We humans have 5 senses: touch, smell, sight, taste and hearing... They provide input for our perception. They work together so we can make sense of the world around us and we can interact with our surroundings.
This contest is about celebrating at least one of those... Or rather, the lack of one of those!
Depict at least one sense and show us how disabled we become if that one sense doesn't work. For example, to show the lack of sight, you could show a person walking straight into a lake. Or, to show the lack of taste, you could show someone enjoying the taste of something disgusting!
You can also create a scene where more than 1 (or all) senses are missing. Good luck.
texture is a bit to prominent. perhaps lower the opacity.
also, where the mouth has been taken away, it looks like she's got a bulge under her skin. perhaps you could do something to lessen the shadowing that gives it that appearance.
It's really a nice work, bu I agree with Jade about the texture. I also have to choose a several kinds of texture and change their colors to achieve the best results...
You did a wonderful work here... do not worry about texture.... you can do something with it next time...The image is outstanding and very well defined. Good luck author.
You are the only one who interpreted this theme like I did (cept I didn't enter because I didn't have enough time), everyone else just removed things. Isn't this what the theme was all about?
@ korporaalkaaas: Shadow where? There's nothing behind her to cast a shadow on. Her hands are in front of her ears, and the arrow is through the ears, not behind her.
@ Korpora..
The thing is many of us might have the impression of "something's wrong with this pic", and that's cause in real life you can't have an arrow through&through without being dead & having brain/blood spatter on the other side. But there's no need for that realism here, it would ruin everything
author says:
Greymval, thank you so much...it seems that people who try to take an image like this literally just don't get the joke. (sigh)
Her elbows look a bit awkward to me. The shadows are a bit too grey and don't match the shadows around the rest of the body (such as the underarms). I know it's too late now, but if you wanted to just for the heck of it, you could try experimenting with blend modes such as soft light or overlay at a lower opacity.
Good luck and good humour
I did look at the source Author, and that's how i noticed the grey and flat looking elbows.
If I were she I'd be with a f***ing head ache!...
But sometimes I got like this girl when I'm on a bus and some moron plays a disgusting song on his cell phone player out loud... I think some people don't know what a earphone is made for!
I agree with Matteo about the shadowing under the elbows, I think you could burn slightly the skin. But idea is very nice, and the fine humor is a must here! GL.
Whatever Mossy, it's just as proportioned as is can be considering he has thumbtacks stuck in his eye lids and they're pulled down. I think you did fine! GL!
The light source on the umbrella in foreground is opposite the background light source...
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
I don't why he's senseless... HE'S DEAD!!!! I mean, I'm no medical doctor or anything but I think he would not live long with his head several meters in from of him. But the head looks like it's positioned weird.....
Even if he does not have senses any more... or he is dead.... it is still a nice image... (but it should have done better in the other contest).... good luck author.
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
absolutely amazing! its very intriguing!
texture is a bit to prominent. perhaps lower the opacity.
also, where the mouth has been taken away, it looks like she's got a bulge under her skin. perhaps you could do something to lessen the shadowing that gives it that appearance.
It's really a nice work, bu I agree with Jade about the texture. I also have to choose a several kinds of texture and change their colors to achieve the best results...
This is an awesome way to produce nightmares. Good work author!
Oh, too bad I can't edit it now
Thanks a lot for you suggestions anyway, I will work on those next time 
Nice worK! This should place. GL!!!
You did a wonderful work here... do not worry about texture.... you can do something with it next time...The image is outstanding and very well defined. Good luck author.
Good concept and superb execution.

Best of luck my friend
Very dramatic. Very Degas! Lovely work and has great depth for such a simple image ... at least in its presentation not the work involved! Bravo!
Good image.
Very interesting, and great mood.
Great work author,,,very spooky...100% on theme...well done
Beautiful work, this is a fav
I love the textures you used.
Ah my young friend, well done congrats
AWESOME!!! This was my pic for the win! WELL DESERVED my friend!! Congrats!

love this too... congrats for the win...!
Aqiil, congrats!
Thank you everyone !!!
Aqiil: my friend.... congrats for your first... you are doing real well.... keep it going...
Thank you George
hey congrats
Thank you
Thanks !!
Howdie stranger!
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