Arrogantus Pretentious, or the more common name, the Snark, is a parasitical animal that attaches itself to people at birth. Using their sharp, little claws to hook into its host, its growth is dependant on cruel, thoughtless or careless comments uttered by said host. The Snark believes it is an expert on everything and considers common decency to be a sign of weakness. Very often, the Snark will defend itself by indignantly protesting that its comments are made in jest, are unvarnished truth or meant to be instructive. Although one can never completely rid oneself of the little pest, one can reduce its size significantly with kind words, tactful comments and a willingness to apologize.
I don't know if its the change in the weather, the start of school or my neighbor's constantly yapping little dog (ban pit bulls? They should ban any dog under 3 pounds in weight!), but my personal Snark MUST go on a diet before my family bans me to the garage. This has not been one of my finer weeks. (5 years and 3114 days ago)
I wanna rub his belly like a Buddha.. hehehe
Nice idea..like it!!...
Slushy, don't let its looks fool you! It looks harmless enough, but that just allows it to dig its claws in deeper. And then, before you know it, you're snarking at someone and then THEIR snark gets going and before you can say "Facial hair looks good on you. Too bad you're not a man." Wham! You're in the middle of a fight.
I've been trying to starve my snark all week, but I don't think I'm succeeding.
Wonderful idea -- like the details and use of source
Great work! I'd just suggest a bit more of a highlight in the eye.
looks like a rodent that just won't shut u..lol...very nice work.. to be picky I have trouble with eye attachment...not quite part of the head ... but that is me being picky ..great work and gl
awsm!! good luck author
Author...I'm continuously being awed by your ability. You've done some really great stuff. Including this!
Great chop, FABULOUS description! *ahem*

Brilliant,love it ! Good luck author
great work man gl
Thank you for your votes and comments. I got a couple of PM's that really helped kick my Snark in its fuzzy little backside, so thanks for those, too.
Congrats again Cheryl
fabulous lttle critter 
Howdie stranger!
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