(5 years and 3578 days ago)
I only cropped it. Some kind of grass growing along the bike trail I frequent, shot taken pointed mostly up. (5 years and 3578 days ago)
isnt that a wheat? not technically a grass?
Did you not read my description? Definitely not wheat. Some type of grass growing along the bike trail. I liked this photo because it didn't look like the typical grass entries and I liked the POV.
its lovely grass! beautiful shot author! (i often wish i took my camera when riding my bike!)
funny but since when did we all become botanists? :P able to just point out a plant and say exactly what it is? :lol:
nice shot author. i like the p.o.v. on this one. and grass that is allowed to grow out like that does seem to get a wheat like appearance to it when it goes to seed.
This is exactly the type of grass that I was looking at when I thought about this contest, excellent job.
Wheat is a grass anyway - living on a farm I think I'm qualified enough to say that, I have been feeding it to my horses for nearly 30 years - but this is not wheat
SORRY FOR THE COMMENT. i seriously thought this was wheat, never seen grass like that before.
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(5 years and 3579 days ago)
you camp in that? :o
lol.. no... but it is a good base for the deer camp
Hey it's the unibomer's house.
thats where i cook my chikin fried steak... lol
lol oh lord chikin fried steak. nice one. i'd say it could use a little more focus author. and i don't think you'll catch me camping anywhere near that place. kinda texas chainsaw massacre if you ask me.
Nice idea, but a little soft, and the framing could be better
Was that chicken fried steak comment a hit to who you are?
Yup, I guess so
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(5 years and 3579 days ago)
thats a plant! not grass!...
Wow! GlamourGirl2007! You're have so great knowledge about the plants???? I was thinking that everything that growing from the ground -- actually plant... And this is exactly grass BTW... Just I didn't show the leaves only ears.
many grasses flower
hm... why does it show it by someone else if it is by you? momvera?
yeah thats an interesting question. how is it that, momvera? is it your photo but entered under another participants name??????
Although I agree that it is a grass - I am interested in why the entry is submitted by vlad yet momvera says it's her entry??
Hm, guys, why would you think that it is my picture? I've just stepped up to the guy because I saw FEW comments made by GlamourGirl and all that she called off topic, and I just not agree with her.
Momvera - its because you said that this image is exactly grass ... just that YOU didn't show the leaves, only ears so one would assume that it was your entry
Thank you Falling Horse. It is just a little bit of knowledge of botanical science and then you can tell that this is a grass -- nothing else.
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Showing a combination of tall and short grass (5 years and 3579 days ago)
Excellent atmosphere, great job!
Now this is nice! GL!
Howdie stranger!
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Great shot and great idea !
great idea and shot
I got to admit very creative. GL!
amazing photo! love this!
WOW this is cool
thanks! i also need to thank my brother-in-law for driving around on the lawn mower for shot after shot till i got what i wanted, changing speeds and angles and being patient and wonderful! oh... and not running me over as i lay out in the grass!
k the shot is great we are all in agreement on that I think, but is your brother in law really wearing white tube socks while mowing the lawn?!
hahaha! too true! he is guilty! i will make sure it is mentioned at every family gathering for the rest of his life!
Howdie stranger!
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