No outside source used. I just noticed there was somewhat of a similar entry, but I'm putting this one up anyway. SBS is coming, might take a while though. But I'll put it up!
SBS is up! (5 years and 3931 days ago)
http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1184141 (5 years and 3929 days ago)
nice ripples, but sad its from the source... anyway, great idea.. nice work.. gl
very original, good luck
Interesting idea good luck!
Very clean and pretty Nice work
Can I see a high res?
two problems which i've noticed are.......first gum ball is fading downwards.......and second the ripples at the outer side are bit off.......but tats jst me........
that's fine with me
An interesting idea - GL.
Nice may be add a reflection?
nice work
simple and good
Very simple entry..I like it. I agree that you could have easily created the ripples in PS rather than using an outside source tho. But its still nice. Good luck author!
simple :P
Simple, but very nice! I like this!
Good luck author
Good Luck
good luck
Howdie stranger!
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I used only from the source. some liquify works on the legs. (5 years and 3932 days ago)
ha ha ... cute
very nice idea is looking good ,Good luck!
Quite creative.. looking at the hi res - you have some quite rough edges. Spend a bit more time and see if you can fix them up some more, it will give you higher scores.. GL.
very creative, just a slight more clean up and you got it. good luck and welcome back!
Nice one. Good luck
Fun image! Technically, just watch your edges, and clean up (esp. under red hand)...gl!
Fun image! Technically, just watch your edges, and clean up (esp. under red hand)...gl!
he has a very blue ball... oh I'm terrible LOL
Funny but as mentioned above you really need to improve your masking.
Funny face, but beware with the use of shadows. Unless you want it, the warrior looks a bit flat against the background because you added some kinda shadow straight behind the ballls. Up to you if you wanna remove them or not. Good luck!
Thanks for all your comments. I will do the changes.
LOL Great idea. Well done!
I wouldnt wanna run into this gumball in a dark alley, lol!! Good luck!
Creepy you have the perspective off a little, blur either more on the head or less on the torso and arms
yea the killer
Good luck author.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3930 days ago)
very interesting idea and is funny too good luck!
a nice idea, but you have to match the blur of the balls to the snails. I like the hats too.. GL.
give the snail a shadow under the body!!
the snail on the pink gum seems to be floating, good luck
The blackboard could do with some depth, try and distort some of the wooden edge to make it thicker.
ory u where rigth thkxs, but better way (i think!) is copy layer with ctrl+j , then ctrl+ direccionnal key it moves layer that u copy forward (in this case), regards
good but...good good luck
Very cute!! Good luck!
Nice idea.
The snails are well blended and shadowed but the board looks like it's floating. Good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3930 days ago)
nice idea good luck!
such as glass painting? cool! good luck!
Maybe try and make all of the gumballs round.
The gumballs should be rounded at the end of the glass, its a really nice idea, but I am sorry to say, this attempt isn't working.
good idea, but i'll have to agree with the previous comments, you probably shouldn't chop the bottom balls.
the gumballs shouldn't be in halves on bottom of glass
Nice idea - good luck
aside from the balls looking as though they do not belong in that glass, a little more attention to masking at the top of the balls is needed. try zooming in to 200 - 300% to do the masking, sure it takes more time, but it looks awesome when doen right. if you would like soem sugesstions on how to make the rest of the balls fit in the glas natually just PM me and i'll try to give you a few tips ;]
Nice image.
Interesting idea...
good idea, but....how can you cut the balls in the shape of glass. the edges should be round
Very original! You might need more shadows to make the whole glass stand out more! And pay more attention to masking: you can see the sharp gumball edges from the initial selection! Good luck!
good job and good luck
Nice work on the glass transparency You need to improve your masking though, try the pen tool it works great. Also the gum balls should not be cut on the edges of the glass, and you might want to leave some "thickness" to the glass, don't stick the gum balls on the edge
Hmm it doesn't look that real to me due to the unfinished balls at the sides... good luck!
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Cool idea and is a vry cool idea good luck!
good luck and nice work =)
good job! good luck!
awwww....repetation of idea....but its a nice wrk.....
yea thats the stupid thing, i made this one and when i put it up i noticed there was another entry with the same idea. pretty shitty
Interesting image.
Shouldnt be a problem to have another eye entry, this looks different enough. Nice creepy, though I might prefer the whiter eyes (like the one left) more than the ones with fading white edges, maybe because with those it looks more like it's added instead they're part of the ball. Up to you of course, but maybe you'd like to play a bit with the blending modes, so you get see more from the original texture of the ball? Good luck! Btw dont forget a SBS!
Interesting enough idea - i would work more on the background. It just looks like you have used a soft black brush and painted over it all.. Sure do that with some, but use some blur and graduate the colour a little.. Just a little more required.. GL.
I'm not convinced by the pink overlay...it just looks too uniform...
Nice job, though white circles are too blurry
looks like demonic eyes... you could probably give a black colour around the pupil instead of white.. it may look better.. just a suggestion.. gl
This is cool! I like it.
Very nice entry!! Will wait for SBS to vote! Good luck!
Nice image, from the images turning the gumballs into eyeballs (there are a few) this one is great!
need some more touch up but good though
what kind of touch up would that be? be specific
Howdie stranger!
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