Pxl Game - Photoshop Contest [6 entries]

Angry Pxl Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

Your task is to create a PXL game. It can be any type of game. For instance a board game, a card game, a computer game... You are allowed to base it on an existing game or create a completely new one. You can make your own rules and post them in the entry description. Using PXLeyes members photos or avatars is allowed.

Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
Suggested by: Lelaina

nicehotcupoftea: Sounds fun, and excuse my ignorance, but what is meant by "PXL"? ( 5 years and 2890 days ago )
Lelaina: PXL is short for PXLeyes, so it has to be a game related to PXLeyes. ( 5 years and 2890 days ago )
nicehotcupoftea: Thank you for clarification. ( 5 years and 2890 days ago )
samanway: If you want to make something using PXLeyes logo you can find here: http://www.pxleyes.com/psd/logo.psd ( 5 years and 2885 days ago )

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


Angry Pxl - created by Chalty669

Angry Pxl
Favs: 12SBS: 30Hi-resRank: 1/6Score: 75.7% (46)10738 views

I always thought the hardest thing about entering contest on pxleyes was to find legal sources to use. This game is similar to the same game we play every day. Google is almost impossible to fine a legal source on, Flickr is pretty easy but doesn't offer as many options. Deviant art has some of the best sources but you can easily be burned if you don't dive into the authors journals. Because many of the stock photos on Deviant are not allowed to be used outside of their website unless the author gives you permission. I have set up each site as characters and how hard they are to get legal sources for pxleyes. No outside sources were used, everything you see was made from scratch. (5 years and 2885 days ago)

Death by Photoshop - created by nicehotcupoftea

Death by Photoshop
Favs: 2SBS: 12Hi-resRank: 2/6Score: 73.9% (39)13798 views

This is a twist on the classic detective board game Cluedo.
(my photo for the Cluedo board - shown in SBS)
In the PXL variation, the possible murderers are PXL members (chosen purely with artistic criteria!), and the weapons have been replaced by photoshop tools. You have to guess the room, which PXL member did the dastardly deed, and using which photoshop tool.
So.....was it Madamemonty with the Magic Wand in the Ballroom??? (5 years and 2885 days ago)

5 Sources:

Photoshop Contests Simulator - created by micoprego

Photoshop Contests Simulator
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 3/6Score: 64.6% (25)13828 views

With this wonderful machine your trips to the mall or your favorite bar will not take your pleasure from our favorite site. ;)

GL4U! (5 years and 2888 days ago)

5 Sources:

PXL game - created by oana

PXL game
Favs: 2SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 4/6Score: 63.9% (0)7292 views

You can find the rules of the game here: http://www.pxleyes.com/guidelines/ (5 years and 2886 days ago)

2 Sources:

Is it a game, or is it real? - created by Drivenslush

Is it a game, or is it real?
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 5/6Score: 59.8% (0)9123 views

Quote from War Games (5 years and 2883 days ago)

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