This is my room. My place to get work done, do photography and whatever else. It's all the personal space available in my shared flat.
To make this more interested, I have devised a hidden object game where you have to find certain items amongst all my mess.
Hidden Objects:
1. Squishy Pig Stress Ball
2. Broken Beer Glass
3. Birthday Badge/ Pin
4. Baseball
5. Globe stress Ball
6. Ebony Rhino
7. Spare Mouse
8. Pen Knife
9. Backstage Pass
10. Paintbrush
PS, I am hoping it will be okay but the panorama in such a tight space left a big leftover area in the bottom right. I loved the shot and concept of this piece so I filled it with straight black, hope it does not get removed for this reason. (5 years and 3301 days ago)
Oh and it was 24 separate pictures
It looks wonderful in HR, and I can see everything in great detail, and I really like how you got the dof here, it almost looks 3D in the kitchen part of the picture. I did find the piggy so far. Oh and your reflection - HI = )
Well, I'm not sure about the list, but I do see 12 energy drinks sitting there.
I hope you realize that those drinks are terrible for you. Most brands have an average of 3 grams of sugar per ounce. If those are 12 ounce cans, you have 36 grams of sugar per can, or over an OUNCE of sugar per can (28 grams in an ounce). So, your 12 cans would represent 432 grams of sugar! That equals a bit over 15 ounces of straight sugar, or just a little under a pound of straight sugar. Would you sit there with a spoon and eat a pound of sugar? Plus, if your brand is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup it's even worse. That's not even taking into consideration the massive amounts of caffeine those drinks have, which has awful health effects in their doses. If those have been collected from over the past year it's probably ok, though. 
I LOVE the idea of a scavenger hunt in this picture. I'm actually kind of bummed I didn't think of it first. :P Photo-wise its an excellent shot and I agree that the DOF is great. Nice job!
well done
an excellent effort, although, in theory, you should not have filled the space with black, it is sort of against the rules.
Great shot author...best of luck
I can tell you what is wrong in this shot: you have a 2010 IKEA catalogue: hurry up, throw it away, they have already published the new one!!!
Wow cocor, now thats commitment to notice the titles of one of the books!
WOW!!! And I thought I had a lot of crap!

Nice details and excellent in high res. Now clean your room, throw out the energy drinks and switch to coffee.
I like your hangover companion book, can I barrow it = )
Howdie stranger!
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