(5 years and 3762 days ago)
(5 years and 3759 days ago)
My first ever typography, please comment and help me improve please
For a first time, it's not bad but a little simple. Please upload a high res whenever possible. It will make a big difference at times how people vote. Still a better first entry that what I've seen.
i think for most of us, this is a first time with typography lol..... goodluck, it looks nice.
nice entry. GL
nice work,gl
very nice
Howdie stranger!
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no external source image used...hope its on theme... (5 years and 3765 days ago)
the name is not giving away my identity since no one knows who Jake Bian is anyway
i have seen this before posted on creative profiles around the internet, and unless you can PROVE that this is you, then you need to pull this and i will red-flag it. and by saying 'no one knows who Jake Bian is anyway' and talking in third person, rather than saying 'no one knows who i am anyway' pretty much is saying that this isnt your work because your referring to someone other than yourself. im not saying it ISNT you, but never-the-less assuming that this IS yours, it was created before this contest started, therefor making it null and void. so come back when you have something different
your steps author...
I must say I'm anoyed by the comments, I am a established artist and this piece created was featured on many websites, http://flareationalist.deviantart.com/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/40810155@N07/ and www.behance.net/flareationalist are all my profiles. Feel free to delete this mods. I'm truly dissapointed
If the artwork is yours, author, be brave and post a stp by step of how you made it. You can simply hide some layers and save as .jpg a few steps of your layers and one with the vector is enough
Looks very good, creative.
this truly is amazing work, but DO post a step by step guide. however, i'm not sure this is 100% on theme considering there are lots of brushes used here. you should also remove your name from the image. but nevertheless an outstanding entry!
it look awsome, very trippy infact. However rules state you need a SBS and names aren't allowed on images no matter what. I do hope you fix this before it is removed cause its good
Thanks everyone, I have just found the original psd on my computer, I'll upload a new version with sbs tommorow
You better be fast in providing your SBS or this will be removed.... It's a good work...
I really hope this piece of art is yours...Please post that SBS A.S.A.P...
Author please post your SBS so that everything would be clear for us. : D
ANNNYWHO... THIS IS HIS WORK.. he contacted me on his behance profile... never-the-less it was created before this contest... if i could use all my own personal artwork as contest submissions i would... hmmm... maybe ill just have to do that ^^
great work
Still without SBS,rules are clear,SBS is mandatory.This is great work,but rules are the rules...
MODS why is this entry not removed. The SBS is not clear enough that the author made this entry.
Oooohhh dear....let's see... 3d work and PS seem to confuse so many people...great creativity and concept... but ANSll art rules this competition!
how's the sbs not clear? I showed the original render generated from c4d.
The sbs is fine for me. I think this is an exception since it is an old image. You didn't expect to use it, thus not saving certain steps.
I think more than just one step would have been nice.
visually this is FANTASTIC. A few more steps in your SBS would have been great. I know it is hard with old creations. GL
I have to say the comments are really unfair here. You have created a beautiful pieve of work here, and i believe you when you sya that this is your work. This looks like a winner to me, and i wish you the best of luck author.
great job
Howdie stranger!
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You need to HIGH RES the image. If you look you will see that the apples are made out of the word. The flowers are made out of the word.... such as petal, stem and leaves :) eveything is made out of words, even her eyes are made from the word eyes etc etc..
Im sure you get my drift, but i made it really big for high res so you can see it all :) it does no justice being small lol (5 years and 3761 days ago)
Very clever indeed!
excellent, nicely done
fantastic. TRUELY on theme.
This is so sweet!
Hehe, very good.
very nice
Howdie stranger!
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Changed the background. Brushes were taken out. Used pen tool to draw the lines and then stroked them. Flowers were drawn using the letter 'd' from Arial. (5 years and 3764 days ago)
Too much space between SPRING & reflection...
if u might have added a dark back ground and some glow to the line..i may look better..any way gud work and i go with cmyk the distance to the reflection is high
reflection aside, this is a very good and refreshing entry
Thanks for your comments and suggestion people! Well, SPRING is supposed to be floating, hence the space between the word and its reflection. Besides, there is some lines that go beyond the border of some letters at the bottom. Ramananjv, I don't think that dark background goes well with spring I did ad glow to the lines, but it seems that the layer styles I applied spoilled it. I'll see about it.
The background is made with brushes? I dont think brushes are allowed?
MaXed: "It is allowed to design a creative background for your image, but this also has to be build from scratch, without any source images." Well, I built the background from scratch, creating my own brush. I used the letter "O"
@author. Then lot cooler
Very unique and color ful entry. I think people forget in this particular kind of contest, it's ok if the type looks floating because that's what I though of it when I saw it and no rules of gravity really apply so Well done.
I like this entry. although a dark background has been raised as an idea i like the brighter background. I think the spring idea has been presented well and i think the textured letters work in this creation. GL with your entry
Very bright and colorful entry, Good job with it! GL
very nice
Howdie stranger!
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gud work..
What font(s) were used here?
CMYK to be honest i dont think he used font. its handdrawn .. so I this is not the point of the contest?
Ok... I"m here to bust chops... why? That's my job... lol! This is not a good entry.. like others... Type in your entry and then mod... not draw... yes other entries are not on theme and may win over yours... but hey I learned as young child growing up in the hood... life is not fair! You have some awesome drawing talent though...
lmao@ awsome drawing talent....... I could almost reach through the screen and give you a kiss rofl... xx
sorry not on theme for this comp. drawing of dogs is theme for drawing comp this week. you may like to look at that one author. GL
Are you trying to tell me that if I was to modify text to change its looks it wouldn't be on theme. Isn't this the same thing, it is still text in a different manner. Kind of like doing graffiti. GL
cute drawing; looks like a combination bt dog and ant; would have better chances of success in the drawing contest
Howdie stranger!
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