Photography Pictures: How (page 2)

results 6 - 10 of 90

How the dice roll - created by Ory

How the dice roll
Favs: 2SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 1/9Score: 70.9% (41)19288 views

(5 years and 2563 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

really well done

author says:


(5 years and 2563 days ago)

avatar Chrys Rizzo

Like the photo and can understand how fast you must be to take this photo. GL

author says:

Thanks, it was quick timing. Had to do it a few times.

(5 years and 2561 days ago)

avatar khan.pakeezah

perfect timing... nice capture!

author says:

Thank You

(5 years and 2561 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Would you mind telling us your camera settings for this? Curious how fast a shutter speed is needed in this low light to freeze the dice. Very nice shot.

author says:

No problem. The speed was 1/400th, ISO 320 and Aperture f8.0. Hope that helps.

(5 years and 2561 days ago)

BeSea says:

Thanks for that author.

(5 years and 2560 days ago)

avatar ctbugan
ctbugan says:

The timing, composition, and choice of black and white are great in this image. Great job author.

author says:

Thank you for the kind words.

(5 years and 2561 days ago)

avatar Heathcliffe

brilliant. hope you win with this one.

author says:

Thanks, I hope so too

(5 years and 2560 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

This is really nice, but it looks like it has a vignette, which is not allowed

author says:

But the dodge and burn tools are allowed. That is what I used to create the vignette. I wasn't sure the reaction to that. But since it has been 3 days without being pulled or any comments until now I figured it was alright.

(5 years and 2560 days ago)

avatar meatman
meatman says:

Since when are the dodge and burn tools allowed ? Since they are not affecting the photograph "as a whole" , but just parts of the photo, I thought they were not allowed. Maybe I am wrong.

author says:

If you look in the forums for the topic "dodge and burn" you will find the discussion on it. Mistermonty himself said it was allowed.

(5 years and 2560 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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How it falls - created by erinfihe

How it falls
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 9/9Score: 58.6% (0)3434 views

my little winter wonderland :) (5 years and 2583 days ago)

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Now how do I use this camera? - created by friiskiwi

Now how do I use this camera?
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 6/9Score: 65.2% (1)6795 views

(5 years and 2594 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Step One: Ditch the Canon and get a Pentax!

author says:

Rather liked the scene, In the middle of an African National Park, expensive camera, but has to read the manual.

Did you get him to join

(5 years and 2593 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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"Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, 'My dear Scrooge, how are you? W - created by Chrys Rizzo

Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, My dear Scrooge, how are you? W
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 2/9Score: 66.1% (32)23857 views

Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, 'My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me? (5 years and 2627 days ago)

author says:

Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, 'My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

we don't seem to have a photo here?

author says:

I think that it was a problem at the site yesterday I could not place the photo, but now it's ok, I hope...tks friiskiwi

(5 years and 2626 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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how the cookie crumbles... - created by erinfihe

how the cookie crumbles...
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 9/9Score: 63.3% (0)5866 views

cookies are amazing, but in a set!!! even better :D (5 years and 2642 days ago)

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Howdie stranger!
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