Under construction... - created by erikuri

Under construction...
Favs: 2SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 11/16Score: 57.2% (0)6258 views

No outside sources, just a print screen...
Thanks to Pxleyes for the logo and the page print screen! (5 years and 3507 days ago)

Old Nectar Station - created by pearlie

Old Nectar Station
Favs: 3SBS: 21Hi-resRank: 12/16Score: 57% (0)5532 views

A couple of textures, a couple of brushes, and the rest is drawn and painted in photoshop. Yes, I know it's weird, but it was a fun chop. ;-)

(5 years and 3503 days ago)

3 Sources:

Deportation - created by SOLARIS

Favs: 0SBS: 24Hi-resRank: 13/16Score: 57% (0)5844 views

At the beginning of the 21th century it was pretty clear to the mankind that the
polcaps will melt very soon. Because of the incapacity of the politicans worldwide
the situaion doesnt changed.
In fact it gets even worth.
Finaly a huge softdrink ConCern decided to drag as much profit out of the dying
"cold gold" as possible. Hiddn from the population the ConCern started theyr
project to capture the Ice of the polcaps.
Other leading concerns all over the world approved the projekt to keep the
standard for the high society. A worldwide gagging order prevent big protests and
riots. Nature protection organisations where muzzled. Any rebellion where put down
at gunpoint.
As 80% of the remaining polcaps where captured the human population couldnd be
blinded anymore. As the gagging order breake down hudge riots started. Alot of
activists died, even more where arrested.
To end the riots the ConCern started a giant marketing campain with the slogans
"we need the ice for our mascott to survive" and
"It will melt anyway, but in the mouth it´s at least refreshing"
The sarcastic campain did his job. The riots stopped (may also because of the
violence) but the peoples where pleased. After the polcaps where gone the
population also realized that there was no going back. A few Years later everything went back to normal. In the middle of the 21th century the polar ice where totaly exhausted by the ConCern. A few month later the ConCern have become bankrupt because the consumers noticed that the uncooled softdrinks taste like S**t.

thanks to theswedish for the ocean
thanks to nitygrity for the iceberg
thanks to Marzie for the ice (5 years and 3507 days ago)

3 Sources:

Mega Construction - created by Clinge

Mega Construction
Favs: 3SBS: 10Hi-resRank: 14/16Score: 55.8% (0)15505 views

Thanks to Gironside, Christofho & Unseenob for the beautifull stock images ;-)

So, this would have been my entry for retro games, but it was too late, so i made a few big changes and here it is... (5 years and 3505 days ago)

3 Sources:

boy's and their toy's - created by wtfayla

boys and their toys
Favs: 0SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 15/16Score: 54.2% (0)6875 views

simply cut paste blend (5 years and 3507 days ago)

1 Source: