In this contest, your goal is to use a photo of a human or animal and make 1 part of the body out of proportion... For example, you could make one arm of a person muscled and the other one normal... Or give a person a huge head or nose...
Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
ponti55: Hahahahaha... man, i'm childish. ( 5 years and 3313 days ago )
RayTedwell: get your mind out of the gutter Matteo! hehe ( 5 years and 3313 days ago )
Geexman: lol Matteo..I`m afraid my mind was there too when I read it. ( 5 years and 3311 days ago )
mishti: Umm isnt it disproportionate?Just wondering why is it spelt wrong..! ( 5 years and 3311 days ago )
mishti: err wongly spelt i meant ( 5 years and 3311 days ago )
Drivenslush: mishti, it's spelled wrong (spelt is a baking flour they sell in health food stores) though I see what you mean.. it should be Disproportionate, unproportionate isn't a word ( 5 years and 3310 days ago )
mishti: Err..well But I checked th Dic which said "–verb
"a simple past tense and past participle of spell" ( 5 years and 3308 days ago )
mishti: Dictionary to be v.specific ( 5 years and 3308 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Whatever proportionate it is, I'm assuming since it says "humans" animals are off theme? ( 5 years and 3306 days ago )
solkee: Jaws, it clearly says "In this contest, your goal is to use a photo of a human or animal and make 1 part of the body out of proportion". Human OR animal, so animals are OK. ( 5 years and 3305 days ago )
Hello Dear
How are you, My name is Fatima i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address
( I believe we can move from here! Am waiting for your mail to my email address above because i have alot to tell you, Lot´s of love,
email me on my mail box not in site
have a great day and God bless you.
miss Fatima ( 5 years and 3186 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
The neck area looks kind of wonky - The really dark shape beneath the head makes it look like the head is floating, and it doesn't look at all like a shadow...Nice job on the background!
The general mood, the colors and theme is nice, it's some details which could make the entry more finished. That's imo mostly the hair, that looks a bit too roughly drawn compared to the more clean rest of the images. Pay a bit longer attention to it, perhaps you can add a blending layer (with mode multiply) to make the dark parts a bit darker so the hair looks somewhat more smooth. Or just use a tinier brush to get thát detail which make the image more like a whole. Same story would be for the strings. Perhaps here and there the edges from the suit can be a bit softer too. But for the rest I'd think that Tim Burton would like this .
@Mossy: not sure, but maybe the dark shape you mention is not necessarely a shadow but some kind of necklace?
Author, good luck!
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
Other than maybe make the right side of the head the same shape of the left (since she's staring strait out) it looks like her head is deformed but other than that, this is still one of the best entries I've seen. Fix that and I think you just might have a winner. GL!
author says:
I tried to fix the most critical parts, really thanks for you guys for making me know.
with few little adjustments this could be a fantastic image(mostly the hair)..but having said that, i really like it..the mood is great..goes to my fav's..good luck!
I really like this image! I couldn't really tell what was on the right side of her untill about the 5th look. Also not sure why you added an sbs with just one background image?
Gruesome little thing isn't she. Has a very doll-like quality to her which makes it more impressive considering the scissors and the clothsline! Love the concept!
Nice reconstruction of the forehead, but in high res the neck is badly blended into the body, and you need to continue the strong highlight on the shoulder where the head was. This could be great with a few tweaks...GL author!
author says:
Thanks for your advice CMYK46, i try to change that...
Looks much better to me, author!
(If I could be permitted one more small nitpick, maybe blurring the sharp edges you've created would fit better with the rest of the original image, but I love your concept and choice of source material...good luck!).
Nice chop....Confusing light on this image. To justify the wonderful contrast on this image is to lose the light source (spot light, camera?) in the right hand corner. Get rid of it. That corner should be the darkest part of the image. Looks great otherwise.
The light in the upper RH corner does not match the highlights on the skin, I'd suggest losing it, and I would tone down the neck lighting to match the rest of the body, but overall a nice job!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! (I love ginger cats.. they are so sweet!!!) and I want one for Xmax.... X 10) great job author, awesome job on the fuzzy edges, that can sometimes take hours
Hey jaws ...contest does say human or animal and I think it is an animal I wish it was a real animal ... I want one too. When your little kitty has a litter let me know! I want one... are big headed kitties smarter than regular head sized kitties?
Fantastic work author...i know that she is big headed cat bit on the same time she is damn cute...i would like to have one cat just like this for my self...well done man
YIPPEEEEE!!! what fun !!! (Though I would like to see some of that hair draping down the back of her right side, it looks like it just stops right there (Unless her hairdresser sucks, then never mind) great job author.. very awesome and on theme
Right now this is good but has the potential to be great. Right now it looks like you upsized the head which is the main focus part of the image. The problem is that the face is now pixelized and the body is not. I would've tried to downsize the body not upsize the head. Also some more smudging and blurring with the hair could do wonders. I would suggest blurring the body just a smidgen to match the head now. Good luck author.
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
The neck area looks kind of wonky - The really dark shape beneath the head makes it look like the head is floating, and it doesn't look at all like a shadow...Nice job on the background!
Very good
The general mood, the colors and theme is nice, it's some details which could make the entry more finished. That's imo mostly the hair, that looks a bit too roughly drawn compared to the more clean rest of the images. Pay a bit longer attention to it, perhaps you can add a blending layer (with mode multiply) to make the dark parts a bit darker so the hair looks somewhat more smooth. Or just use a tinier brush to get thát detail which make the image more like a whole. Same story would be for the strings. Perhaps here and there the edges from the suit can be a bit softer too. But for the rest I'd think that Tim Burton would like this
@Mossy: not sure, but maybe the dark shape you mention is not necessarely a shadow but some kind of necklace?
Author, good luck!
Other than maybe make the right side of the head the same shape of the left (since she's staring strait out) it looks like her head is deformed but other than that, this is still one of the best entries I've seen. Fix that and I think you just might have a winner. GL!
I tried to fix the most critical parts, really thanks for you guys for making me know.
with few little adjustments this could be a fantastic image(mostly the hair)..but having said that, i really like it..the mood is great..goes to my fav's..good luck!
I really like this image! I couldn't really tell what was on the right side of her untill about the 5th look. Also not sure why you added an sbs with just one background image?
like the concept very much..., good luck author
love this, good luck!!!
Gruesome little thing isn't she. Has a very doll-like quality to her which makes it more impressive considering the scissors and the clothsline! Love the concept!
congrats on a well deserved 1st place
Congrats for the first place !
Congrats, this is really creepy
congrats very nice work.
Congratulations darling, you deserve it!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: