(5 years and 2979 days ago)
(5 years and 3085 days ago)
Author do you have a bigger image? TBH I have no clue what I'm looking at...
Sorry if I sound rude but I'm a bit clueless here, please help me!
Looks like a recently extinguished match.
haha, robvdn it's a match that has just gone out, sorry but my camera is actually awful and that's about as clear as i can get it ! sorry, didn't mean to confuse you it's a match with a lamp in the background
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(5 years and 3447 days ago)
this is a very interesting concept.. hhmm.. I'll try this for sure..
very clever, and different.
awesome job---In my opinion, it would be neat without the hand in there.
is that a cig or something else? LOL I've tried this before blowing the smoke from my cig to the bubble but only got it once and it popped before I could snap the shot. LOL Great pic though!!!
I think I know who you are. How did you get the bubble to stay open like that? This is definitely unique! GL!
I think there may be some confusion here, which I guess is a good thing because it means I made it look real The bubble is not being filled with smoke, I blew the bubble first with smoke then caught it on the wand and held the cigarette under it and let the smoke rise up and over it.
@k5683 I tried cropping out the hand but it looked strange just having part of the cigarette in the frame, but thanks for the suggestion
giggle! so smart! wow! such a great image! such a bad habit! but such a really great image...
I like the hand, and the fact that the image is tall and narrow, it really works great! The light is almost perfect! another very impressive shot author!
Very creative thinking, and I like the hand in the shot.
You magician, no photographer!
ROFL @ cocor
great image author!
Ok really silly observation, I like the hand in this picture, the only thing I would do for next time is use hand lotion so that the skin around the nails doesn't look dry as it reflects the light more it seems. But other wise super awesome shot, very creative, and I wish I had thought of that.
Actually it's not that silly, I was trying to figure out what was off about the hands and thats it, thanks for pointing it out
Cool shot. Reminds me of my childood when my dad would do that for us kids - until he died from lung cancer
Well now kyricom, that's nice and cheery
I'm glad you like my photo, but I'm sorry to hear about your dad.
After doing this shot, and others like it in the past I wonder how people can willingly smoke cigarettes, I feel like I should bleach my mouth every time I'm done!
ummmmm... then do yourself and your family (present and future) a HUGE favor and quit. The smoke bubbles were cool, but I'd rather have my dad
Lol kyricom, I don't smoke! Never have, never will. I just use cigarettes as props once in a great while. One time I accidentally inhaled a bit of it and coughed my lungs out for the next half hour!
*phew* Glad to hear it. I thought you were smarter than that, glad to know it's true.
hmm....this is what i think exactly when i read finish the contest details ...what came to my mind is ... smoking and bubble combined together....and i didn't smoke so i am waiting for peoplpe to come up with this kind of entries ...WELL DONE!
CONGRATS!!!! THis is one picture I had to keep coming back to because it was so unique and just abssolutely wonderful!
Congrats, and glad you didn't think I was being silly = )
CONGRATS!! One of my fav's!
Howdie stranger!
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Che's (I guess) graffiti that I accidently run into on St.Petersburg streets. (5 years and 3464 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3479 days ago)
Interesting take in the theme author, well done.
Excellent shot! And we have yet to see clarification as to whether or not the overflowing object must include liquid, so until we here otherwise I consider this to be on theme. GL!
Hrmmmmm... If this was done with dry ice, then it isn't really "smoke" - it just looks like it. It would basically be frozen condensation from the air (I think). I guess that would mean it was from moisture, which is water. Soooooo, technically, I guess it would be water overflowing from the glass.
( IF it is dry ice)
Technically its in a gas state not a liquid state. Dry ice needs to be colder than -69 F to stay in a solid state other wise it turns to a gas. I doubt its below -60 in the picture. Probably why its called DRY ice.
The second sentence of this contest reads as
"Create an artistic shot of anything overflowing." The contest guidelines DO NOT specify whatever is over flowing has to be a liquid. Sure, it's insinuated because liquids are typical of overflow but anything is STILL "anything".
Entry is ontheme, "Create an artistic shot of anything overflowing." Anything is the key word here and this line in the description tell you what the goal of the contest is.
very nice shot
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Cool. My dad used to make smoke bubbles for us (before he died of lung cancer)
i'm sorry about that. This is a fog bubble machine though. Thought cause the fog was water vapor or something it wouldnt set off the smoke detectors.... I was wrong. Lol
That's because fog machines work by burning small amounts of a chemical in short, pulsed, bursts to produce the "fog." It's not just water vapor like real fog...
Oh.ok. guess i jad to learn it the hard way like not pourin hot water on boiling oil! Lol
So mossy...fog or smoke isn't fog or smoke because it's not just water (H2O) vapor? As a firefighter and smoker...I happen to know that fog, smog and smoke are normally made of several hundred products of combustion, no matter what the source...does it sincerely matter? Does it warrant such a response? IMHO, NO! The effect is the same...as a matter of fact the Author never claimed these bubbles were 'full of fog' but rather 'smoke'....smoke is a by-product of combustion, containing from 10's to 100's of different chemicals depending on the temperature of the chemical and physical reaction...
Excellent lighting! Love it!
Howdie stranger!
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