a world full of delicious marbles! oh what a pleasure.
also used tuba from shiningtuba contest
fixed the handproblem and some details in face (5 years and 3927 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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Source only
Sorry Chelie I couldn't resist, it's been in my head for days LOL :-)
Gun Added,
Credit to Falln-stock from DA for the smoke brushes (5 years and 3929 days ago)
great entry
Oh my friend. How r you ? Nice idea and Great work
Wow duplicate of Chelie LOl
BWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. omg.. MY EYES.. the GOOFIE CHICK cemented in ICON... what a great piece and an HONOR.. kudo's Author.. you gonna take the cake, platter and the whole HOUSE.. hehehehe (You really know how to show the Love)
EDIT: Though I do wonder how you are going to fit your head into the slot that asks for your source
Very nice work, excellent
looks great.. gl
OH HELL YESS!!!!! I feel special now!! Yayy!!! Fantastic job!! I am loving this wayyyy too much!! Good luck!!!!
(Wheres her smoking gun?? LoL!)
oo this is the lost sister of Cc LOL very nice chop well done!!!
Great work.. I'm a big fan of joker.. and the batman.. your entry is so cool...
EEEEEEEKKKKKKK the woman are taking over!!!! first the man pizza and now this??? THEY'RE ALREADY taking our GUNS!!!! hehehehe
EDIT: I'm just going to steal the high res of this picture and put it into my personal collection.. I've been back to visit it like twenty times..DO ME NEXT... hehehe Just kidding.. hehehe
I was in the chat when I saw this entry, when chelie showed up I made sure it was the first thing she sees after waking up, I bet you made her day
(p3): saw this?
(p3): rate high, I did it :P
(CrAzYChelie): oh hell yeah mannn!!!!
(p3): did not
(p3): I wish
Great idea!!!
I know..I know who is the person in this image..i saw his picture in another contest..is Lodd !!
nice work
Really nice job. Really like the highlights on the surface!
great work!!!!!!!!!!
super wow!
Very highmarks on this one
very nice work, our very own cc =) good luck and geat job!
Crazy people should be the only ones with guns..to make things interesting, LOL!!!!!!!!
great job author, very original, good luck
Edit: btw, lol CrAzYChelie, this is the answer it should be
i agreed with Cc where is the guns !LOL
very nicely done
Impressive stuff. Well done..
Now this is more like it !!!
Lol....I recognize this one...! Very very nice! Very cool effect! Good luck!
nice work......but I think smoke form the gun should be of bigger size......it should be according to gun nozzle.......
Hmmm not sure about this one, lol only joking, great.
verry very nice
This is very strong entry !!! I do like it very much
Very well constructed. I love it . . . . great job on the sketch, the warping, excellent work author.
if i could whistle i would lol.... awsome work
Sweet!...hauntingly familiar...
LOL I know that girl! Has she been chewing to much gum again?!?
superwow!!!!! With the gun now!!! Amazing picture she's supersexy!!! (also the real one )
great image
Lol, very nice job
Uah!! That's gorgeous! The chelie0s girl finally came up to life Super work author!
Congrats on 2nd
Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work
Way to Go! Congrats!!
Congrats Missy, great job
Congrats! Very well done!
Congratulations for 2nd
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Only the source image is used. (5 years and 3926 days ago)
Well....my sweet friend...no need to put a signature on this wonderful chop....! Just awesome...as always! Lol! Top marks!
Author i was waiting from many days for ur entry
really happy after seeing this one
WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... I want them.. I WANT THEM... you really should add some rendered clouds and a moon for good measure.. a dragon could really help and maybe a fairy... couldn't resist.. FLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE (Giving a huge high mark before the Author clunks me)
Beautiful composition author. Glad to you see your great work again.
nice job,very good ballance light & space.goodluck,
ooooo you only can imagine, how happy i am now!!!!
Very nice use of the souce == great detail in the birds and nice simple (looking) plants
Great execution.. love the flying bird.. GL....
What a lovely image, so cheerful and colourful - going straight to my favourites!!
Reminds me a bit of bauernmalerei.
This is absolutely fantastic
Good work author!!!!
Nice idea good luck!
I lovit so much! beautiful!!!!!
wow, this is really excellent
Really nice. Nice use of colors too.
hey, finally you appeared, very great work, high marks, try to make more plants and trees in the background instead of solid color, good luck
This one made me feel good instantly...
Great pic great style as always.
Ouch that's a hell of a work! Really creative, good luck.
i dont know if ai could create like this
Love the owl
One of my favorites. nice work !!
Looks cool
lovely job
Thanks to all for the comments!
Very nice image.Little more work on background will be cool.But,whatever,looks ok.
Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work
Nice job! Congrats!
Congrats, looks beautiful!
Congratulations my dear dear friend!
Congratulations for 3rd
Congrats!! A lovely entry!
Congratulations! This is just wonderful!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Only source (5 years and 3929 days ago)
great idea
Good looking image! well done author.
nice morphing work.. GL.. Dont forget to list your reference source for the people..
Wow! really nice, one of my favorites so far, good job!
great job and very creative, good luck =)
again like ballet! good luck!
author has the ball... they are down the court... getting near the basket.. wait for it.... wait for it..... he shoots....... HE SCORES... CROWD GOES WILD...AUTHOR.... HAS.... HIT...... IT ...... OUT OF THE PARK... or made a goal .. or a basket.. or some other thingy that sports people do.. not quite clear on that one...hehehe GOOD LUCK
great concept!!!!!
Really cool!
Yes this is good stuff
very nice work on an original idea
Love it! You can interpret so many romantic themes here: kindness, helping, love, or am I in just a very sentimental mood today?
nice wok
Great work. Nice believability woth nice depth of field
Great work. Make sure you list your sources.
love the concept... good luck
Nice job
cool chop well done and good luck!
very nice. creative
lovely GL
well done author.. it looks very good.
Well done Author..... Good Luck.
Cool idea, IMO get rid of background! add something else to help with the feel. GL
nice image but where are the sources?
excellent one.. the right arms of both characters could be moved a little higher. the arms appear to be joined to the chests rather than the shoulders.. definitely high rating.. gl
Really like this! One small suggestion. Perhaps give the smaller figure's base a bit more magenta to match that area. Otherwise...excellent!!
Lol, i went to position my drawing puppet the same I came to the conclusion that of the 2nd character his left hand is with the palm outwards. It is possible but not natural! Dont take it as nagging because this is a brilliant pience of work!
WOW!Amazing job!
I really like this one! Great idea. gl
Very good work on the people coming out from a gumball...! Lol! And nice blue color as well! Just some small sugestions: in high resolution I've noticed you might want to soften the edges..they look too sharp and the other colored gumballs from backround lost resolution in the resizing proccess, so you might want to think about darkening them a touch, maybe soften them, blur them....anything you can think of to make them look less pixelated....! Good luck!
.............WOW...........gr8 idea..............
nice one
very good great stuff (IMHO a bit of reflections of the guys on the ball and is perfect)
awsome work
Very nice and creative
well done, very original
Very nice work !! Good job!
Another super and amazing entry! So many on this contest o.o Ball transformation, love it
very neat idea...I love how they are coming out of the ground...well done!
Nice! But with all that blue everywhere, what is the source of the pink reflection on the left figure? (I know it's in the original, but some pink underneath on the "table/flat" area would cure the reflection problem. That, or change the pink reflection to a dark blue.
Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work
you did very well
Congratulation my dear friend!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Source only. (5 years and 3931 days ago)
I was waiting for this one Good to see it back! Good luck
Monster Inc this chop must be by waz Lol very great idea and nicw work Good luck!
Damn i was wrong! nevermind still a great chop
Yay! The Wazo chop is back
Ahah really funny! Great idea/job author
wazo is a strange colour , maybe he needs the doctor!!! :P
Great Image but your SBS is screwed up.. LOL.. good luck.. seems you got approval of the image and that's awesome..
EDIT: SBS is NOW AWESOME.. hehehe.. good luck
Great entry and nice work. I was waiting for this one.
. Nonono people, it's not me! I'm GREEN! With HORNS!
Still looking good, perhaps you'd like to use the light reflection from the blue ball for the eye, so it gets a more natural reflection. Good luck!
Wow, first day and already a waz entry!!! FUN!
This is awesome! that shine looks good! i guess that you used something as referens image tho?
SBS fixed - sorry - connection problems
I remember this...nice candys
Well done.
I love this one, good luck and welcome back =)
A fun entry!
I was wondering how many entries would make it back.. Good Luck with this one!
VERY nice work !
Funny entry good luck
nice , well done.
I love Ummmmm Waz
thank god u kept all your entrys in your pcs.......gl
nice work
I remember this work and was waiting for this one as well, nice work GL
excelent work!
Its great! thumbs
Aaahh! I remember that one!As I've said before,great image!good luck!
was waiting for this entry to be back in the competition.. excellent work..
LOL!!! Cool entry.
haha too cute!
this is great!
Yay wazi!! LoL!!
Surprised its not copyrighted, but very good!
absolutely brilliant!
I love this one, its very funny GL
Two Reasons for this one being a hit.. first is EXCELLENT Chopping
... and Second is ' WAZo '.... everyone in here is familar about his dp and that name has added fame to this Amazing Work...
Good Luck...
great chop, he looks amazed lol
simple and neat, great entry.
i love this image lol, reminds me of the monters movie
Lol, very nice
Great creativity! hahaha
Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work
you did very well
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
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super cool
.. the color pallete is very surreal Doctor Suess LOL.. good job
oh that is some very fine work
totally amazed here.... goodluck (not that you need it )
its really nice..... very artistic..................top ntry..........
definitely top shelf work
Nice mood
One tip: The napkin next to (marble?) could be warped more so it looks like it is hanging off the bowl. GL 
Nice work --like the expression
great job
Awesome work
absolutely awesome work
, you might want to have a little look at his left hand, Ifeel the top knuckle needs to be a bit to the right, so his hand looks like it is wrapped around the knife
Excellent sbs
no words and i learn a lot with your stp by stp
nice work!!
Wooooooooow, that just looks fantastic!!!!
fantastic work!!!!!!!

top mark!
Oh my! I love the feeling of this picture!
Absolutly...love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohhh yea you are talented
wow cool!!
Cool very cool idea well done good luck!
mighty fine work
very nice drawing and great imagination, terrriffic job, good luck
Excellent!! There are a few areas that need some touching up when you view in hi-res, IMHO (the hand holding the knife)...but this is outstanding!
Wow, just wow, awesome work

I *LOVE* this, just wish it was cleaner / more finished at high res!
WoW.. Authors got tallent !
Excellent - what skill and imagination The huge knife and fork is a brilliant idea!
a Favourite
His only tooth won't be enough to eat that! Haha really great entry, you have amazing draw skills!
Messy at high res, but still good work!
very cute
Cool job... just watch out for the BATMAN.. LOL.. !!
Terrific job - love the SBS. Please look at both hands, though. Thumb on fork hand overlaps in a funny way, and little fingers on both hands look oddly flat at the bottom.
Very good.But,somehow i cannot force my eyes to see the plate,concave.
Congrats, a wonderful piece of work
Congratulations, celebrations, well done
Keep up the good work
Way to Go! Congratulations. Beautiful work!
Congrats Anatole, great great work
Congrats...bautiful image!
Congratulations for 1st
congrats for 1st
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: