Ps Tournament 2 Round 1 - Photoshop Contest [18 entries]

Steam Bots....... Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

This tournament runs for 4 weeks, week 1 is 'open for all', which means everyone can enter. Week 2 only the top 16 members of week 1 will be able to participate, week 3 the top 8 members of week 2 and in week 4 the top 4 members of week 3. The winner of round 4 will be crowned king or queen of Pxleyes! This final round's winner will be awarded with $100!

Week 2, 3 and 4 will be posted on Thursdays but will be opened for entries on Sundays after the previous round is closed, when the next participants are known. If you participate, be aware you might have to re-enter next rounds too!

Rounds 2, 3 and 4 will have 2 reserve players each. These will be the 2 runners up of the previous round, in the list with names who are allowed to enter their names will be followed by "(reserve 1 or 2)".
Reserves are allowed to enter their entry whenever they want BUT be aware:
if all qualified members for that round enter: ALL the entries by the reserves will by removed when the contest goes into voting. If one or two qualified members fail to enter one or two reserves are allowed to stay in the contest when the contest turns into voting.
Those removed entries will be allowed in the Mixed Media (or other fitting) contests later on.

This week's theme is: steampunk
Steampunk is a genre which came into prominence during the 1980s and early 1990s and incorporates elements of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, horror, and speculative fiction.

It involves a setting where steam power is widely used - whether in an alternate history such as Victorian era Britain or "Wild West"-era United States, or in a post-apocalyptic time - that incorporates elements of either science fiction or fantasy.

Works of steampunk often feature anachronistic technology, or futuristic innovations as Victorians might have envisioned them, based on a Victorian perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, and art. This technology includes such fictional machines as those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or the contemporary authors Philip Pullman, Scott Westerfeld and China Mieville.

Status: finished. Check out the winners below!

Suggested by: robvdn

Keiley22: oh wow, another tournament. What a way to start it with Steam Punk YAY!!! my fav thing to look at, not very good at creating it but love the style Goodluck to all that enter!!! ( 5 years and 2876 days ago )
aridewi: There should limitation on using digital drawing and painting in this photomanipulation tournament . 70% drawing and painting in use not considered as photomanipulation, there should be drawing tournament, there is must a clear defference between photoshop as manipulation and drawing then. It just not fair for members who not have skill to digital drawing and will lucky for them with good drawing skill,….it just my opinion. ( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
HexaNode: @aridewi: The Specialties are about PHOTOSHOP contest, not just a PHOTO MANIPULATION contest, Photoshop tournament it's all about EVERYTHING in Photoshop whether they're photo editing, photo manipulation, and digital painting or illustration of course. It's ALSO not fair for members who LESS skill to photo manipulation and lucky for those with only photo manipulation skill to show!
it's just my opinion too. ( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
aridewi: @hex, so we already know who will win for this contest...there should be drwing tournament, 70% drwing must considered as drawin tournament!
( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
aridewi: and I sure this kind of contest will make other member bored! ( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
hereisanoop: ( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
HexaNode: @aridewi: why are you so concern about the winner? The contest isn’t started yet but you’re obviously ‘intimidating’ other members by referring

"we already know who will win for this contest."

The point in this tournament was trying to be the best in every aspects of Photoshop.

If everybody KNOWS who-will-be the winner, it’s ridiculous then, they should not give it a try.
( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
hereisanoop: @aridewi.. have a look at the first round of tournament1. A well crafted photomanipulation won the first place. ( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
EmiK: Maybe we can have the winner of a previous photoshop contest sit out, and pass the crown over to the next winner. Just an idea. ( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
George55: I think, in these kind of tournaments, it not the idea of wining the challenge at the end. It is what you can learn from others. I was not good for "Surrealism" in the first round of Tournament 1. I had to do a lot of research, and came out with an idea that took me to the second round. Did not do well in this round, but learned a lot. Some of us do not have the tools (3D, Drawing and Painting programs), we do not even have the talent to draw. There will be some good Photomanipulators, or some Digital Painters, who cares, it is just the idea of participating and learning. In my opinion, the last four participants for Tournament 1, final round, have the ability to paint and draw, but I still do not know who the winner is going to be. (Got an idea but not share it). So, let's start thinking of something very Stempunky, to begin the next round. Winner will be crown, and yes, there will be some disappointment, but at the end, I will be happy that pxleyes, is opening the doors to any one, to participate...remember... it is FREE for all of us! ( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
robvdn: I think George has a good point here, these tournaments are not solely about winning but about learning also, setting goals for yourself and grow your skills and creativity. I'm a long enough member to know how for instance Hereisanoop started (check his portfolio). He made a great leap forward in his skills just by sticking to it and trying, trying and trying. He's there in the finals of the first tournament and all my respect to him!
But the same story goes for a lot of members here at PXL and they get the same respect from me, we all started at turning Photoshop on for the first time and having no clue what it can do, we all came a far way since then. No matter which way you choose to follow with it; drawing, photo manipulations and so on, they are all valid.

We've had 1vs1 photo tournaments in the forum, in which even I managed to make it to the final cut sometimes. I bought a new decent camera just a half year before or so and never been that interested in photography. But looking at others work and asking questions to the right persons (I happened to be lucky to get Itsmymoment as a personal trainer) you can learn a lot in a short time.

What I'm trying to say is: take advantage of the tournament element in this type of contest. Even for those who make it to the final 8 or so they know they'll have to give 110%: competition is fierce for all of them, It's not a a matter of pulling some trick. This only results in positive results: they learn something extra because they have to push their own limits and we can learn something from those entries. As extra topping on the pie PXL is blessed with some top entries.

PXL has always been a learning site, members asking other members questions and getting answers as well. Take advantage of that! ( 5 years and 2875 days ago )
nishagandhi: i have never tried steampunk till now...i have no idea from where should i start.. any suggestions ? ( 5 years and 2872 days ago )
spaceranger: Yes Nisha, you should read up on what the Steampunk genre is all about: ( and check google image search for examples. You can search for sources on many sites by using "steampunk" as your search word. ( 5 years and 2872 days ago )
nishagandhi: thanks Spaceranger! ( 5 years and 2872 days ago )
friiskiwi: Looking at these varied and wonderful entries, makes it very clear to me why I so seldom enter the Photoshop contests. I'm in awe. ( 5 years and 2870 days ago )
DanielaOwergoor: I have 3 Steampunk works made ​​for some time.
It's as if I had no more ideas of what to do ....
Without ideas, could not participate! ( 5 years and 2870 days ago )
zambrottix: day 27, is 23:40 in Spain, and I can not upload my work???
( 5 years and 2868 days ago )
zambrottix: I think there is an error on the page are all closed contests, I hope that when resolved can present my work, thanks
( 5 years and 2868 days ago )
Lelaina: @zambrottix: It's indeed a mistake, that (almost) all contests are set to vote only at the moment, but this contest was closed for submissions on 27th April at 20:00 GMT, so it is correct, that it is in vote only mode. You won't be able to submit an entry here.
You can always upload it to the Mixed Media contest though. (When uploading there works again.) ( 5 years and 2868 days ago )

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


Steam Bots....... - created by samanway

Steam Bots.......
Favs: 15SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 1/18Score: 75.8% (46)13943 views

About the Image :Thats a steam factory at the background and those guys in black are not ghosts,they are steam factory workers and the main 2 bots are in the front .

The left bot is giving a ring that he made it from his bottom of his heart for his.........(u know)

I am so tired now .....cant type..
so stock credits goes .......
for helping me creating this....
INFO: you may not spot the gage but its there on the chest of the BOt.

(5 years and 2868 days ago)

2 Sources:

Steampunk Angel - created by anatole

Steampunk Angel
Favs: 8SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 2/18Score: 73% (39)18920 views

This is the image that popped in mind, when i thought about the topic. Of cause it looks totally different than intended. Hope u enyoy it anyway ;)

additional sources:


decoration on the straps:


keys (and golden elements):


and also thanks to obsidiandawn for the frost-, the aurora-, the feather-, and the lacesbrushes
wich u can find here: (5 years and 2868 days ago)

10 Sources:

Fly away - created by ushurani

Fly away
Favs: 4SBS: 11Hi-resRank: 3/18Score: 72% (32)17482 views

Wanna thank Faestock, Littlebluestocking and Foxstox for the stock. Obsidian and Falln-brushes for the smoke brushes. (5 years and 2869 days ago)

7 Sources:

Alice in Punkland - created by oziipop

Alice in Punkland
Favs: 4SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 4/18Score: 71.7% (27)15331 views

and blimp (5 years and 2868 days ago)

10 Sources:

Miss Steampunk - created by solkee

Miss Steampunk
Favs: 3SBS: 14Hi-resRank: 5/18Score: 68.8% (19)13188 views

Had to enter as I love doing steampunk images. SBS and HiRes uploaded to see the details clearer.

Girl is from the beautiful CrowsReign-Stock.
Heart/spaceship is by Murophobie.
Goggles from fetishfaerie-stock.
Steam Engine from konishkichen.
Gun is from Kxhara.
Top hat is from stock by lindowyn.
Motorcycle headlamps were from FantasyStock.
Sky image was taken by me and can be seen in the Step By Step.
Texture is from
Smoke brushes are from Falln-Brushes. (5 years and 2874 days ago)

9 Sources: