Source 1 is not your own photo it is a CG rendered wallpaper: taken from this site:
Source 2 is a screenshot and not your own photo. Taking images created by others and claiming them as your own is art theft. Copyrighting these images under your own name is illegal.
This behavior is not acceptable and if you continue you risk being banned and your account removed.
author says:
As far as I understood the rules stock images from deviant are acceptable.The source I gave here is a stock image from deviant art.And yes it's mine and if it's really a theft to add Images from my old folders then I wish deviant art punishes me. This site you linked me - I have never visited- It's in Japanese? The image from source two is actually again a stock image and I want to be explained , how I'm not supposed to use it. It's a stock image. As such it can be screenshot from the author of the stock or I don't know. But here I use a stock not a screenshot. So yes. When the rules are clear that I cannot use the original arc reactor I've found ,because it's a 3D render clearly can find a stock image that looks alike. Am I right?
The images are NOT your own, a screen shot is a picture taken from another source like a movie which is copyrighted. It doesn't matter where you found the image for source 1 it is a CG wallpaper made by someone else. Taking pictures of someone else's images doesn't make them your own neither does posting them on deviantArt. All sources must be proven to be free of copyright and acceptable for use.
(5 years and 2455 days ago)
author says:
I never said something like that. About the screen shot from a movie that's copyrighted , I must admit I understood that just a second ago.It's logical therefore I find it true. About the background. I have it since pf.. really long time on my PC. I cannot remember from where. So what stops me to upload it in DA as a Stock? Clearly nothing. I can easily say that it's a stock that i have found, made by some artist in deviant , who happens to have the same name as me But I wont. I wish to rework the 6 hours layering in order to participate in this contest. So tell me now , can I delete my entry?
So you're saying that the deviantArt member just happens to have your name AND the same photo of himself that you've used in this entry
CG-Computer Graphics
Go to PROFILE/my entries and edit your entry there. You can't delete your entry only moderators can remove them. If you don't correct your entry it will be removed and you will receive a warning message.
(5 years and 2455 days ago)
author says:
I said that jokingly but I can say it. Besides check again the author changed his profile picture... I'm just not an asshole and like playing within the rules. Otherwise I lose the sense of accomplishment .
PS: I see only replace image. What I will do now is just start working and I will replace it with the new one after it is done Thank you.
(5 years and 2455 days ago)
author says:
I actually like it more that way...
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
This is the digital painting of an iris. Irises are some of my favorite flowers. I thank Liz West, from flickr, for the original photo of the iris, that inspired me to create this digital painting. I used different sizes brushes, smudging, and blending modes. (5 years and 2451 days ago)
The lighting on the girl would be much darker with a glow about her. But nice image overall
Thank you! Yes I know it's possible to make it look even better but honestly at the end , I ended up with 70 unnamed layers.... and it got a bit hard
Howdie stranger!
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