(5 years and 2348 days ago)
I might love kitties but I hate you! (5 years and 2703 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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This ostrich realy doesn' like photographers. ;) (5 years and 2981 days ago)
Nice idea, but I have problems finding where the focus is.
These are curious creatures, and I'll have to agree with the previous comment. After examining the High Resolution image, not part of this image is in sharp focus.
It's difficult I'll admit, shooting through chain link. the auto focus struggled between the fence and the bird, the fence and the bird... a good tip in these cases is to switch the Auto Focus off, and hope that the subject still finds you as interesting as you do it while you focus past the wire. Another tip would be to back up a couple steps and close down your aperture, gaining a deeper field of focus, getting both in focus.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3421 days ago)
She doesnt look to angry to me...but nice shot! very cute
kid doen't look angry, more like she is having a good time...
I can't quite decide if she is angry or not, but at least straighten the horizon.
She's angry I can tell, she wanted to throw her shoe at me.
I had some discussions before about the horizon in this foto. Some say straighten it, some say leave it as is, because it give a nice balance.. I'm in for the last.
Horizons are a bone of contention! some say keep them straight, and others to leave them as this. A lot depends on the shot, and in this case, I think it is okay to leave it. At the end of the day author, it is your shot, and you do that which pleases you.
Thanx Ade
I agree with Ade but it is hard to see the anger. It does look like she's just having fun.
I don't know. I can see this as a toddler having a tantrum... ready to throw her shoe. It doesn't look like she's happily tossing her shoe, it looks like she's cranking up to heave the handiest object at the person she's mad at. If the horizon were straightened, then the kid would be at an angle, I think it's fine. (Would help if her hair didn't block the eyes though)
I have a little girl around the same age, and let me just say I have seen that pose and facial expression many times before. It is absolute anger (and I like that you took the shot from far enough away not to get hit from a flying shoe) :P
I agree with adein,
agree with kyricom
I think it would look nice with the horizon straightened, but it doesn't look bad like this. So that makes it one of the cases where it's up to the artist, sometimes the horizon HAS to be straight but in this case I think its fine. My only suggestion would be to brighten it up a bit, it's a nice day at the beach, with it being this dark it looks kinda muddy.
Howdie stranger!
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Howdie stranger!
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