Well, I was inspired to give you a second version of the statue. I see her in love with a matching partner :D
I made the Photo from the cyclone during the Sandworld-Show at the Baltic Sea Lübeck-Travemünde and he seems to be the perfect for her... (5 years and 3446 days ago)
author, you need to place your original picture in the step by step, it's cool that you linked to the source but it's your account and once it's recognized you will no longer be able to stay anonymous... (great idea and GOOD LUCK)
author says:
thx for your comments, yes @ Alan you're right, Text is mostly difficult on an image.
@Drivenslush: I will do so during my next Contest-Upload, just don't see that stepbystep can be added afterwards.
yes u can add sbs afterwards....above u see the options....go to my stuff and then go to my contest entries...thr you will get the option of adding sbs...so plz upload the original image in ur sbs...othrws ths creation of urs might b removed by the mods...gud luck...and nice idea on the image..but as alan said the text is not workng for me either...
author says:
okay, sometimes less is more, the text love is in the air was absorbed from the cyclone
and stepbystep my photo is available.
It would look better if the colors of the statues matched. Just use an adjustment layer on the given source image, either Hue/Saturation or Color Balance should do it.
A few suggestions: a little more blending on the man's arm where it lies on the rock (edge is just a little to hard)... and the lighting... a possible solution would be to take out one of the lighting bolts so it is not so symmetrical; that would also give you a more definate light source ... then lighten/darken and add shadows from there.
Good story here though and as I said before, very powerful piece.
author says:
Thanks aaaaaa lllooottt nisha and lamantine for the fav.....and
arca the the edge of the hand where it is places is not hard...it is the other rock in front of it which has hard edges....and as per u suggested i reduced the lightning effect and added shadows....hope its ok now...
and MossyB i also have lighted up her dress a bit..hope its ok now
further suggestions will b greatly accepted...thank you
Sorry about the arm ... I looked at it as close as I could in hi res ... but I know how things can fool the eye. When you are creating an image you know what is going on ... as a viewer I can sometimes see things differently (a good example is Glockman's entry in the Stone face ... I could have sworn there were 6 finger but when I looked in SBS he was right ... there are the correct amount of fingers)!
Great work, love the mood & colouring... well done
author says:
HAD TO CHANGE THE SOURCE 2 and replace it cause the mods showed some problem with that one....they askd to get permission...although i have askd the stock provider for permission he didnt reply yet....so i am changing the source 2 with one of my own stock which is uploaded in my sbs....and for the lady the link is provided in sources....and THANKS TO EACH AND EVERYONE WHO HAVE APPRECIATED MY WORK.....and ARCA i knew u overlooked it....so i understand friend..not an issue at all...thanks a lot....
Had to do it, couldn't help myself.
Basic photoshop work, used transform warp tool to alter shapes and raise statues eyebrow. (5 years and 3448 days ago)
good idea -- well done--- very slight white edge on some of the main statue
oops, missed that, fixed!....Thanks for that alan
Very cool. Funny idea and good execution as well. There is still a thin white line on the right side of the big statue, fix that and it'll be awesome.
Very well done and clever !
its a skillfull and formidable work. I think you get it. good luck.
very good work author...best of luck
nice one ........
Great idea, well done
Gongrats on first place
Good one...congrats!
Congratulations for 1st place
congrats on ur 1st
Congrats Geex, nice work
Congrats Geex :]...gr8 work
Congrats on first place Geex!
yeah, you got it *~congrats~*
Howdie stranger!
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