Photography Pictures: Of (page 124)

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Tears of Joy - created by TwilightMuse

Tears of Joy
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 20/56Score: 62.6% (0)9911 views

(5 years and 2769 days ago)

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Flight of Fancy - created by photogirl723

Flight of Fancy
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 43/56Score: 62.2% (0)4375 views

(5 years and 2769 days ago)

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Home of the Jolly Green Giant - created by jscyphers

Home of the Jolly Green Giant
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 29/56Score: 62.5% (0)8141 views

This image was taken in the town of Pomeroy Washington.

As a child I had frequent nightmares of the Jolly Green Giant chasing me and yelling that he was going to eat me because I had been eating his children with my dinner. As I got older the nightmares stopped, but were not forgotten.
My husband and I had gone to see a concert in Seattle and on the way back while driving through Pomeroy Washington, out of the corner of my eye and old abandoned building caught my attention. I had my husband pull over so I could take a closer look.
As soon as I entered it I had an overwhelming feeling of Déjà vu, I knew I had been there before, and it gave me the creeps. I took some photos headed for home.
Not far from the creepy building we stopped at a convince mart for gas, I asked the cashier if she know what the old building use to be. She informed me that it was the old Jolly Green Giant packing plant.
When we got home I called my older brother to tell him of my weird afternoon and asked him if he remembered me having the nightmares about the Jolly Green Giant. He laughed and laughed. He then informed me that when I was around two or three years old, my dad had built a warehouse next to the old abandoned plant and when visiting the job site he took me in and told me that the Giant was after me because I ate his babies for dinner.
(5 years and 2770 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Freaky story. It's a wonder anyone grows up normal

avatar Wayne Cheah

Yea, a woman never forgets

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Hail and Daffodils - created by Barbara Watson

Hail and Daffodils
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 17/56Score: 59.1% (0)3996 views

(5 years and 2771 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Nice take on the theme

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vtnerf says:

How is this on theme? It typically rains or hails when flowers are blooming. And without them in the title, they would hardly be noticed as they aren't a focal point.

author [banned] says:

This theme has produced a lot of controversy. I think that almost each one of the entries could be questioned in one way or the other, because weather happens. Everything from late snow on flowers or chairs , a rainy day, a stormy day or a rainbow are not really unusual. Most require explanations to "get" it. The term "dichotomized" means divided or opposed, not unusual. Spring flowers and hail are divided and opposed. The focus is the hail. The daffodils show that it is spring. Hail is rare here.

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vtnerf says:

True, weather happens, but it is asking for "opposed" seasons. Hail is typical in the spring and summer, when flowers are blooming. While blooming flowers and hail may be opposed, they don't completely represent clashing or crossing seasons. It is a narrow theme, I'll give you that.

author [banned] says:

Hail is not typical around here.
The theme also says, "Sometimes you'll have a sunny day, but it's raining in the distance.", so opposing seasons are not the whole idea, and many of the entries show rain and sun together, which is not that unusual but it is opposing. Certainly a great deal of confusion here, and I guess that it is up to the voters to decide the outcome by their own interpretation.

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Baths of Caracalla - created by nikita61

Baths of Caracalla
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 38/56Score: 56.8% (0)3384 views

(5 years and 2772 days ago)

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