(5 years and 3374 days ago)
i really like this one, author! nicely done...that image wasn't an easy one to play with, i worked with it for an evening and then gave it up to the masters. well done and best of luck!
Howdie stranger!
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Super pic. Great job.
Now were talking, excellent job author! Very nice keeping the source recognizable.
I think we're all in agreement, this is really well put together and the final result is excellent!
The upper edge of the hair cut out roughly. And the upper edge of the box too
Beautiful done all around, Good luck
Wow ... I spent a long time just looking at this in Hi res ... what a story it tells! Great work and wonderful composition. It is a truly incredible image. I would love to hear the story you had in your head while creating this!
I totally agree with Arca! Certainly a fav in my book!
Good luck for your good job. Nice work BTW.
nice job
i love it ,good luck
very good efects!! =D
Excellent chop! Very well thought out and put together. I'd love to know how you re-did the 'evil face' (reminds me of the pointilism technique in painting), that's very cool, author.
Thanks everyone for the nice comments! Pearlie, for the evil face I used a bubble brush which was included with my Wacom tablet. I used different sizes with different opacities, making sure to use smaller bubbles for the smaller details. Also creating more layers of bubbles for areas which would have more highlight ( or more raised). After I get the base of the bubbles I add a new layer, set it to color dodge and fill it with black. With a white brush set to 5% opacity I paint in more highlights. For more details I added the evil face behind the bubbles and set the opacity to 10%
Wow, the blending is almost perfect! Is he a Satyr? Did he steal .. robots? The good thing about this work is it rises the question in viewer's mind about the story behind. I would use brush with a bit harder and brighter stroke to make the fur on his leg, it still looks quite blurry now. No more nitpick, and high mark from me !
that looks great on high res author love the bubble face, gave the image that little bit extra got my vote
beautiful image.... Well done..
amazing job..........
Wow, Author, this thief is sooo charming, almost huggable
So nice.good job
Very creative! Great job, author!
this deserves a favourite....just awsome
This is quite possibly one of the best chops I've seen on this site.
Congrats for first......!
Congrats for your first place, Chalty!
Congratulations, Chad!
Congratulations on an excellent entry ... such a lovely image.
Very well done, congrats on first place!
congrat on first place , excellent entry
congrat on first place
Very well done, congrats on 1st place for Thief!
Congratulations on placing first! I really like the story being told here. Great imagination!
Congrats Chalty terrific job
Finally, yes, finally the glorious victory is in your hand now . Hearty congrats my friend, you should be proud of this win
Congrats !!
awesome job
Howdie stranger!
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