Photography Pictures: Formed

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[un]formed - created by submarines

Favs: 4SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 3/44Score: 62.4% (25)11116 views

(5 years and 3282 days ago)

avatar Mario
Mario [banned] says:

Instant fav

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

Doesnt look BW to me

no avatar
sersherw says:

love it!

author says:

ibmaxed=> it's BW with cross process. I mean that there you can find blue tones ..thank you for your insight.

Your comments are important for me.Thank you all!

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

The guidelines state BW, not duo tone or cross tone. Bw to me is simply BW ,no colour tone at all.

no avatar
erincboyd says:

this is wonderful! gl.

author says:

oh, sorry ibmaxed. so maybe you will remove my photo. I don't understand this website. whao, it was a bad idea to register. Darlin' you are unfriendly.haha. God bless youDDDD

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

What do you mean unfriendly? i was only stating what the rules say, If it doesn't abide it will usually get red flagged and or removed by the mods. The image is nice but imho is not bw.

avatar locksmagic

Author, please don't take offense. ibmaxed is just trying to help, he's right the contest guidelines ask for a black and white photo of a chair. Since there is some color here it's technically not black and white. To make sure this wonderful entry doesn't get pulled you should probably convert it to grayscale.

avatar dato_t
dato_t says:

Agree with ibmax and locksmagic

avatar CrystleClear

its still blue..haha watch it win. plus there is no high res..

avatar karaflazz
karaflazz says:

Just turn it to b&w will still be as beautiful as it is right now.
All so a HIGH RESOLUTION would be nice ( for us to judge your work more closely ).

author says:

OK. I can convert it in BWBWBW, but it is bx with tones.sorry...
But in my opinion art and photography ..ou, whatever.

High resolution?, this photo is 7mb. i am a roomie in this website, so later maybe i will understand everything here.
Thank you for you opinions.

author says:

By the way, please tell me how to put new image here, i mean converted. if i have to put it again??

DOn't be angry friends.

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

after you convert it to black and white only, go to "my stuff" and then "my contest entries" and find the entry. click on "edit entry" Once there click on "browse" under "entry description" and browse for your new black and white photo. Once you find it and click on it, go down and make sure you click on the box that says "Also save full resolution image" and then click "save changes"
What happens is when you upload, pxleyes will resize the image so it fits nicely on the pages you see. But when you upload the high resolution, members can click on "Hi-res" and see the full sized photo, your original.
The guidelines are very specific here, so it is important to read the descriptions good and also check out the rules and guidelines for photography under the Help tab at the top.
Please don't leave though because your photo is very nice, it just has to be specific to the guidelines.

author says:

k5683 I would like to thank you in advance for your help. )
Does it look better now?

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wonderful!!! Great photo. So glad you got it on theme because it is beautiful work! Good Luck!

author says:

hurray! Thank you! )

avatar locksmagic

Great job Author! I know this website can be kind of picky and hard to understand at times but you'll catch on quickly enough.

author says:

I believe that one day everything will be ok. Thank you for your support.

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

Much better...GL

author says:

I am happy that you like it now.
Sorry if i looked angry.

avatar dato_t
dato_t says:

author says:


avatar k5683
k5683 says:

you're welcome. this really is an awesome photo! glad you figured it out

author says:

This photo was taken in mysterious place. it was in factor of gunnery, which is closed. All rooms were empty and in one hall I saw this chair. .

Howdie stranger!
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