Your source pic has the fruits arranged along a diagonal line so your bullet is only piercing the pear which is not that obvious from your image (much too much pear-entry debris), plus the pear-exit debris is clearly not all originating from the exit point. A crisper bullet (with less crisp reflection) would also be more convincing (without the path-blur behind it).
author says:
I would like to propose this as an example, the bullet portrayed here was not intended to be a pellet.
the big thing to me is that the bullet is off perspective and off the path of the holes made... drawing a line through it gave me an up ward trajectory which then means you should have the bullet slightly above the apple... also far too much entry debris and imo, a bit too much exit as well... but just slightly so ;] good work on the exit debris though looks pretty good. GL!
author says:
bjaockx, I totally disagree with you' when I draw a line through the holes I created the projectile is in the correct place,besides most always a bullet will start to tumble when it strikes its target or an object. As for the debris well that is no BB shot and please take a look at some of these as examples
Man, this ninja is crazy!!! One of those actions is practically impossible for a mere mortal, imagine all of them...
Are you oriental?
author says:
Thanks ponti and barnacle. I'll look into the legs tomorrow. I think the right leg needs a bit of fixing anyhow (the thigh looks as if its behind the lower leg). And, no, Erica, I'm not actually. XD
I can (Slice a watermelon in mid-air? Break a plank of wood with your foot? All at once??) but cant catch the firing arrow.. didn't tried yet.... But always likes to do something like that..... And can challenge you that i can do two of them at once................... Want to challenge me.....
really good effort... both on the entry and sbs... well done... jus to nitpick, i wud have used match colour for the wood pieces coming out of the wooden plank... now the colours are diff...
edit: much better author... i like the way you took the suggestions...
author says:
Thanks for everyone's input! Will see what I can do. Oh, and, Anoop, I'd love to see a YouTube video of you sometime!
EDIT: Made suggested changes: got rid of the blur trail on the watermelon, which was perhaps a bit much (thanks Wazowski), enlarged the right foot a bit (thanks, Ponti. I tried enlarging it more but then it set the other leg out of proportion and the layers were all getting messed up. =.=); fixed the color of the splinters by adding a the texture of the wood to it (thanks closedeyes). Look a bit better now?
agreeee....... but u have to bet me... author.. (take a look at my album before bettting.....I think I am that kind of freak and I can do that..... LOL)
Pretty good result! It's personal, but maaaybe I'd choose a bit other color for the background (or maybe a bit lighter in the middle), so that the image will be more spectacular. Did you also try to keep the remote without blur? Perhaps that'll give even more the highspeed effect. Good luck!
Edit: new background fits better imo
author says:
Thanks wazowski , changed background color and remove blur from remote.
Excellent work author.. this is extra ordinary realistic... the only thing I want to say is the bullet to be a little smaller and rotate a little downwards ( may be 4-5 degrees) and move down a little... IMO... GL
author says:
Anoop thanks for comment and suggestion. Made some slight changes.
agrees with gamemaster. It's great you duplicated the tutorial but you did just that. It's too late now but I would have used something like an iphone or some other electronic device so it's not so much like copying the tut.
RAZ0R [banned] says:
nice work
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in high speed photography you would not get any blur from an object unless it left the focal point of the camera. there would be no motion blur indicating direction of motion, nor would there be ghost objects indicating the motion either... high speed photos pick up a fraction of a second which unless the objects are moving at the speed of sound (roughly 340.29 meters per second), then they would be clean crisp objects. just suspended in a frame of their animation... GL!
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thanks to DSchaeffer for the jackrabbit image
to bugdog for THE EAGLE IN FLIGHT image
and to tonyclough for BIRD TALON. image.
I hope this entry is on theme. its suposed to be a frozen image, where you can see both animals in the air. (5 years and 3620 days ago)
the bunny is funny with the wide eyes! i don't believe that he is running though, looks to me more like he is hopping... rabbits run FAST and they are really close to the ground and stretched out while they are in a full sprint... i would take a look at some images of rabbits at full speed... great work though! GL!
Where did the bullet stop?
Your source pic has the fruits arranged along a diagonal line so your bullet is only piercing the pear which is not that obvious from your image (much too much pear-entry debris), plus the pear-exit debris is clearly not all originating from the exit point. A crisper bullet (with less crisp reflection) would also be more convincing (without the path-blur behind it).
I would like to propose this as an example, the bullet portrayed here was not intended to be a pellet.
this is nice.. GL author
nice...good luck
the big thing to me is that the bullet is off perspective and off the path of the holes made... drawing a line through it gave me an up ward trajectory which then means you should have the bullet slightly above the apple... also far too much entry debris and imo, a bit too much exit as well... but just slightly so ;] good work on the exit debris though looks pretty good. GL!
bjaockx, I totally disagree with you' when I draw a line through the holes I created the projectile is in the correct place,besides most always a bullet will start to tumble when it strikes its target or an object. As for the debris well that is no BB shot and please take a look at some of these as examples
nice work!
good work and good luck
looks great good luck
good chop
Howdie stranger!
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