Andrzej Dragan is a photographer who manipulates his portraits of people to create a "high definition" effect that can be quite startling. You can see his works here, under "Portfolio>Personal."
The goal here is to take a photo of someone, and give it your best "Dragan effect."
You have to achieve this effect with Photoshop, you can't use in camera settings. Furthermore you are not allowed to use specialized filters, which can produce the effect in one click. After all this is a Photoshop contest.
A SBS is mandatory in this contest.
sgc: Seems much more slanted to the photography side of things to me!!! ( 5 years and 3220 days ago )
Toothpick134: Agrees with sgc ( 5 years and 3220 days ago )
MossyB: Although Dragan starts with a good Hi-Res photo, the effect is pure Photoshop...There are dozens of tutorials online on how to achieve it, and Dragan himself used to sell the photoshop techniques he used as a tutorial...
I'd LOVE to see someone photograph an image to look like a Dragan without chopping it...I don't think you can adjust the settings on a camera to get the effect. Especially since the photographer himself admits to using PS... ( 5 years and 3220 days ago )
locksmagic: Technically speaking it is possible to emulate this effect in camera with todays higher end slr's and the proper lighting. But it would be much easier and more efficient to do it in PS ( 5 years and 3220 days ago )
Drivenslush: Topaz Adjust.. end of story ( 5 years and 3220 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Topaz Adjust is considered a "one click" filter and is against the rules. ( 5 years and 3219 days ago )
Drivenslush: Does that mean HDR toning is out too? ( 5 years and 3219 days ago )
friiskiwi: HDR is hardly 1 click ( 5 years and 3219 days ago )
downoffthedragon: There was a tutorial in Photoshop Creative (or Advanced Photoshop, I can't remember which) for the Dragan effect. I made a few images using this technique. It will be fun to try this again. ( 5 years and 3219 days ago )
friiskiwi: I was going to have a go at this, but after looking at some of the excellent entries, I'm almost scared to. ( 5 years and 3219 days ago )
freejay: YES....this contest should be in the photography section.
As it is, the winner will be the one that finds the best source pic. ( 5 years and 3217 days ago )
friiskiwi: In the photography section, you have to have taken the photo. ( 5 years and 3217 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Any entry submitted after 2000hrs GMT Friday 10th June will be removed ( 5 years and 3212 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
thank you !
I want to say my opinion about Dragan effect. I saw the works on his site, each one is beautiful but on photoshop I think that each photo had a different treatment , on very accurate shots he worked on raw, then photoshop.So the "dragan effect" is a little over much said, is the HDR effect over a portrait .
Was looking for a contemporary soldier, but came across this magnificent image and had to use it. Thank you to all who have fought for freedom. (5 years and 3219 days ago)
Yes friiskiwi I'll second that motion. Well done author. Good choice of source ...exactly the kind of effect this Dragan effect , is for a picture of and old "WarHorse" love the colors.
I like how you put a different twist on it. Instead of dark and weird, you made it fun. I don't know much about it because I don't use photoshop, but what about trying to use the mapping? to make the paint flow better on the face along the curves like in his ear area? Or maybe even give the paint an edge because as it is, it looks like it was airbrushed on, not painted with a paintbrush. Just a suggestion to make it AWESOME
Congrats, brilliant!!
Very nice!!
great work good luck Author
This is beautiful work, author, and a different way to achieve the effect. Kudos.
this image has a 3d feel to it.

I feel like he going to look out my computer.... good background choice
very nice concept ,,nicely done GL Author
thank you !
I want to say my opinion about Dragan effect. I saw the works on his site, each one is beautiful but on photoshop I think that each photo had a different treatment , on very accurate shots he worked on raw, then photoshop.So the "dragan effect" is a little over much said, is the HDR effect over a portrait .
great work, very well done effect
great work
great work
gl author
Great work! Best of luck!
cool and greaaaaaat..........!
very very nice work..GL!!
Congrats - great job!
thank you !!
beautifully done
thank you all !!
Felicitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaari pentru locul I!!
Tine-o tot asa!
Conngrats on your First Place Win
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: