- Camera: SONY
- Camera model: ILCE-7S
- Exposure time: 1/160
- Aperture: f/5.0
- ISO: 10000
The smoke effect (5 years and 566 days ago)
I used car headlights to illuminate the snow, and it turned out to be a pretty good effect :) (5 years and 1147 days ago)
I like what you did, those headlights work well. After all we say photography is all about "painting with light" and you show this well. I think that child is very hardy to be outside in that blizzard with just a t-shirt! Nice movement here and we can really engage with the image. Also,that off centered compositional style suits the "movement" feel. Brrrr, nice!
Thank you so much @still26!! I know, I was pretty lucky that night to have the lighting did =D
Have you tried changing this to b/w high contrast? I think you could have a lot of fun with this photograph in filters as well...try the "stamp" filter if you have one, just to give you an abstraction.
Thanks @still26! Do you mean in Photoshop or in Filter Forge?
Any filter at all. I think this photo would lend itself to some good manipulation, it is a goood shot with minimal colour palette. Just a suggestion for you....to play with during these cold winter months!
Thank you so much! So could I do that in Photoshop? I know, sometimes the winter can seem long and cold =D I've seen you've given a lot of advice on people's photos and I think that's good
Dear Heart,
I am new here so do not enter any contests after speaking with me because I may guide you incorrectly. This is just advice for you to do at home. Take the photo, go into photoshop, go up to "ARTISTIC" filter and choose anyone and monkey with that photo until something comes out that you really like. There is something our teachers in photography used to say "try to bring the photo a touch above normal" try to make it better somehow, not ordinary...it's just about creativity and listening to your artistic angel sitting there on your shoulder. Most importantly have fun.
Thanks! Will try that!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 2491 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 2493 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 2494 days ago)
You'll need to post 4 photos in the SBS in this order: 1. Original photo 2. Lightened to produce "overexposed" image 3. Overexposed image blurred out of focus. 4. The final result of how your image looks after you put them together
Why do we need to post the final result in the SBS, that is always done automatically.
I keep trying and it says the upload completed, but it won't come into the bottom where I edit the step. I've tried doing it separately and tried selecting all four.
I figured it out. Two of the images were over 5 MB so it wouldn't upload them. I got it now
Love it
Very well done! Congrats
Howdie stranger!
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Just looked through your website, some lovely images there, Fred. Life in Rotterdam looks anything but boring! I like this upload but wish to know more about it.
Sh.t... forgot to remove the text. . It is the band called rushka and they are on a free festval called waterpop
Hey, that is good advertising! You can still take this down and re-upload, but I don't think it matters because most of us don't know you as Fred. (but the secret is out now
I changed it.. before the mods got a hold on it

hahahaha.. But my really real name is a bit longer.. fred is just short
Howdie stranger!
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