Excellent idea.. wonderful shadows and great use of source! What you could try to do is change the spots around to show that they are different ladybugs, but that's up to you. Good luck, and high marks from me!
Edit: Quick change!! Now it's a lot more convincing. Good luck!
author says:
Thanks Ponti Spots changed...
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
Great use of source, very unique. A little fuzzy in high res but ONLY in high res. I will still give it higher than average.
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Maybe give it more light, the vignette makes it very dark...
author says:
Nah, when I brighten it it looks to contrasted, and when I remove the vignette, it looks bad... I'll brighten it just a liiiiittle bit cause you're right about it being to dark =)
EDIT: Done. did +20 to the brightness, and it looks OK to me now. =)
Nice work! But a suggestion: instead of using a new layer filled with pure black, try to use, on this new layer, a very large soft black brush with 10% opacity, applying half of its diameter, or less, around the image border until you get satisfied with the result. You can always use the eraser tool with the same settings. It'll give you more control on your work and it'll look more natural Good luck!
author says:
Thanks Divair! I'll make sure to try it out with this image and update it if needed. =)
Great message and nicely done. I like that you took the time to make them different sizes etc.
author says:
Thanks. =) I also changed the spots on each one at first, but then I decided to leave them all the same, since it kinda fits the title even better. =) Tho, maybe I should've changed the spots on the blue one....? Nah, nevermind =)
Very nice idea,lighting is very good,maybe to make upper right corner a bit lighter because is closer to the central bug then lower left,and u have the same lighting on both sides...Beside that very nice final result...good luck author
author says:
Nah, I actually like the kinda 'asymetry' of the lighting compared to the blue bug.... The bug is already in the centre of attention.
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
The vignette was done well and I think it puts more focus on the blue one. Well done and good luck.
author says:
Thanks. =)
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The perspective on the purple one seems off compared to the rest other than that it's a nice idea. Great shadows too! Good luck.
Edit: Quick fix! Great job
author says:
Well put Ponti Thank you... Fixed.
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
I think a better title would be "rainbow bugs" but its your image. Very colorful. GL!
author says:
Believe me, Jawshoewhah, I first thought of 'Conspiracy' or something like that, but I was far from thinking of rainbow when I coloured the bugs Thank you!
Excellent idea.. wonderful shadows and great use of source! What you could try to do is change the spots around to show that they are different ladybugs, but that's up to you. Good luck, and high marks from me!
Edit: Quick change!! Now it's a lot more convincing. Good luck!
Thanks Ponti
Spots changed...
Great use of source, very unique. A little fuzzy in high res but ONLY in high res. I will still give it higher than average.
Howdie stranger!
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