no outside sources were used other then the basic photoshop tools and filters (5 years and 3619 days ago)
Mom! You said I wouldn't get all Hairy!
CS4, Randomize image around belly, crop/copy/paste/opacity. Color overlay/lighten on 'hair' with pinkish color to match skin tone. Ball is filter distort Spherize along with some shading and color overlay.
My hairless cat and photo, she'd get a kick out of having hair. no outside sources. (5 years and 3617 days ago)
Some sbs would be nice =)
im still kinda new here but i need to work on keeping track of all my steps as i play with the pictures
basicaly i drew an easel around the source with the pen tool then added some color to it , then i cut up my "tools' and other windows into layers...threw a few filters over the source and it was pretty much there...
Nice idea...good luck and welcome...
its easy, just open your psd (if you still have it) and just reveal each layer and describe what you did for each new layer you revealed. simple. thats what i do... sbs's arent tutorials, they are to showcase the authenticity of the techniques used, and so that we know something wasnt ripped off... if you have progress pics, then we know you did it. (not speaking on this project, speaking on all projects everyone does)
nice idea, good luck
very nice work author
love the idea
Nice idea....GL
nice idea. gl
good luck
Good luck author.
Howdie stranger!
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