If trees could experience fear, what would they be afraid of? It's up to you to decide. Create an entry that shows us what barking horrors stalk trees, and put some real emotion into a typically emotionless tree.
Required level: 5+ or higher. Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
GolemAura: Barking Horrors?.. thats a new one LOL ( 5 years and 3806 days ago )
gotmeamuse: tHIS OUGHT TO ROCK! ( 5 years and 3806 days ago )
ponti55: ...WHAT?! xD ( 5 years and 3805 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
*lol* Poor tree Funny and fantastic idea and execution. The trees expression is priceless and I really like the small branch on his nose. And I'm totally in love with the grass, even though I don't know why. It just looks so "alive" Good luck!
That's by far the sweetest beaver I've ever seen! Very good drawing and especially a very good job with the facial expressions. So cute and funny Good luck!
Could this possibly be one of those creatures that go through Ohio in the name of the electric company and truly mis-shape and 'murder' our roadside trees????? Good job!
hehehehe.. well shuck my corn and call me grits
I really enjoyed this piece. Can I use it as a Desktop? I like how you included your sketch.
xcellent wrk..................................gl
Great expression on the tree like the woodf##er as well
nice feather work on the bird. great image over all. GL >
awesome work
good idea nice
Very nice colors, textures, sky, .......... I like it very much. Congrats for this job.
Superb work...........G/L Author.
piece of art
Gotta love your sense of humor!
Absolutely wonderful!! Love the style!!

Awesome! Good luck with the contest.
*lol* Poor tree
Funny and fantastic idea and execution. The trees expression is priceless and I really like the small branch on his nose. And I'm totally in love with the grass, even though I don't know why. It just looks so "alive" Good luck!
beautiful job
Well done!
Congrats for your first place, mqtrf!
Congrats mqtrf 1 & 2, beautiful work
Congrats for 1st and 2nd.... mqtrf.... nice entries.
Congrats Mqtrf!
congratulations! very good work! love it!
Congrats for first and second!!
congrats mqtrf!
Congratulations for 1st
Did I ever tell you that I really love this image
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: