(5 years and 2824 days ago)
(5 years and 2932 days ago)
Absolutely wonderful... Good luck author..
How did you get those sparks behind the figure? Cause I don't remember or know of any lego figure or anything else that would do that.
Howdie stranger!
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yeah i hope people will get this one! its a reference from the batman films. also no plagiarism of this quote is intended! (5 years and 3129 days ago)
yap its cool man good luck
Howdie stranger!
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Lightning strikes. Exposure 8 seconds. Rain storm, wet ground...metal tripod. I survived! (5 years and 3186 days ago)
Cool. I would love to do some lightning shots, but we never get bolts. Not sure I'd use a metal tripod though. Nice shot
Wow this is beautiful, I dream of getting a shot like this, but like Mark we don't get storms like that here. The last few thunderstorms Ihave encountered in other places have had tropicla rain at the same time.
Howdie stranger!
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I guess I should have explained what I meant by this picture as far as the theme is concerned.
Man has (as kyricom stated in the comments) tried to tame nature by using oil for our own purposes and wealth. When the leak happened, it has now forever effected the gulf coast and probably more. We no longer have a beach to go to because its covered in oil and the wildlife/plantlife are also suffering.
Nature is giving us a big slap in the face by ruining all this for us. She's covered "in oil" because maybe she decided to go swimming and thats the price mother nature has now for using her oceans. Its the price we pay for fighting nature. Therefore, this shows that mother nature is striking back.
Note: Of course this is not real oil, but it is on a beach here in South Louisiana. We used chocolate cake batter and bbq sauce for fake oil. It was a great photoshoot. Originally done for a poster contest to benefit oil victims! (5 years and 3582 days ago)
Note: The model is Brittany Domangue from Houma, LA.
It is definitely a unique take on the theme and kinda sexy too! GL!
Great shot, but isn't oil man polluting his own world, rather than nature fighting back.
I think it's nature fighting back. Let me explain. We inflict this disaster of oil spills on nature by going to radical extremes, just to get the precious crude. Sometimes, like in offshore drilling, we drill thousands of feet below water, hence fighting nature, and the depth of the ocean and the pressure from the weight at that depth, that can cause accidents. So therefore, it is definitely on theme, for nature is fighting back with extreme ocean water depth pressure.
Besides, we can't remove this, it's just too professional looking. In fact I almost wanted to question the validity on it because it looked very pro (but I'm not) so once again, GL!
you heard it here guys, it can't be removed cause it looks too professional, theme be damned.
Well I think its on theme because oil is natural, not human
Good Luck Author.....
Good one - I think it's on theme and well done into the bargain
I think it's definitely on theme. I remember when I was growing up on the gulf coast and they were going to start off-shore drilling in the 70's. There was a HUGE uproar. People were freaking out and screaming about the possibilities of accidents and spills. "No, no" we were told. "The chances of that are so microscopic it's not even worth considering." It's obvious that (as usual) industry got their way. And, it's also obvious that the risks of an accident were NOT so microscopic. Government oversight became lax and corrupt (under both Republican and Democrats for decades) and industry did what industry does - run things at the lowest cost possible to maximize profit. We'll be seeing the results from this for decades (Exxon Valdez was 20 years ago but there's still oil under the sand of their beaches). Basically, it's on theme because man tried to tame nature for his own purposes, and nature said "screw you, here's what happens." And, as long as the author took the picture themselves, how "professional" it looks is irrelevent. Don't we all try to look professional (although they should have gotten that spot between her eye and nose)?
wow, too professional!!!? lol. thanks for the huge compliment!
i live near grand isle, la and we wanted to do a oily bikini girl photoshoot, so we mixed up some chocolate cake mix and bbq sauce and put it on her for the shoot. there were military officials, bp officials and sheriffs riding up and down the beach telling people to stay on the sand side of the orange "tiger dams" because the oil is washing on shore as we speak.
i have plenty more shots including when she started putting on the fake oil to prove they're my pictures. in fact, we damn near got arrested tho we did nothing wrong
funny thing is, everyone that stopped us (that could do anything about it anyway) just laughed and said to clean up after we were done and drove off.
If you're interested in the model, here's her page.
Well it's already been said but I like to see myself talk so I'll add my
2 cents I don't think there is any question of weather or not this is on theme, man comes in and does what he wants with no regard to anything but profit, and mother nature says f off and pukes all over a ridiculously hot chick.
Great shot, but what is up with the smudge next to the model's hip? Looks like something was Photoshopped out. Is that true, or am I grasping at straws?
@magicsteve: you know its funny you should say that, because I literally noticed it a second ago in my file and came here to see if it was there and saw you noticed it lol. i just fixed it and i'm resubmitting it
thanks, good eye
Very well done Author!! Way to capture current events! Kudos!!...
And as Steve said... whats the smudge about?
I see that spot too. hmmm This is an awesome shot and a very creative take on the theme. I guess it is up to the mods what they want to do because they are the ones to decide whether they wanted pictures made to look like nature took over, or whether they wanted pictures of the real nature taking over. Hey, since you were there, why didn't you take pictures of the actual oil coming in?
Beautiful picture though.
There's also a smudge just below her chest on the model's left side, don't know how I missed it before perhaps I was distracted
by the way, this is the way a model should be! She has meat on her bones and she is very sexy!
In the light of current media outcry I believe that this entry is well on topic, professional or not ... well done author
@k5683 - i took other pictures too. i'm from 2 hours away from the gulf so i figured i would make a trip. if you want to see the actual oil, msg me your email and i'll show ya.
@locksmagic - as far as that smudge....i have no idea lol. i didn't mess with it there, might just be an awkward spot of reflective light who knows lol. i'll see if i can make it look more natural tho, thanks
Fingerprints....heh, heh...! LOL!
and what kind of annoys me, is i posted this series of shoots on modelmayhem.com and asked for a critique and i got nothing but hate opinions mostly because i apparently didn't get the point across unless I explain the picture. oh well.
some people are just blind author...........but, in fairness, what doesn't help in this shot, is the lack of pollution on the beach in the background.........imo, that would have helped your case immensely.......
actually theres plenty, its just blurred because of the depth of field.
ha ha, the REAL question is......who ate the cake afterward???
Congrats! Well deserved win!
Howdie stranger!
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Wow amazing shot!
Waiting the rain at the window...
Howdie stranger!
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