrain from attacking an author's entry in the future, that is why we have the redflag system, so you can bring it to the mods attention without creating an unneeded stir.

avatar craigers
craigers says:

I think 'Clicky's' the word Dude. And it takes two to tango, to lead by example with us New-bees Josh!! But we'll try a be more sensitive towards you and your posse in the future,

author says:

I think "Cliquey" is the word... dude. But thank you for demonstrating my point, the comment section is here to give constructive criticism not to try and act as a moderator or to have petty arguments. In the future you may want to stick to the red flag system. Perhaps check out the commenting section here:

Are we perhaps a bit clicuey, maybe, but keep in mind that we have been here for a long time and we are friends, so when someone new comes in and rocks the boat yes friends may stick together. That being said however, if Josh felt this was off topic he would certainly say so (he has before), it doesn't matter who I am, he isn't a puppet who just agrees with things for the hell of it.

I may disagree with your comment and the way you went about it but will I hold that against you, no. I'll continue to go about as I have for a long time now. This is a community where sometimes tempers get riled but all in all its a fun place to share and learn. Why don't we try and keep it that way?

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

in the defense of the photographers out there that live with a camera strapped to their side.

DUDE! I ALWAYS go shopping with my camera in my posession.
i go everywhere with my camera. or a camera of one sort or another. My droid phone has one great camera (for a cell phone anyway), and my point and shoot is always in the side canon fits into the central pocket of my

camera is always ready and willing to snap off an amazing shot. or less than amazing. which ever the case may be... the point camera is closer to me than just about anything.

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

um... will someone answer my question from years back on this entry?


author says:

Lol Amdanda, sorry

ALDI is a discount supermarket that sells off brand food. Not really a one stop store but I always start out my grocery shopping days there, they have good prices on meats and frozen foods and....... canned goods

avatar craigers
craigers says:

Hmmmmm, thanks, I was wondering about that myself, thought it was another camera thing i don't know about!

avatar Andrewm
Andrewm says:

Yaaaaawn! Potato, Patato, Clicky, Cliquey, Dude, Dude-ett...........lets move on already!

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your first place, Adam!

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

Just wanted you to know I was very happy I saw that you won this! Well deserved :

Howdie stranger!
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Up the ramp - created by sassySue

Up the ramp
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 10/22Score: 55.8% (0)2724 views

(5 years and 3264 days ago)

avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Great capture, was the car moving?

author says:

yup all cars were moving actually was pretty neat to see the little cars go over the top

avatar FallingHorse

I wondered how leprachauns got around these days :P

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looks great! Now all they need is a flaming hoop on top!

Howdie stranger!
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