jawshoewhah: This one I submitted quite a while back too. I guess MrM will use any suggestions, no matter when they were submitted. ( 5 years and 3499 days ago )
erikuri: Very interesting... what kind of tree is it? ( 5 years and 3499 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I honestly do not know. I was just out testing the macro setting on my old canon powershot and this was at a church parking lot. ( 5 years and 3498 days ago )
erikuri: Hmmm... I can't see the leaves cleary... try to know if it's ginkgo biloba. It gets beautiful yellow leaves in Autumn, and its fruit smells... better saying, stinks like poop! Really... ( 5 years and 3498 days ago )
orientallad: similar to kiwi fruits ( 5 years and 3495 days ago )
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Beautiful work. Now I can also recognize your work author.
EDIT: It is not bad thing to have a unique style, as you know many great artists of pxleyes.com can be easily recognize by their work and you are one of them. Keep creating great stuff like that. Your floral works are very inspirational, I love them
Nasisrkhan, Is that good or bad ???? lol Just kidding. I just don't want to get stuck in a rut, so will still keep trying new things that you won't always recognize.
aha.....anda memang salah seorang master disini,....karya2nya menakjubkan. biarlah saya memanggil anda suhu,......bagi ilmunya dong, suhu......hehehe....
For an ant, the antennae are indeed below the eye level, not above. But the shape and length should be changed a bit as well as the direction, so they don't look so weird. But it's very nice work. The eyes too are added with a bit hastily, you could check out some actual photos and try to blend them a bit better.
this is fantastic creation of the provided pic,.....this is the demonstration of DO MORE TALK LESS work.....you must be 1 of the great master of PS here...
creative work..., nice lighting on the ant... My Only suggestion is to place the ant over a leaf or something else...and the shadow of the ant is a looking a little strange now.... That's all .... This is going to be my favorite..., good luck to you...
Pretty cool and good idea. There are a few lighting problems IMO, the light from the windows looks very bright but they don't cast any light on the small mushrooms. There's a glow around the mushrooms top that looks a little weird to me. The top could also be darker except for the part in front of the window where the light would cast over the mushrooms roof. Good luck!
Very nice. Agree with comment regarding mushroom top probably needs to be a touch darker but the window lighting looks ok to me (maybe move the 2 mushrooms on the left slightly further away but otherwise very good work. Top 3 contender with a few tweaks. Well done!
Nice entry, but I agree about the light problems. Overall, the light from the windows is too bright and it could be a bit warmed shade, like a bit orange, yellow, reddish or something. Nice entry worth tweaking a bit more.
Great work author,especially with the mushrooms,i like that crack on top of the shroom very much,that is very nice small touch and great detail.Best of luck author
Cute. Can't say I would call the interior light warm and inviting, however. The grass blades should cast (more) shadow, and indeed, a darker perimeter would enhance the feeling of isolation.
author says:
thanks alot to all of u for ur nice comments,about the light suggestion i've made some modifications, thanks to Ressiv and oasisman, i apologize for the bad quality of my previous contest entry, i was working on my ancient monitor not realizing it's already expired,lol, did not realize it was bloody terrible, i borrowed my sister's labtop and once i opened my files on it i realized how bad they were, i think i need to buy a new monitor,lol
thanks a lot to all of u guys for ur nice comments and favs, and special thanks for hereisanoop for his congrats.
IMPORTANT NOTE: there is another entry in this contest including a Mushroom, this entry has been submitted while i was working on my own Mushroom, i confirm that i was not inspired by it at all.
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Very good. The only thing I would change if I were you is the composition, I prefer the tree in the lower position, leaving some air on top of the tree. This image reminds me Ponti55
Nice work author. Agree with langstrum. I also suggest to replace cloud/sky with some other stock. It looks white in the center. Also slightly reduce vintage. Good luck
EDIT: Great change . Now cloud and whole composition is much better.
author says:
thanks Langstrum and Nasirkhan! made some tweaks...im more happy with it now, @ Nasir, i like the sky like it is, i like the colors, but thank you for the comment! much appreciated
Beautiful image...a great surrealistic effect. Would be cleaner if there was perhaps a little more grass emerging from the front of the tree rather than just out to the sides. Otherwise this is probably my favourite entry here, so far. Nice work an good luck!
So nice
Great work!
Beautiful work.
Now I can also recognize your work author. 

EDIT: It is not bad thing to have a unique style, as you know many great artists of pxleyes.com can be easily recognize by their work and you are one of them. Keep creating great stuff like that. Your floral works are very inspirational, I love them
Very nice. Good luck
Nasisrkhan, Is that good or bad ???? lol Just kidding. I just don't want to get stuck in a rut, so will still keep trying new things that you won't always recognize.
wonderful work
Very beautiful and neat work, author. I like the way you used source to make the flowers, and for vase it gave a nice texture. GL!...
i like this
amazing entry...your name suits you to a tee...keep up the good work
So very very lovely =)
great result!
Great work author...best of luck for u...
Congratulations for the 1st. place, Lois! You're an inspiration, always!
Another beautiful piece Artgirl Congrats
Congrats! for your win

Thanks for your very kind comments. You are all very special!!
Congratulation on 1st place...
Howdie stranger!
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