Source only. Tha space background is created mainly by means of Clouds and Difference Clouds filter. (5 years and 3622 days ago)
My photo's combined with PS7 patterns and gradient builds
(5 years and 3622 days ago)
Don't know why. This piece gives me a really nice feeling.
Have been looking at it for about half an hour now. lol..
Those fingers...holding those lovely cups...really well made.
That is a very nice image....good luck...and...it is not a CBR...well done author!!
woooo hooot!!
WOOO HOOOOT YOURSELF!!!... thanks for the hands comment.. they took forever, and I burnt the tip of my finger on the dry ice LOL thanks guys
What are we making a toast for?... Wonderfully crazy as always!
Toasting to safe trip across the Universe
Fantastic detailed work...well done and good luck
Very creative work. Dating at Mars
One of my favs.
Haha clever! I love the heads and the cups especially. Great work, author, I like this even more than your previous entries.
cheers..!! and we really going to have a toast when the results come out.. good luck..
great entry, Good Luck!!
woot ya have 1 for me too nice chop
Howdie stranger!
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source only used (5 years and 3626 days ago)
This is quite pretty! Very nice structure and curves.
he he......(:
i love it! good job ☺
Wonderful, the curves are very artistic and the heart shape is subtle... fantastic!
Very nice composition.
Nice creation
I love this eyecandy
good luck
Just a beautiful piece of work. Bravo.
Very graceful composition, excellent usage of source. My favorite color combination as well!! Best of Luck!
Howdie stranger!
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I originally planned to do something entirely different, but then this surreal little scene popped into my head upon a second glance at the picture...
Train is made from scratch, with parts from source pic. Tracks, hills, and hot air balloons are all pure source, except for a couple of texture brushes. Aside from the brushes and a filter, the sky is the only external source used. (5 years and 3625 days ago)
I guess that's you . Simple but very nice, especially color and looks cartoonish
. Good luck ^^!
very very fluffy fun.. good thing the train wasn't scheduled for that back hill.. train would go bye bye.. GREAT JOB!!! (tweek the edge of the hill so that track doesn't look like it just cut off in space. ) IMHO (all fixed.. great job)
EDIT.. yes the farthest hill's rail looks like it just ends not goes behind the other hill.. I'm sure it's super simple, but it does draw the eye.. (GREAT JOB ALL ROUND)
Thanks to the both of ya. Drivenslush, are you referring to the track piece in the upper-left? If so, I see what you're saying and I can try darkening the hill edge a bit.
looks almost 3-D, NJ
The only suggestion I have is to blur the back balloon a bit to create a depth of field.
lol it's lovely, nice work
Very cute and criative!
Just one little thing (really little): train's wheel perspective is a bit odd, imo... It could be just my impression!
Thank you all! I was thinking about that, Kid. I'll give it a try. Erikuri, you're right--the wheels may be skewered a bit. I'll see if I can make it any better, but I'm afraid I might mess it up since I merged the train for some transform adjustments. Drivenslush, will fix ASAP.
EDIT: Fixed the hill edge. Look any better now? Kid, I tried the blur thing but it took away from the cartoony look, as you can't make out the tracks too clearly.
nice work... love this mood...
Nice work author
It still looks good without adding the blur
i want the train XP
great ! awesome job !
best entry with best and great skills thumbs up for you author
Hard to visualize the source without looking at the sbs. Wonderful job you did in creating this one, GL
great idea good job
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3627 days ago)
top quality #1 entry
oh, did i say?
great job author..wonderful image
Ahh I know who did this... The colors give it away....
I'm not really a fan of the abstract CBR style, but it's well made. Good luck, author.
so clever, love the whimsy in this, and the colors. nice chop, author.
what the hell is CBR????? hehehehe.. thanks games.. and special thanks to Razor..you made me blush... smooches to Fatz and pearlie as well... just a fan of the creator hehehe
Hey! Nice composition and perspective and even some restraint in colors! The darkest part of the left bottom takes a way a little bit of the roundness, but I like it over all
@ gamemastertips, this is in no way an example of CBR, maybe you should brush up on your SHTS
(sorry author)
Close enough to CBR for me, but not a bad pic.
WHAT THE HELL IS CBR?????? COMIC BOOK REFERENCE?.. in what way? CALIFORNIA BICYCLE RACING.. well she is round.. but she doesn't look ANYTHING like a bicycle...CHAMPIONSHIP BULL RIDING???.. well that could be it.. there sure has been a lot of bull lately.. hehehe...Center for Bioenvironmental Research?.. err umm.nope... Community Based Rehabilitation?.. nope.. I don't wanna go to rehab I say NO NO NO.. yes I've been black but when I come back.. I say NO NO NO..... Cord Blood Registry???? err um..that comes after the birth.... Chesapeake Bay Retrievers??? oh crap.. I gotta cat
How about SHTS????.. is that Poop Razor???.. I'm all confuzededed... WAHHHHH.. what the hell is CBR??? shouldn't it Be LOBR.. as in Lawn Ornament Base Reference....?????.. I'm all vaklemp and Keppy in the epyzoodle!!!!! hehehehe..no wait Spanish..jejejejeje..no wait... Greek.... xixixixixixixi... hehehehe
CBR = Chopped Beyond Recognition.
No idea what Razor is referring to, as he suffers from CRI.
Seriously.. some one actually thought up the term CBR.. that's just so.. well sad.. sorta like Pathetic and Sad combined.. is Pathetisad a word?
CBR, kinda like FUBAR?! hmmm, I can tell what the source is very plainly here, it's "chopped" well, AND includes ps. plus it has a scifi feel, that's worth extra points.
(I think it's CRS.)
You can plainly see the source in this... so I say no CBR, and who the hell comes up with these random stupid acronyms that don't mean anything anyway? Why not just type it out... All of a sudden two teenagers type out a new abbreviation on some obscure board or site, and it becomes common usage. (sorry Author, this is a pet peeve of mine)
....CBR is an (almost) fairly common term on PXLeyes...lol. Anyway, I never said the picture is bad in that way, but it is CBR. You can no long recognize what the original picture used to be (for all I know it could have been a photo of a robot) therefore, it is beyond recognition. It has become a new picture, recognized as something new. I NEVER CRITICIZED IT. It's very well done.
P.S. This is what CBR means in my eyes..that you can no longer see what the original picture used to be, not if the original picture was used or not. CBR is not necessarily bad, as you can see.
P.S.S. at CMYK.
As we don't know if really exist or not life in other planet, other galaxy, maybe it's possible for an humanoid to be pregnant...
Ok too me this is not CBR at all come on guys the front of that building is all over this chop.IMO
which only matters to me
Good job Author tootles
i made that up
= shorthand typo shit
"..CBR is an (almost) fairly common term on PXLeyes...lol"
Since when? I've been on PST/PXL for almost 3 years, and I haven't seen it before, nor on any other site. EDIT: *Lol* I just did a site search and it's something that Josh uses... which doesn't make it fairly common. (sorry again author)
Oh and P.S.S.S.: CRI is Cri-Du-Chat, a genetic disease that basically makes you retarded.
sorry about you affliction gamemastertips !
That was an extremely immature comeback.
Also, perhaps a better term for this would be CBR=Chopped But Recognizable. It seems that the "beyond recognition" is a bit of an exaggeration, my pardons.
btw (legitimate acronym) Author, I'm pretty sure this is my favorite chop by you *ever*. it has focus, expression *such lovely expression* Great detail on the face and over all body, keep it up.
LBJ took the IRT
Down to 4th Street USA
When he got there
What did he see?
The youth of America on LSD
Oh crud.. I just dated myself didn't I?.. err umm.. My GREAT GREAT Grandma taught me that song.... by golly
Great job done author. Great use of source. Your one of the best work . Agree with annabat that jawshoewhah used first somewhere in forum. CBR also stand for (Central Board of Revenue)
Is she pregnant, LOL, GL
7h¡5 ¡5 50 £0v3£¥. 1†/\/\@k3§ /\/\3 ƒ33£ h@þþ¥. I agree with nasirkhan. This is one of your best so far.
????@Tater Chickie Babe... err umm.. This is so Lovely it Makes me feel Happy???.. is that right?
@Clinge..yes she is pregnant.. I wanted her belly to look like green grass and honey
Great job author...Good luck
You translation is excellent, man and your "innovation" in that work pushes you to the next level
You got it, author. I didn't want to mess with acronyms, so I took an hour to write it in geek speak. Ya know, just to be difficu...er...different.
Yeah CBR is just a term Jaws made up.. i didn;t think it was catching on and i really hope that it doesn't.
As for your image author... the source is extremely obvious, and it;s a fantastic use of it. I'm going to have to agree with Anna in saying that this may just be my favourite entry by you author. Woo!!
Author, I think you did a good job chopping the source. I do not care if it is CBR or ABCDEFG, or O'lala. You used what they gave us to use, a pic of a dome in the water, and I can see pieces of that pic in your entry, that is what counts to me. And for all the time you spent at the computer, putting your brains over your keyboard, and for the detailed image you came up with, you have my vote. "Some" voters do not realize the effort, that a designer, or participant puts every week, on a contest, and just bla, bla, bla when they give a comment or a critizism. We, participants, want critics and comments that help us to get better. I personally like your work. Thanks for participating every week.
i agree with George55 , about the CBR or ABCTOZ,and about your work it is amazing
wooooHOOOOOO.... a comment from MISSY.. I can die now hehehehehehehe
Nice work!!!
Excellent... best of all.... Still.. in my opinion, bottom parts needed some touch... thats all.....
And CBR suits you really............. As....... Clever in Building Rare chops..... is that good?
i agree this entry is CBR
Completely Beautiful Results
Okay FORGET I EVER SAID CBR. I didn't mean it like people have interpereted it. But nice acronyms, people!
It's okay GMT.. (Couldn't resist) you created a storm, Like Prospero releasing the Tempest... not a bad thing at all hehehe
LOL I actually use GMT as an acronym for my web name...Gamemastertips is a pretty much irrelevant name that just stuck as my permanent web identity. XD
nice work
wow lots of comment...adding another lol...nice work!
Truely amazing. You are very talented.
super chop!!!!!!!! good luck
Great, I love this creative entry. You have done such a wonderful with everything on this being. Another Favorite!! Good Luck to you!!
i lost a ton of vp here
Oh My God RAZOR... I'm so terribly sorry.. I hope that didn't happen to anyone else... PLEASE PEOPLE>> DON'T LOSE VOTE POWER OVER MY ENTRIES...JUST VOTE 50% and I will truly be happy... Oh my.. this is quite upsetting (I know I have an obvious style.. so if you see my work in upcoming contest...PLEASE DON'T LOSE VOTE POWER.. I know how difficult it is to come by and it would be silly to lose any o your vote power over my twaddles of expression) Sorry once again RAZOR..
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there's a cutie patootie.. love the creation of space!!!
great work
outrageous! love this, space and whimsy!

Nice! Galaxy is superb...
very nice result
Creation of galaxy is super
another big entry, looks like all big ones are here.!!!!!!!!
nice work
So many wonderful entries there has been in this contest and this is surely a major contender. Wonderful work!! good luck!!
agree with dollmommy very good entry and good luck
Thanks to all for the nice comments and support!
Really should have placed higher... IMHO... just brilliant!!!
Howdie stranger!
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