I didn't think his girlfriend would be so... "hard boiled", CMYK46 must be "eggstatic" to see her here. I see he "scrambled" to post a comment. I've "poached" fun at him myself so I know he can take a "yoke". Really good entry, you've "hatched" a clever idea with this one. Nicely done! I see Ichappell likes a well "chopped egg" also. (sorry... bad puns are my addiction.)
Beautiful work on the egg. nit picking it though, there is a weird edge that looks like some missed masking on the top left of the egg...also, either the light source isn't quite strong enough or the reflections need to be toned down to match. Last check the lower left edge there looks to be a little extra white edge there too...good luck!
Good image, but looks like a transparent egg, not an X-ray. As lchappell said, please provide your source link.
author says:
Thank u 4 ur comments http://www.flickr.com/photos/24043410@N06/3284914583/ this is the source address. i saw in pxleyes source list that i can use pic from flckr.com so i hope everything is fine.
Author, your Flickr source is a copyrighted photo. Please go to http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2009/06/how-and-where-to-find-legal-source-images/ . I know you can find an image that can work for you, and good luck.
author says:
i've changed it!!!!! i think source is fine now, coz i used ur link... i hope everything is ok... finaly
thumbs up on the idea, but the edges around the egg in hi-res show them to be rough, and same with the shadow on the holder. maybe i'm being picky. :-P
Ha HA!!!! That is too funny...
I can see alot of CMYK jokes on the horizon here...
ohh boy.....Nice one author
ROFL...she would never wear bad shades like that, but good luck, author!
PS: You need to add shadows....
I picture a girl with more of a five oclock shadow.
@CMYK: I'd like to have given her shades like yours, but I think they fit better you than her...
I didn't think his girlfriend would be so... "hard boiled", CMYK46 must be "eggstatic" to see her here. I see he "scrambled" to post a comment. I've "poached" fun at him myself so I know he can take a "yoke". Really good entry, you've "hatched" a clever idea with this one. Nicely done! I see Ichappell likes a well "chopped egg" also. (sorry... bad puns are my addiction.)
The popular guy is targeted again...... Good luck author.......

there went my idea. Well done though
Spaceranger is my new favourite guy around here.. haha!!
He he....Amazing work...
good luck author for this sweet work
Oh man, Spaceranger...LOL!!!
Guys, you're so great! I
Get 'em Spacie!
I like it, very cute
very well done !
cute one
great job 
lol very nice
Howdie stranger!
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