Photography Pictures: Freeze

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Entry number 90971 - created by rgnestle

Entry number 90971
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 41/47Score: 57.8% (0)12785 views

A shot I took of the top of my car after a surprise freeze one year. (5 years and 2315 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!closeup, close, ice, crystals, freeze

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Freeze - created by Stoli4naq

Favs: 4SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 2/47Score: 73.8% (39)13292 views

Cropped, no other adjustments post- or in-camera. Only me, light and the camera.

Apologies to all who had voted - I had to re-upload the entry as I'd forgotten to upload the full-resolution image from the first go. Sigh. Sorry everybody.

And hope you like my photo - it took me hours, literally, to set up :)) (5 years and 3020 days ago)

author says:

Okay, I give up - high resolution would not load, sorry everybody.
Oh well, I still find this pretty, hope you do too

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Beautiful, don't know why you had trouble uploading the High Res. There is a limit to the size you can upload, about 5mg I think, you don't need to upload your images anywhere near that size, 2.5 - 3.5 mg is plenty big enough. You just have to remember to tick "Also save full resolution image."
You can still go to, My Stuff, My entries, find this entry, select edit entry and then tick 'Also save full resolution image.".
you don't need to upload the entry again.

author says:

Thank you, friiskiwi!!!

Mystery solved - that's the size it is, apparently I'd cropped it quiiiiite a bit (looking at the original photo now ).

so that's a little pretty something - if anybody is interested, I could upload the non-cropped image (and we can chat about whether the way I cropped it were a good way to go....

then brush each others hair and have tea ) )

avatar ctbugan
ctbugan says:

Awesome set up and picture. Great job author.

author says:

Thank you guys - i've had some friends asking what equipment I used for this: good old canon 450 plus somewhat crappy kit lens and a led torch. Blue colour is from white balance maxed to eat all the warm colours. Hardest bit was to get the darn thing in focus - but hey, it is doable even with crappy equipment! so if you like macro - go for it even before you've invested in a macro lens!

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

I suggest you still tick the save full resolution, as we can get a better look at it then. it's such a great image.

author says:

hey friiskiwi - I have tried that three times, it just would not save the hi resolution.
It has worked fine with all my previous uploads in various contests, this is the first time I am having such a silly problem...

Thanks for your kind words though...

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Vivitar Classic - created by kpizz33

Vivitar Classic
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 28/47Score: 56.3% (0)6735 views

My 285 HV in a snowstorm. (5 years and 3698 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!Vivitar, Classic, flash, snow, freeze

Howdie stranger!
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