Photography Pictures: Nothing (page 5)

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Nothing left - created by friiskiwi

Nothing left
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 7/77Score: 60.8% (5)4309 views

(5 years and 3483 days ago)

avatar cocor
cocor says:

The red in the glass makes the shot very "live"...

avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Lovely shot..

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Soon you will feel nothing - created by Kare

Soon you will feel nothing
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 10/77Score: 59.3% (0)5307 views

(5 years and 3555 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Love the idea, but the picture looks a little noisy and out of focus. Maybe try it again with a flash or a lower ISO? In any event, GL!

avatar ziggyx2003
ziggyx2003 [banned] says:

i love it, lol

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

very creative!

author says:

Magicsteve, is that the speckling in the theatre ceiling you can see ? and since I don't work till tomorrow night, I can't reshoot it, unless you want to come be my patient

avatar magicsteve

No, the noise I see is most evident in the doctor's forehead. I think its just due to the low light conditions of the shot. And I don't think you'd want me as a patient :P

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nothing in life is free... - created by jadedink

nothing in life is free...
Favs: 2SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 9/77Score: 61.4% (0)6233 views

i am putting this up even with the chances of it being "off topic"
i realize its not "technically" grass. but... how many times has one heard it referred to as "grass?"

"cash, grass, or a$$ one rides for free." (5 years and 3577 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

yea boi!!!! i think its on topic... but thats just my opinion... i give this entry HIGH marks... lol..

avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

im not sure if its on topic, good luck though

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

There's nothing in the contest guidelines that says it has to LITERALLY be grass and well, this is what I think of when I think grass. NIIIIIISH entry!!! GL!!!

author says:

wow. i'm honored. jawshoewhah, thank you.
certainly my choice in what sort of grass i'd plant if i had my way.

avatar locksmagic

LOL this certinly isn't what I had in mind when I suggested this contest but as josh says I didn't mention anything about it having to be actual grass! I give you high marks for creativity alone

author says:

locksmagic, so it stays? if the person who came up with the contest can't call it "off topic" then i guess i'm doin ok.
perhaps you should have been a little more "specific" in your definition of grass. but thank you for not being, as it allowed me to enter something from a more creative standpoint.

author says:

Moderators seem to think i'm promoting the use of drugs with this entry. It will be removed because of such allegations. This is a HEMP plant. not smokeable marijuanna.

avatar adeincyprus

it isn't grass it is ot!

author says:

ade i get what you are saying. notice my description. i put it up with the risk of it being off topic. creative license.

whatever though. i'm done fighting you guys and your "limitations" on creativity.

avatar westfall
westfall says:

i have to vote to keep it.... the topic does not state "Blades of grass"... it says grass of any kind... and where i come from... that is referred to as grass.... ... if you want to stick to topic... you need to go out and red flag / pull halg the other entries that depict Hay, Wheat, Cactus, etc...
and if its being pulled for "Drug" reffrence..... then there shouldnt be any contests depicting "Pills", "Cigarette Smoke", "Six Pack", or any others with similar subject matter...

author says:

*definition of hemp*
hemp (hmp)n.
1. Cannabis.
*definition of cannabis*
can·na·bis (kn-bs) n.
1. A tall annual dioecious plant (Cannabis sativa), native to central Asia and having alternate, palmately divided leaves and tough bast fibers.

and if you refer to what the slang terms for cannabis is, "grass" is in that listing. which is where i can argue that this IS on topic. because of the fact i stretched the topic and it wasn't specifically stated that it HAD to be GRASS. i'm sure if you look up a few of the genus and species of these plants pictured, you'll find they aren't "GRASS" technically.
list of slang terms for cannabis
*educate yourself...or.... as the doormouse said...feed your head*

author says:

i thought the same thing when you guys were chopping photos in the anorexia competition. tasteless.
i wouldn't want my child seeing that.
but my kids were with me when we found this down by the river. My daughter didn't think anything about it. and honestly, it was mostly for humor til you guys decided to start saying this was "drug related" when i wasn't in anyway implying drug use. its a free growing plant.

avatar ziggyx2003
ziggyx2003 [banned] says:

The contest subject is grass, I am surprised that it has taken this long into the contest for this image to come up. I knew from the moment I read the contest goal that this was going to happen. I believe that if this was gonna be a problem it should have been stated in the goals that images of marijuana or hemp would not be acceptable.

I think it should stay, not because I promote the use of marijuana but because I think it is a perfectly legitimate picture of grass..... and the powers that be should have seen it coming.

no avatar
sjpeters says:

This was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title...

avatar cabldawg71

this should stay. it is not promoting anything and to me very much on topic. Author

avatar Glam0urGirl2007

off topic

author says:

thanks for your opinion glamourgirl. i'm sure you are the first one to think that.

avatar locksmagic

Ok obviously the mod's have final say, but here's my 2 cents. When I suggested this I made no mention of it having to be actual grass, that's my fault. But seeing this is referred to as grass by many people I say it should be allowed to stay. As far as promoting drugs goes I think that's crap, there is nothing in this shot that references using drugs, it's simply a picture of a plant that is growing naturally. If this is considered inappropriate then how on earth did my shot of what resembled a burning marijuana cigarette stay up? I don't agree with or encourage drug use in any way but this is a wonderful example of creativity, we are all supposed to be artists on here! If we fail to be able to think abstractly on something like this then we have no business calling ourselves creative thinkers. People are screaming to have this taken down yet there are still several entries on here where there isn't any grass at all in the shot literal or metaphorical!

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Wow author! Nice collection of comments. Don't ya just love controversy? I think you're going to do well just for controversy alone

avatar solkee
solkee says:

Speaking as an ex mod of the site (well the photoshop section anyway), there is no way that this entry should be removed. The Contest Goal asked for "The many different shapes, sizes and colors of grass can be found almost anywhere" and this is one of them. It is clearly on topic and not offensive in any way. If this has received multiple red flags then "all" the moderators should be asked their opinion and not just left to the mod doing the contest. It should also be put to the administration and I would be surprised if he said to remove it for being Off Topic. I'm not saying I approve of any drugs, this has nothing to do with that whatsoever. This is an entry that follows the theme and should remain. Otherwise it's another sad day at Pxleyes. Good luck author.

avatar sodoff
sodoff says:

Nice pic...ridiculous amount of controversy. Good luck with this on topic entry. Hopefully the creative aspect prevails.

author says:

Thank You all again, for your support in my endeavors. It is very much appreciated. I do respect the mods in most all of their decision making, and i generally tend to abide by the rules and regulations. this was in no means to blatantly step against those rules. it was merely and expression of creativity and by no means was it to be taken offensively. i wasn't meaning to promote drug use, just a beautiful plant that gets a bad shake in life. And for anyone thats watched a cheech and chong movie, that 70's show, or any other "retro" type ... this "grass" is definitely a valid and appropriate entry for the contest. So, to those of you that have left comments in your support, thank you. I hope it helps when the final decision is made. Whether it makes this a top 10 photograph or not, is another story. there are very many EXCELLENT entries out there in this contest that deserve as much attention if not more.

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Let it is a good shot

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Technically... calling this "grass" is what's called a "Fallacy of Equivocation." For example... "If you're starving, a cracker is better than NOTHING, but... NOTHING is better than sex! So therefore, a cracker is better than sex!" The middle term, "Nothing," is the same word but referring to two different categories. While this is disastrous in argumentation, it is essential for creativity.

Basically, the creative author used the undistributed middle term "Grass" to lead to this entry. But, s/he is making the "argument" (even if only implicitly) that it is on topic. The mods will decide that. Personally, I think it would be ironic if they restricted creativity on what's essentially an art site. Growing up in the 60's and 70's, we NEVERRRR had any experience with this type of "grass," but I'd vote to keep it if I had a vote at all.

author says:

NO, actually, i didn't state my ID in a forum. read the forum, if you so think to know all. And..nothing in life is free? and the caption in the description was to bring about the point that this is "GRASS" by the slang definition of such. is this political?? and what art in these days is NOT seen as political in some way???
Honestly, i'm thinking this is the most conservative art site i've ever seen. No nudity, and what is shown is tasteless at best, and the tasteful entries are always the ones to disappear.
you call this ot, but honestly, i've seen much more OT. and if i take a picture of astroturf and call it grass...would it be as acceptable? its not really grass. i watched a FAKE snake compete in the reptiles, along with a FAKE dinosaur. seriously, they weren't REAL reptiles anymore than this is REAL grass.
I didn't freely disclose my identity. There you are mistaken.
and yes. let the mods decide. and when this entry gets pulled, i will hope to see at least half of these other entries pulled for not really being GRASS.
again. nothing INTENTIONALLY supporting the use of drugs is evident in this photo. why not just ask me to change the description if that was the problem?

avatar cabldawg71

Solkee , locksmagic and a bunch of others are right on with this entry.
Totally on theme.
ps always heard the term grass for many years. kyracom lol you have a wonderful way with words

avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

I have been observing this whole controversy over a plant, pure and simple. It is a really nice picture in a contest. It in no way is promoting drug use, the stuff isn't dried and processed up there. How can this little plant threaten the welfare of anyone when kids and adults can view it in most parts of the countryside and on tv as well everyday. The marijuana leaf can be seen in all kinds of artwork due to its beautiful shape. I have never smoked the stuff nor would this little plant cause me to go out and get crazy and light up.

avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

I have suffered from chronic pain the majority of my life due to a nerve disease and I would have seriously considered this as a pain measure had it been legal in our state. The doctors said it would be something that would have had more of a chance and not been addictive like the narcotics that I had to have to make it through the day. How can this tiny plant cause people to be offended?? Enough of my two cents worth, I really hope this doesn't get pulled!!!

author says:

i find it funny that certain members find the need to comment on my entry and then remove their comments after i've had a chance to comment back to them. There is no bigger waste of time than believing to have an opinion and then not having the courage to stand up behind that opinion. Courage or not....If you believe something, stand behind it. Even if its not the "popular" belief. I've enjoyed sitting back and watching how all this has gone and I'm suprised that it caused this much of an issue. Thank you for your comments Dollmommy, kyricom, cabldawg, and every one else.

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Someone was crying about one of mine so I removed it. They were gonna tell on me.....

avatar cabldawg71

Right on dollmommy, and there you have it.
point has been well made.

avatar westfall
westfall says:

YAY. it made it thru the cut!!.. congrats.. 9/93 aint bad considering all the people who prolly voted it low just cuz they are closed minded!

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Great take on this.

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Just doing... nothing - created by Darla

Just doing... nothing
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 32/77Score: 56.1% (0)3795 views

a perfect sunset at Balaton lake in Hungary (5 years and 3598 days ago)

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he doesnt no nothing - created by javeedahamed

he doesnt no nothing
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 10/77Score: 49.1% (0)3299 views

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

not really seeing what this has to do with manners or I missing something?

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