Anorexia - Photoshop Contest [9 entries]

the thin effect Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

In this contest, your goal is to take a photo of a normal or overweight person, and turn him/her into a person that's suffering from anorexia. The thinner, the better. Make the person almost scary, creepy thin. Good inspiration for this can be found in Stephen King's "Thinner".

Required level: 8+ or higher.
Status: finished. Check out the winners below!

ponti55: hmmm.. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I was thinking "thinner" when i was reading the description. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
langstrum: do we have to take the photo by ourselves??? ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
annabat: I personally find this contest to be in poor taste. :/ ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
Jbern: ..... very poor choice for a contest theme. This site has, IMO, been very professional and a good environment to learn and have fun...I would hate to see any more themes like this ruining that... It kinda makes everyone on the site look stupid, naive, and childish to be honest... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
Nator: I agree with annabat this is in very poor taste...real people suffer from this! ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
wtfayla: i challange everyone to not enter this contest!!! it is in bad taste i agree ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
DigitalDreamer: I usually try to support and encourage challenges in contest when people are posting negative comments, but I have to agree with the above said. If you don't like it you don't have to enter it. Taking a fat person, well what if that person doesn't want to be made fun of in this way. Idk I guess we will have to see what happens. Good luck. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
CMYK46: How about just ditching this altogether and going with the next contest in the queue? ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
erikuri: Anorexia is a psychologic, food disturbance, not a funny stuff we can play. IT'S NOT FUNNY, better think about people that have the problem and can see this site. We can NOT offend people, we're here for fun and learning... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
erikuri: Sorry, it's my oppinion... but if we wish to keep the quality of this place... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
erikuri: We must have respect to the other one! ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
IDt8r: This is not something I care to enter or see. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
dollmommy: I have no interest in entering a contest like this one. Some of us have people close to us that have that very disorder. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
sunzet: How are we suppose to make comments like "Wow, you did a great job making this look natural" when the whole theme is so UNnatural. Beacuse of the the truly disturbing choice of contest I think the moderators should just replace it with f.e. this one. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
sunzet: ...or replace in to something else that still includes changing the way people look - f.e. from man to woman or vice versa. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
nasirkhan: Agree with above, replace theme with something other. I will also not enter. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
sunzet: It is also interesting that the suggester is not this for real or is it just some sort of joke... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
Feodora: The idea isn't new anyway, look at these images photoshopped by a german artist ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
kekskruemel: i think this contest isn't so bad. this is a got way to show how bad anorexia is. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
sunzet: Keks.: If you´re not really talent in photoshopping or have good knownledge about how anatomy, this can also come out very wrong and missleading. Putting that ino the hands of contesters here is not a great way of showing I think. What should the comments say "Good job, but not anorectic enough"? Feodora: Maybe a better way of doing this contest is to be free to just photoshop a human body. Those who wanna make them aneroctic or very overweight are then free to do so, but will probably not earn to many votes according to comments here. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
Giulia: I don't see why you people complain about this theme. Anorexia is an illness that people choose to have. If the contest would have been called "skinny" it wouldn't have been a problem for most probably. I don't think that it offends anyone or that it is of poor taste. If you suffer from anorexia, EAT. or get medical help. Now we are all sensitive and caring about the wrong things... And I see no lack of respect to anyone by this. There were a lot of extremely poor taste entries on PXL in the past and most found them funny... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
langstrum: I agree with Giulia. We can use the photo of someone who think it's acceptable. Normally, in the source description of the model, I didn't see they mention anything about that one, so it's acceptable. Moreover, we can consider it as other contest such as movie makeup. Why didn't anyone complain when some people were terribly and disgustingly chopped? Sometime it's not less in hurting the model. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
sunzet: Alright, best thing to do might be to just call the contest something else than "anorexia" - it kind of locks the creativity and as some think it´s poor taste it would be an good idea... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
RAZ0R: love it! ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
RAZ0R: i mean, i agree with Giulia, if you dont eat, fuqya ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
erikuri: People say "if you suffer from anorexia, eat". It's easy to say when we are outside the problem. As I know, it's like a deep adiction, difficult to get out of. An anorectic person can be extremely weak and thin with the bones appearing, and even so feel fat... I agree with sunzet: at least changing the name of the contest is better - so people can do something about zombies or monsters, not about people with deseases. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
kathyw: I agree bad taste ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
cabldawg71: I am sorry but this is wrong. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
aleckh44: I like it! ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
JoeCacia: I am sorry to see all these comments, oh my, you all transform babies and kids to zombies or Aliens or something no one can see because of the PS work done, you change people into terrifying things and you are arguing on thing is already there? Already exist? This contest was done before and no one commented on it, we all have big people and very thin people in our families, it is not about families here, it is just a contest, either you go for it, either you don't,. It is just an opinion though. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
Drivenslush: If you changed the challenge to "FASTING GIRLs or BOYs" it would be better would fit the contest and make it possible for everyone to enter without the upset of anorexia (If I entered this contest I would create an image that would fit in with the fasting girls.. not anorexia.. but it is a VERYgood training exercise.. but I do agree that some entries will be in poor taste..but I also think that any suppression of expression isn't good.. to stop the contest now would be a blow to freedom of speech.. no matter how bad of tastel ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
ponti55: I do find this contest in very bad taste, but i also agree with the fact that it's just another contest... simply changing the name won;t exactly change anything... still, this shouldn't have been approved in the first place... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
Drivenslush: very good point ponti...this is definately a kerfuffle... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
Jbern: I think this would not have been a problem if the name and description to something a little less inconsiderate...still not a great contest idea IMHO but not offensive to anyone... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
kyricom: NO! I would add my voice to those who consider this contest in the poorest of taste. Those who say things like "just eat" obviously do not have ANY understanding of the disease. They won't eat because they view themselves as fat, even when they weigh 80 lbs. You telling them they aren't may as well be in an alien language. For those who say it's not a problem because we turn babies into zombies need to remember... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ALIENS AND ZOMBIES! There ARE people, some whom we know, who DIE from this horrible affliction. What's our next contest? Concentration camps? Child abuse? Hey... it's JUST a contest. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
blitz67: Oh please just stop crying, it is a contest not a social or moral deliberation on the disease, it is about people using the talents they have to do something fun. There are too many over sensitive people in this who get upset over the silliest things... One Nation under God, Merry Christmas, God Bless you,,,etc etc. Relax and have fund. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
oana: anorexia is not fun! people die from it! ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
cabldawg71: my opinion is mine and yours be yours btw i aint no friggin crybaby ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
cabldawg71: this sucker is gonna heat up ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
CMYK46: I'll be ignoring this lame puppy, hence not voting either. ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
RAZ0R: if its a disease, strap um dowm, and run some food into their arm,oh, i been waiting for this contest "Concentration camps" ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
ponti55: Agreed ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
ponti55: Agree with CMYK... Raz0r.. for the love of god... ( 5 years and 3638 days ago )
ziggyx2003: I have to say, as it is presented now, this does make me feel uncomfortable, I know this is not a "social or moral deliberation" but be it ever so old fashioned I consider myself and my entries to be "socially responsible" . If this subject is just another entry for you, good luck, have fun. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
JustinCase: Have to agree with annabat. Very bad choice and some people might find this very offensive. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
annabat: It's getting a little out of hand in here, but I, in a very LONG manner describe why I have issue with this contest in the forums. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
Lamantine: ok.. i think it mould be better if we changed the contest name... ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
Lamantine: ok... the contest name may be "the curse of the thinner" and we may change the guidelines a bit... ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
jaescoe21: I'm not sure if I want to do this... I do because it would be nice to improve my skills but I wouldn't want to feel like a jerk if I do the contest. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
gamemastertips: I'm sorry but the pictures I see being posted from this contest at the side of my screen are awful. I don't understand why we have to manipulate people to look like they're suffering when enough people are already suffering from this in real life. There are so many other nice and inspiring contest ideas to work with...why something so wrongly morbid? Even if I could, I would not enter this contest. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
blitz67: Again folks it is just a contest. I am not trying to be incensitive or anything, but trust me i am sure every contest in one way or another good offend someone. If i were an alcoholic, should i be offended by the current mogen david contest ? Or should i be offended by the Asian man, after all why do we select that group of people to "target"? I really do understand both sides of the issue, however Art in whatever form is meant to make people, stop, think, and if need be, ACT. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
ricky777: at least change the name if it can't be changing muscular person or a fat person into a average looking one, or turning an average person into a muscular one. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
erikuri: I think you're driving the question on a different way; current mogen david contest asks you to manipulate that picture, not of an alcoholic person... And I think every member here had the good sense to not do any offensive work on Asian man (I am sansei - 3rd. generation nipo-brazilian). But in this contest everything is very clear, direct, straight. If it was a campaing to alert and help people, maybe the members oppinions were different, but it's a contest to see who can do a skinny person!... I'm really sad with it. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
gamemastertips: I agree with erikuri. This is basically making a normal person look like they're suffering from something terrible. It's just generally an awful thing to put out there. Why don't we just make a contest of impaling a knife through someone's chest? At the LEAST this contest should be rephrased to making a fat person skinny; not a normal/fat person anorxic. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
braska: Agree 100 ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
braska: ^^ hit enter on accident... Anyway, thought twice and will chat about it in the forum... ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
scampiehot: I come back and check the contests here every week, although i hardly ever participate or comment now due to being busy. I felt compelled to comment on this one though. The way the contest description is worded is simply wrong. If it were a contest to design an ad campain, or something to help these people, i could then see the intent, but its worded to make someone as hideous as possible, from a disease which people suffer from. Its like saying lets all see who can make the most appaling looking starving african child...why would you want to do that? I agree that art comes in many forms, and without freedom, art would not exist. So i leave this down to the discretion of any "artists" out there who wish to participate and call it art. I strongly disagree with an earlier comment where someone stated that this is a condition which people "choose" to have. Its not! Its a disease which kills people, if it were a life choice people would not die from it, they would simply commit suicide in the mean time, rather than face the suffering this disease creates. I just hope that anyone who enters, submits entries which are sympathetic to sufferers of this horrible disease. Its really not something to make light of. ( 5 years and 3637 days ago )
RAZ0R: its too late now, so let the fun begin ( 5 years and 3636 days ago )
spygirl1978: hmmm, i could just post a photo of me at my would even know if it was photoshopped or not, i was so thin!!! by the way, i had anorexia/bulemia, i eat now, i weigh a somewhatt normal weight, and i say if you can't deal with your own issues, you shouldn't have had them in the first place. ( 5 years and 3636 days ago )
spygirl1978: oooohhh, i just read that last comment. i NEVER wanted to die when i sufferered from this disease. i wanted to be stronger....i wanted to spend my days not having to puke up my meals because i was afraid the calories would make me fat...but DEATH was never an option. Getting better was always my goal. I realized that this problem WAS getting the better of me, and COULD kill me, and that's when I stood my ground and did something about it. I fought back. It took more than just hospitals and nutritional therapy - it took a major change in my lifestyle. I had to occupy my days completely, leaving no time for boredom, and i also had to use the assistance of a prescribed appetite suppressant to help battle the bulimia....but i got a handle on things, and once i did, i had the upper hand. I wouldn't have let myself die over that, any more than I would have over any of the other problems in my life. It's simply not an option - to run from pain. We have to face it, and overcome it. ( 5 years and 3636 days ago )
Jellopudding: I agree this contest is distasteful, and rather inappropriate also @spygirl.. try not to post your personal business for the entire site especially if you don't want nasty comments.. it's called healthy boundaries try them.. ( 5 years and 3636 days ago )
lchappell: So far none of these entries are on theme take a photo of a normal or overweight person, and turn him/her into a person that's suffering from anorexia ( 5 years and 3636 days ago )
wlado: Oh come on people, this is soo..... Wrong! Spygirl, that's your personal story, some people have much much larger problems with anorexia..... Raz0r and all others who are too mental to try to understand someone other's point of view.... You need to visit a psychiatrist or something, you're a psychopath..... I mean really, imagine someone with anorexia visiting the site and seeing this contest.... They would feel horrible. How would you feel if someone makes fun of you because of something you couldn't choose? Raz0r, if you end up one day with leukemia or cancer, and a contest "Cancer Patients" comes up, how would you feel? You'd be OK with someone making fun of you, making fun of thing you're gonna DIE from?! This is the same.... If you don't get what I and some other normal people here are saying.... Then I feel sorry for you. So go on and make fun of anorexic people, one day a best friend of yours may get anorexia and die from it, maybe THEN you'd realize how horrible it was entering this contest. Jus my 2 cents. ( 5 years and 3635 days ago )
gamemastertips: Wlado ( 5 years and 3635 days ago )
RAZ0R: shut the FuQ up waldo, i dont give a ratts ass about people with food who choose not to eat it! ( 5 years and 3635 days ago )
ponti55: you don't get it do you? jesus. ( 5 years and 3635 days ago )
gamemastertips: Wow, razor, how insensitive are you? This isn't about people "choosing not to eat their food," it's an illness! Geeze, really! ( 5 years and 3635 days ago )
RAZ0R: stop talking to me idiots, i have a right to feel however i choose ( 5 years and 3635 days ago )
gamemastertips: I am not talking to you, razor. I am merely offering an obvious point of view to counter your buffoonish attitude. ( 5 years and 3635 days ago )
RAZ0R: ok, i was just checking how many people were watching/waiting for a comment to pop up ( 5 years and 3635 days ago )
Jellopudding: holy crap children everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. but I would like to point out there are different types of anorexia several being completely subconcious. a more appropriate contest would be create an image showing anorexia awareness or something similar ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
wlado: @gamemastertips, you know, Raz0r has the antisocial personality disorder (aka sociopathy). That means that parts of his brain responsible for feelings are dysfunctional. That's why he'll never understand things like this, or get married, or feel sad when his mom or friend dies etc. Yeah, I know he's quite irritating, and it's too bad that it's impossible to cure it. ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
ReapRevenge: Everyone knows that razor doesn’t have 2 brain cells to rub together so what his comments amount to is just a very loud brain FART!, and this is the only place he is allowed to place his low brow comments. But I am shocked by other comments they amount to either ignorance or just a poorly educated opinions it is always better to check what you are talking about before you speak. ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
RAZ0R: pass me a pint ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
Jellopudding: LOL @ Razor, everyone bashing you and you couldn't careless.. is funny... it's the internet .. no one really cares what people say about them not like it matters in the Real world.. but the comments this controversial contest has sparked is quiet amusing.. ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
Jellopudding: LOL @ Razor, everyone bashing you and you couldn't careless.. is funny... it's the internet .. no one really cares what people say about them not like it matters in the Real world.. but the comments this controversial contest has sparked is quiet amusing.. ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
sunzet: Hm...this commentstrip has really gotten out of hand. Still though wondering why the suggester´s never been shown - did the admin know this would raise a heated discussion? ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
Keiley22: @ Razor... i have no friends with this problem, im not a very sympathetic person myself. I think its hard for strong minded people to understand As for this contest, i never saw a problem with it. I figured like other contests in the past, if I didn't like it then I just never looked at it or voted. But people like drama I guess and just keep on coming back here.... I get a feeling your helping keep it going there Razor lol ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
RAZ0R: @k22, you bet ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I was always under the impression anorexia is like alcoholism. It not really a disease. I mean, cancer, aids, etc. Those are diseases. Anorexia is more willpower and a matter of choice. Once again contest should have been better worded. ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
RAZ0R: yes, crackhead and anorexia = same ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
gamemastertips: @Keiley22, It's not for the drama that I don't think this contest is fair--it's just horrible that the goal of this contest is to effectively make someone deathly emaciated. I think thin is fine but ANOREXIC? Why? ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
wlado: @Jawshoewhah - that's the point, it's not the matter of choice it's a psychological eating disorder. Even if it was the matter of choice still - who are we to judge it? The thing that it isn't a matter of choice makes it even worse. If you ask me, that's as same as mocking on people with cancer or handycap or similar. @Keiley22 - It's not for the sake of having a drama. It makes a drama, but in this case it's good, hope admins learn something from this... (since it's in their interest not to have much drama here ) @gamemastertips - I totally agree. There was no need for including anorexia in this. @Raz0r - I'm not even gonna bother trying to tell you something. You wouldn't listen anyway cause in your world you're always right and everyone else is wrong. ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
RAZ0R: thx waldo ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
gamemastertips: Lol love ya Wlado. ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
fille: is it now right moment for last words? ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
fille: is it now right moment for last words? ( 5 years and 3634 days ago )
RAZ0R: no, not until friday ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
fille: oh... discrimination! ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
fille: that's why they don't feel nothing, when they see this contest here... ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Ahh boullcrap. Addiction isn't a disease. It's called self discipline. ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
jawshoewhah: My opinion on alcoholism and other nonsence diseases like anorexia: ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
wlado: @Jawshoewhah - Anorexia is'nt addiction, it's a fu**ing illness man! They first go crazy and don't want to eat anything because they don't feel hunger and think they are fat, and they get really thin, but even if you manage to talk them into eating normally again they cant cause their stomach refuses it so they usually throw up whatever they eat! A long and painful medical treatment is required to put them back on the right track, sometimes people DIE from hunger, not because they choose, because their body itself refuses food and they throw up anything they eat! In the beginning you can call it self-choice but later it becomes an ILLNESS - NOT ADDICTION, NOT MENTAL DISORDER, AN ILLNESS!! And if you're OK with making fun of ILL people who are UNABLE to eat, I think the crazy ones are YOU not anorexic people. Jeez! ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
RAZ0R: i think waldo has anorexia of the brain ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
fille: here is too many opinions about what anorexia is and what anorexia is not. and those opinions come from same persons (even opposites). probably don't know that even those who are suffering from anorexia (and this is said here too). in the beginning it seems to be normal problems of low self esteem (maybe reputation), so i hope no one here does feel it. ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
Jellopudding: @ jawshoewhah .. that just goes to show how uneducated and ignorant you are.. although I wouldn't expect much more from you .. the physical and the mental are attached... if you don't know about things don't form an opinon ,, ( and to all the private messages I have gotten ) Look at my AV I'm a fat girl obviously not anorexic stop asking... I just wish people wouldn't make comments about things they know nothing about ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
RAZ0R: i just think you are thick ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
Jellopudding: in the head maybe HAHA ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
Jellopudding: in the head maybe HAHA ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
fille: look at my avatar - yes! this all what you see is in my head too!!! actually i started first thinking like that and now my look-out is like that too... ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
Jellopudding: you missed the point as to why I said that .... sooo don't make rude mocking comments.. stfu ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
fille: what is wrong with my avatar? ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I don't BELIEVE IT! ) This all these comments on the argument is kind of entertaining. ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
RAZ0R: welcome to my kinda fun jaws ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
RAZ0R: @ fille, it needs a shave, there is no reason for anyone to walk with such a beard ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
Jellopudding: @ razor .. unless it's santa claus .... that man earned his beard .. @Jawshoewhah .. for once I agree with you and yes it shames me ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
lvstealth: wow. next we can have at bipolar people. do a manic–depressive contest. or why not a "cutting" contest? we could just throw caution to the wind and have a "turn a person into an abuse victim" ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
lvstealth: "turn him/her into a person that's SUFFERING from anorexia." the author of the contest has to have some inkling that it is a desease. that it causes suffering.... suffering! it makes me sad that this is a contest. that humanity isnt so humane at all. ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
RAZ0R: bring on the cutting contest ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
Jellopudding: @ razor .. I was thinking that too .... ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
fille: it seems here is people who think 'a person that's enjoying anorexia.' will be better... ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
wlado: @fille, I talked with a doctor about this (my mom is a doctor and I asked her), and she told me what I wrote, so I don't think my statement is wrong (about that it turns into something physical - unable to be controlled by will, an illness). People die from anorexia, maybe some of you people don't get it, but it's the same as mocking someone with cancer, aids, leukemia... Name any deadly disease you want. Except Raz0r who is a lunatic, I don't think you would be OK with contests about interpreting people with cancer or aids etc. Just think about it. Try to understand their point of view, ask yourself "What if I have cancer and am going to die from it - would I like people making images of how I should look almost dead and people mocking me? Would I like seeing comments of people saying 'the image doesn't look scary enough'?'" OK? Just think about it people. ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
fille: one of first death as a result of aids in estonia was my good friend - ppl don't think you are the only ones who has seen life - especially if you take your knowledge only from books and television - my friend never forget to make joke, even about himself. just for thinking. next. wlado... (oehhh...) just think in this way: if you put in to goal not 'anorexia' but for example 'cats' - i don't believe you read from this then that goal says that all cats are creepy... then you understand clearly that it talk about result of picture, not about cats. don't you? why must be with word 'anorexia' differently? just think about that. ( 5 years and 3633 days ago )
wlado: Hmmmmm, actually, I would. The wording is too suggestive. I saw your little math and you may be right 'mathematically', but it is still very suggestive and it's simply bad taste... It may not DIRECTLY tell that anorexics are scary and creepy, but it requires to make someone look anorexic. That alone is disgusting enough, it suggests that anorexics are so different from normal people, and the way it's worded - in a negative way. They may be different, but it's inappropriate to mock on them like that. It's just disrespectful and even discriminative in a way. Plus some entries are very harsh towards anorexic people, representing them like they're rotten and burnt skeletons, one even as a lunatics.....not to mention comments (like: 'zombie effect achieved', among others). About your friend, well, maybe not everyone is like him. Maybe some people don't like to make jokes about their illness. The fact that one man likes doesn't mean they all do. ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
erikuri: For those people who still think anorexia is a simple "lack of appetite", pls check this link: ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
fille: bad taste? exactly! here is question only in emotions. people who talking here so emotionally look every day horror movies and make jokes about god(s) and death, they like satanists music and hold on their table human skull (how they think it can be there, even if it is plastic?). that kind of people seems do not have any taboo topic, but... if one want do make drama about bad taste, then is reason always in air. almost non of them don't know actually nothing about working with abnormal persons, not to mentions working with them day-by-day. but some-how are they very smart about this all... ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
wlado: Look, I didn't say it's only bad taste, you read very selectively you know. How about commenting on the other part of the message where I explained why it is not only bad taste, but also disrespectful and discriminative? I don't watch horror movies, I don't like black humor, I DEFINITELLY don't listen to satanic music an the last one is just sarcasm (not I don't have a scull neither). I don't know if you work with abnormal persons or not, but it doesn't take that for someone to be aware of their situation, nor working with abnormals makes a saint out of a sociopath. For this, fille, it doesn't take knowledge, it takes moral. You can be a doctor, that doesn't change a thing in this discussion. Either way, you really do seem to stereotypicize things a lot. And after all, what's wrong with emotions? Laws and rules are not only based on logic, but also on moral - emotions. Oh, BTW, yes, I don't have any taboo topics, I have the right of speech, and I can speak about anything I want and what interests me. So, fille, do you have some arguments related to this discussion or answer my whole message, or are you just gonna pick the weakest part of my message and write an essay about it again? ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
RAZ0R: your message is only as strong as its weakest part ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
Charlottesmtms: I wouldn't call this contest in poor taste as I would challenge ithe subject matter to be morally irresponsible ... it's one thing to take a normally-proportioned, fuller-prportioned or even a thinner-proportioned individual who is such, relatively naturallt, but anorexia is a different animal, altogether ... there are a lot of A) pro-ana groups and B) impressionable young folx who would somewhat of a free license (or, worse, validation) for their condition, which is completely unnatural. It's not a matter of 'if you don't like it, don't look at it', and very much a matter of exercising a certain level of moral responsibility in what is shown on this site. ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
Charlottesmtms: PS: please pardon the typoes! :"> ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
fille: wlado, you know only what you want to say, but you don't know what about you talking.. one way you told that abnormals are normals, other way that they are not. your talk is full of discriminations! if you care about anorexic, you don't go to him to cry how sorry you are that he/she is anorexic. with anorexic you must talk like with normal person, who can make joke about anorexia too. yes some of them are touchy, so are you or someone else from 'normal' ppl, but you know what - it's normal! so - forget that emotions-talk - if you don't know what you talking about, don't talk like you are one who knows. and i like horror movies! ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
wlado: fille man, I really don't get you. You're so confusing. Really. First, I don't think I ever mentioned that they are normal or abnormal. They are both normal and abnormal in certain ways IMO. So we cleared that out. Secondly, yes, I mentioned discrimination in my talk. What's wrong with that? It IS discrimination, and I believe that it's forbidden on a site like this. About the rest, you completely missed the subject. We are talking about this specific contest. I think it should be pulled down, you think it shouldn't [or what do you want? All you ever talked about was pretty much 'analyzing' what others say TBH]. So, instead of telling me how to speak and what to do, and how to act with anorexics, say WHY do you want/don't want this contest removed. OK? I know what I'm talking about, it's you who is missing the point of the talk. ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
wtfayla: i think this contest is going to go down in history as the most commented theme ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
fille: wlado, i want this contest stay where it is (i said it before, you probably didn't read correctly). and also i will tell you again that here is no discrimination. and you are right - i tell it with analyzing your entries because you told that contest must be gone because of discrimination. ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
wlado: Look fille, I really really don't get you. It IS discriminative - we are mocking them because of an ILLNESS for God's sake! How is that not discrimination?!?! Explain. Cause from the goal, the entries and comments on entries I see a lot of disrespect, discrimination, making fun of them! I don't believe any of you would like to be represented as a skeleton, burnt and cracked body, as a lunatic, as a zombie.... Mishaped in any way. Nor would you like if people think that you'd be more 'appropriate' for the contest if you were scary and creepy, and thin as possible. If you think THAT is not discrimination, then really..... What's next? 'Cancer' contest?! 'AIDS' contest?! God fille, how can you be THAT insensitive? You tell me to drop the emotion-talk. I won't. I feel empathy. I feel responsibility for stuff like this. I don't want to be a part of community where people are being mocked because they have an illness. Cause people die from this, and we don't need to respect them, but we definitely mustn't mock them. It's not ethical. ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
fille: wlado, 'we don't need to respect them' is big mistake. this is why you can't see other views too. i know your view from your first post. your world is black-and-white, bad-good-fighting. i have already shown you that you read text only in your way, without concentrate. you have wikipedia and medical diictonary, but actually you don't know nothing about those ppl. i hope one day you get it. ow.. and you like 'caps lock' ( 5 years and 3632 days ago )
Keiley22: jesus, that was a novel to read lmao......... ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Jellopudding, Oh you mean you agree with me that anorexia isn't a disease or that these comments are kind of entertaining? ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
RAZ0R: @ Jellopudding, sorry about the beard comment :P ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
downoffthedragon: I've seen some pretty decent contest ideas (including my own) that did not make the cut. But this sh1t does? Seems like the site itself is getting pretty low brow! ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
downoffthedragon: Wait, and there's a cash prize? Are you serious? ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
wlado: fille man, I really don't have any nerves for this. Let's say I just reached the point of not caring anymore. It's nothing personal and I have nothing against you, but, TBH, I think you are the one who doesn't get it. You can't say 'you know nothing about those people'. It's impossible. Every single person is different and has different attitudes and everything. The thing that all of them have anorexia doesn't make them all the same so you can 'know' all of them if you know one or few. My point is that, although maybe some anorexics would be OK with this, some definitely wouldn't (and IMHO most of them wouldn't). If part of them feels discriminated or disrespected or whatever, then, IMO, this contest should be pulled down. That's it from me. And as I said nothing personal, so peace. ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
fille: wlado, i was never taken it personally, this is interesting to see, what you say next. i don't see here more discrimination than in others contests. my suggestion will be to go and work with this kind of people together at least one year - then you see, what they actually are thinking, what they talking about - then you can see it too - this contest is fine with them. peace with you too. ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
RAZ0R: i think we are fasr past the "pull tihs contest down" point ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
wtfayla: my stick man entry was removed ........whaaaaaa.....reason givin OFF THEME?...I CANT BELIEVE IT..i think it was removed because it looked like it might have placed in the contest jmo thanks everyone who found the humor in the entry and for all the votes shame on the it seems its ok to have a controversial theme but not a stick person entry....hmmmm go figure ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
RAZ0R: "your goal is to take a photo of ..." ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
sunzet: Takes forever to reach the entries when you have to scroll past ALL the comment ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
RAZ0R: look at thumbs view sunzet ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
RAZ0R: any entry submitted after 2000hrs GMT Friday will be removed ( 5 years and 3631 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Good Gawd, most of the forum threads don't get this long...... I do hope they can find a new offensive subject to choose. I know!!!! LERROSYleprosy!!!!!! ( 5 years and 3629 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I mean leprosy. Better yet, llets take normal people and make them look like heroin or meth addicts. That should get a nice long list of comments of controversy. ( 5 years and 3629 days ago )

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


the thin effect - created by puppetized

the thin effect
Favs: 3SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 1/9Score: 59.9% (49)59786 views (5 years and 3638 days ago)

1 Source:

Feeling Fat - created by RAZ0R

Feeling Fat
Favs: 3SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 2/9Score: 57.8% (42)53256 views

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

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If You Knew - created by ricky777

If You Knew
Favs: 1SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 3/9Score: 57.2% (35)55448 views

If You Knew
by: Catherine

If you knew would you still love me,
would you still want me?
Would you make fun of me, or tell me to grow up,
or would you comfort me and help me grow strong?

If you knew would you be embarrased of me,
and ask me how I could be so stupid?
Would you tell me to just stop, and not
understand that I need help?

You see I can't tell you until I know
what you would do if you knew. (5 years and 3635 days ago)

1 Source:

Thin Hulk - created by basem11361

Thin Hulk
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 4/9Score: 56.2% (28)55834 views

thanks to atroszko for male image

thanks to ollinger for toys 5 image

thanks to asolario for Halloween Skull 1 image

thanks to krits for Wall Map 02 image (5 years and 3634 days ago)

4 Sources:

Help myself! - created by ricky777

Help myself!
Favs: 1SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 5/9Score: 54% (22)48285 views

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

3 Sources: