Unlucky lemurs - created by LewisBroadbent

Unlucky lemurs
Favs: 0SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 16/19Score: 59% (0)8857 views

Two lemurs conjoined at the tail :P must be annoying.
All sources are my own. (5 years and 2823 days ago)

Monkey Bizniss - created by RickLaMesa

Monkey Bizniss
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 17/19Score: 56.5% (0)7008 views

(5 years and 2824 days ago)

2 Sources:

No comments yet... Be the first!Bizniss, Monkey

twins snake - created by macarhign

twins snake
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 18/19Score: 56.2% (0)12825 views

I used downloaded brush which i download it year ago, see sbs for that brush. I hope this is okey!
because i can't find the URL of the brush

I made a video making of this entry i invite you all to see the video, just click the Source 4 below.

i apologize to modz that i use the source URL to link the video. i hope it is okey!
i don't think i break the rules here the video is still anonymous artist/account.
(5 years and 2821 days ago)

4 Sources:

Spliced Crab Twin - created by Drivenslush

Spliced Crab Twin
Favs: 0SBS: 11Hi-resRank: 19/19Score: 55.3% (0)8890 views

(5 years and 2825 days ago)

3 Sources: