Photography Pictures: Coathanger

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Ye Old Coathanger - created by Angloaussiekiwi

Ye Old Coathanger
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Do i need to say? (5 years and 3054 days ago)

avatar locksmagic

Yes you do need to say Author, there will most likely be members who don't know where this is.

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Hacked [banned] says:

Where is it ?

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Looks like Sydney to me.

author says:

It's Sydney. Might have know Americans wouldn't know where anything is. Saw this show once where they were showing a bunch of people in New York a map.Then asking them to point to where Iran was during Desert Storm, and a whole bunch of them pointed to Australia.......How ironic is that.

avatar McCool
McCool says:

Yes - its the Sydney Harbour bridge or more affectionately known as "Coathanger"

author says:

I have asked for this to be removed

avatar locksmagic

Ah yes bash American's for being stupid there's a way to make friends on this site.

Just to clarify, I do know where this is and the actual name of it. I made the comment to try and help you, apparently I shouldn't have tried to help because obviously being American I'm too ignorant and uneducated to possibly know famous landmarks of major cities of the world.

You say you saw a show that showed Americans not knowing where Iran was, wow that proves a whole lot. Because it would make a ton of sense for them to show the ones who actually knew where it was now wouldn't it. Next time you try and make a point like that perhaps you shouldn't use an example that makes you look as gullible as that t.v. show hopes you are.

Another tidbit of info for you, the other guy who questioned where this is... isn't an American.

author says:

I wouldn't have said stupid....just ignorant, in it's true un-insulting form. Look here is an article Written by an American from Boston that sums up what i mean very well. They even mention New Zealand where i am living at the moment. Which will give you a look at how Kiwi's view the world.

Anyway Locksmagic don't be offended read the article and you will know what I am trying to say.

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

This is all getting rather silly, there are ignorant people everywhere. Many in USA, but are there a larger percent of ignorant people in USA than in other countries, I doubt it.
Lets keep this fun and friendly.

Howdie stranger!
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