Pow- 3 sheets of glass go up in a puff! (5 years and 3574 days ago)
(5 years and 3575 days ago)
I remember this one (from PXLSHOTS before the crash)
I think it was shot with an SLR (film).
I even remember the comment i wrote.
Nice to see you again my friend.
Well come back!!!
Indeed it is.
Thanks, it´s nice to be back.
Yes, I remember this one too, and once again, welcome back!!
Howdie stranger!
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A peek through the window of a scale model of a miners house reveals something tasty... (5 years and 3575 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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I used cornstarch to thicken the coffee so I could draw with it. (5 years and 3577 days ago)
stunning shot
UMMM....Yea...just Thanks Author...Thanks, Might as well just put away the camera and forget about this contest! Phenomenal! Love it!!
Awesome - great idea Is it a glass table lit from underneath?
Nope it's a countertop, it's lit from very low so the light would rake across it.
this is awesome! what is that metal striped thing though? It takes away from the cup and coffee spill. This is still great though!
The metal thing is a french press which i used to make the coffee with.
I should have known, well done author
Wow... just wow...
And of course I'm not surprised to see it's you again. Awesome entry! Very creative! GL!
You certainly have a trademark look about your work.....wonderful shot and best of luck to you!! File this one under my favs for sure...
Congrats on your 1st, well deserved
Howdie stranger!
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Washington DC (5 years and 3577 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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Nice shot! Looks like it was fun, but since when does a US Marine need a glove to punch through glass?
Actually, thank you, and yes...I wore a glove (insert humble look), and I STILL cut my darn arm...live and learn! (next time 5 panes, no glove, in my skivies?!?)
so, if this is you punching the glass, how did you take the shot.........
Simply using a wireless cable release in the free hand... I can set up and trigger my own shot from up to 100 meters away...IMO it's the best tool other than a sturdy tripod that every photographer with a DSLR should have
Smart to use a glove. Maybe the Marines just taught him not to take unnecessary risks and to use the protective equipment available? There's a difference between looking tough and being stupid.
Agrred kyricom.. was joking . Author, how many shots did it take? It seems the mechanics of simultanious punch and shutter release are harder than it sounds.
Swanze, it actually only took one take to get this shot..(3 shots in the take). By that, I mean I only punched once and my camera and flash can take 7.5 frames per second and was able to catch this immediately after a few "practice" shots to balance the flash. I just then, punched and simultaneously pushed the remote release in my other hand and was able to get the result I was looking for. I have had a bit of practice dropping things and such with the remote release and have gotten my timing faily close on most occasions.
@ kyricom...yes, you are correct...dead Marines are useless on the battlefield...
I don't know Author I was under the impression that when faced with the choice of looking tough and looking smart Jarheads always went with tough
And I thought Marines never die, they just go to hell and regroup!
thanx for the explanation, great shot btw!
Being ex-military, I'll hold off on the Marines jokes... only coz I know they never get it.....

Great shot BTW and thanks for the explanation, now I'm convinced that some Pxl people just have way too much time on there hands
Best of luck
Howdie stranger!
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