evilwhisper: It would be nice if the moderators of this contest edit the level specifications. it is required level 15+. I saw that AFTER I HAVE FINISHED the work for my entry. I feel so bad, knowing that I have worked for about 1 hour, and now I can't make it public because I'm only level 1 (I registered yesterday) ( 5 years and 3292 days ago )
MossyB: Reading skills are highly overrated, but still necessary if you enter contests...
The Advanced level contests are clearly posted. It's not the moderator's fault that you didn't read them.
Keep entering the contests you are qualified to enter, and soon you will be able to enter the Advanced ones as well! ( 5 years and 3292 days ago )
wazowski: @evilwhisper: nothing to worry about, if you want you can submit your entry always in the socalled MixedManipulations contests which appear every other week (more or less). And perhaps it's not making you feel less bad, but I wish I only needed one hour for an entry ( 5 years and 3292 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Any entry submitted after 2000 hrs GMT April 01 will be removed. ( 5 years and 3285 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Fantastic work author and amazing magic scene...Girl is perfectly mad, love the effects around the sword...Dragon is very cool but its a bit uniform...u could change color of some his parts to make him a bit more dynamic.Maybe wings and tail or something like that. This is not even nit pick because whole scene is made perfect. High marks and instant fav from me.
very good image author..i like the scene u created here..the only problem i have with this image is about the girl..i think the she looks flat in some places..some more shading of the girl could really complete this image..aside from that its awesome and high votes from me..GL author!
Did not expect anything less from you author, you got the talent and the imagination to create such wonderful magical images. A fav from me too...as usual.
inspired from the terminator movies..,
No external sources used.., this one is a mix of source image with digital painting.., please watch the highresolution to see the details in the face and his brocken arm etc.., (5 years and 3286 days ago)
Only given source was used to construct the alien.Original is 35mb, so I hope this is large enough to show all details.
Credits to :
heelontheshovel from DA for clouds image
night-fate-stock from DA for mountains image
The-strawberry-tree from DA for cliff image (5 years and 3286 days ago)
My thoughts, too, Bob - looks like an H.R. Giger creature. Great background find, stacking and warping, author. Love step 5 showing how you made the spine especially. LOL@your title.
Great job author and fantastic construction...beast look fantastic and glowing sphere is fantastic addition...u did really really good job with the background too...best of luck
sorry.. doesn't look anything like a strawberry cheesecake.. Looks more like one of those pirate flags with incredible work and fantastic detail.. the overall hand work is spectacularly intricate and very professional... doesn't look ANYTHING like a cheesecake.. don't worry.. you will get better author.. LOL..
(WOW.. and WOW again.. the High res is AWESOME!!!! now if you could add tinker bell, we'd have a super cheesy image.. LOL)
Great job.. I'd hire you in a minute to paint all the murals I dream of in my house LOLOL) (I want my kitchen coated in whip cream and strawberry cheese cake.. with a Giant Portabella mushroom somewhere_)
Just the source is used except for the background. Thanks to ArtbyChristi at flckr.com for the background source. Bird and nest are created from source. (5 years and 3285 days ago)
Machaa.. great work!!!
Fantastic work author and amazing magic scene...Girl is perfectly mad, love the effects around the sword...Dragon is very cool but its a bit uniform...u could change color of some his parts to make him a bit more dynamic.Maybe wings and tail or something like that. This is not even nit pick because whole scene is made perfect. High marks and instant fav from me.
Fabulous work, great imagination and drawing skills you got. Work on the rock and girls costumes is beautiful , gud luck to you
very good image author..i like the scene u created here..the only problem i have with this image is about the girl..i think the she looks flat in some places..some more shading of the girl could really complete this image..aside from that its awesome and high votes from me..GL author!
love the gem studded out fit .. good luck
i love the goofy dragon i think the chalk brush where the ground brakes is a bit overdone .
excellent image overall
Excellent creativity.......Good Luck Author.
Very interesting!!
Made some changes, thanks to the suggestions
No!!! not the dragon! lol, great creative work =)
Incredible image, incredible story you have created. Wonderful work!
Did not expect anything less from you author, you got the talent and the imagination to create such wonderful magical images. A fav from me too...as usual.
Very well done, wonderful image
Absolutely fantastic, author! Love that lens flare, very cool effect. This would make a great mystical story.
Beautiful work!!
Outstanding, and the most in-depth 4 step SBS I've seen yet.
Good Luck Author!
marvelous image .........
Will you stop being fantastic, you`re making us look bad lol
nice work indeed author!
Well done, my fave = )
Congratulations on your 1-2 win !!!!
Great Job...Congrats
Congrats Anoop
1 & 2 awesome
Congrats..... nice jobs.... Amazing works!
Great job, congrats!
Congrats, u scored
Congrats buddy for your dominant places. I want to join and have fun but I couldn't. Someday, maybe
Nice Job Congrats
wow amazing work! congrats!
Congrats, very well done!!
Congrats buddy!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: