Bugs Bunny, the Smurfs, Tom & Jerry, Homer Simpson, Eric Cartman, Peter Griffin, Stewie,... : all kinds of cartoon characters that made millions of people put a smile on their face for the last couples of decades.
All these cartoons were drawn, and your goal in this contest is to make them "alive", a depiction of how they would look like in real life. You can only use photos to achieve this and you can only pick out animation cartoons which are originally made in 2D/drawn (so no 3D cartoons allowed). The photo-transformed cartoon can be from the old animations or from nowadays, as long as they look like the original ones, as much as possible.
To get an idea of how it works, head over to the previous living cartoons contest. Use of copyrighted characters as reference is permitted for this contest ONLY, but be sure to post all links. Photos of ppl dressed up as those cartoons are not allowed as a source. Simply tracing something is not allowed either.
Required level: 5+ or higher. Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
Good work! Seems a bit rushed, though...there are edges like his left shoulder & hat brim that could use attention, and there's a shadow in mid air next to the can.
author says:
You were right I was in a hurry,had to go right after uploading . But I'm back now and I fixed the issues you mentioned. Thanks!!
I knew it was something like dr david brenner so I googled, then I found this, so I thought I was right (didnt look close enough LOL)
Good work! Seems a bit rushed, though...there are edges like his left shoulder & hat brim that could use attention, and there's a shadow in mid air next to the can.
You were right I was in a hurry,had to go right after uploading
. But I'm back now and I fixed the issues you mentioned. Thanks!!

I love this...now how do I get the Popeye theme song out of my head?
nice work... mabe u should ad a pipe ..
Completely forgot the pipe, added it now!! Thanks!
I thought about that but he does not have the tattoo on the inner arm. And thats what you're looking at..
nice work, but the bg dose nt suit the character, bcoz of d light
Nice job, love his suit, squished can and shapes in his face!
You did a good job.... for me,it liiks like popeye.....Good luck.
fun pic
Congrats, nice work
thanks all.
Howdie stranger!
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