Yup another lust pic... (5 years and 3058 days ago)
(5 years and 3058 days ago)
It's a bit hard to read what's written there...."...isted tea"? Mmm, maybe you can make the pic again, but then more from front and more focused on the girl
. Good luck!
LOL! I'll have to wait until the next Bike week rally and that's in March to re-shoot but if I see her again I will get a shot more from the front just for you!!
Oh, and that's Twisted Tea!
Great shot! high marks. Was this at Daytona?
Yes, Daytona for Oktoberfest last weekend. What a fun time!
great find
Lovely author! Nicely taken!
I really like this one.. I find this one relating to given theme. nice work
Howdie stranger!
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What can I say...I think the argyle has a very slimming effect, don't you think? (5 years and 3145 days ago)
Pretty funny... you're right, those socks are driving me crazy!
WOW..... Just WOW............ I didn't need that image at all, then I voted and it made it SOOOOOOOOOO much worse.
What's sexy, is sexy, period!
haha definitely made me laugh!
Howdie stranger!
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cropped, sharpened, contrast (5 years and 3769 days ago)
So clear! Nice
Wow! Nice shot author : D.
Amazing shot..perfect!
Congrats for your second place, Iluvscrappy!
Howdie stranger!
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I don't quite see how a nude female necessarily connotes "lust." While the viewer may or may not feel the emotion by looking at her, her pose is not lustful, nor are her surroundings lusty...It's a fairly modest pose, and you cannot even make out if she has an expression of "lust" on her face...
IMO, this shows what one would lust after not necessarily the sin/act of lust being committed.
I agree the picture is open to interpretation. The subject could exhibit pride in her body for example. Lust depends on personal preferences, cultural norms ect… I tried to pick a nude form with softer surroundings, like the bed / sofa and window at night not in focus to portray lust. I didn’t want to show the face to create the feeling that this is a stranger. I also didn't want to make it overly provocative. I appreciate the feedback and see how I could have used facial features and setting, maybe even lingerie or candle light to create shadows and a more a lusty atmosphere.
This is an amazing example for lust! I love it author! In my opinion you did a good job not showing her face and just a little of her body, it shows that she knows what her sin is and she doesn't want to show her face for it!
Classy and well taken!!
Howdie stranger!
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