only source (5 years and 3848 days ago)
Only used source and glad to be back having fun!! (5 years and 3849 days ago)
very interesting idea good luck!
tchaikovsky's nutcracker! good luck!
what fille said... good luck
very cute, good luck =)
Looks like your having fun too.. GL.
Very interesting.
Great idea, good luck
Nice work!! Good luck!
your design is pretty cool, however if you used some dodge and burn you could give it a little more dimensionality...good luck
good luck... very creative
good job nice idea and good luck
Howdie stranger!
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threshold transform and copy (5 years and 3849 days ago)
Nice work i like this effect good luck!
Nice idea.. dont be surprised by a lot of 'not a lot of source' comments.. GL.
good luck
I think it would better without the filter.
Nice result.. good luck
I'm very happy with this piece... so simple yet so compelling.. would fit in any fashion magazine with the article printed in the dark spaces.. GOOD LUCK author
Well done, I recently saw a tut on how to make an image into comic book style and you did a good job on that.
good, but the same doubt animmax having
good luck... very creative
good job nice idea and good luck
accorn fasion
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3849 days ago)
Cool idea very nice chop good luck!
Creative use of soruce image.
Nice - but i think you might need to add some shadow and change the highlights to make it look like its actually on the table. Your going to have trouble with the blur of the leaves too.. GL.
absolutely no shadows, and it's very good, because now can't noone talking about shadows! nice idea, good luck!
fille.. you are such a little wise guy.. giggle snort.. Good Luck author (stapling my lips shut)
I think the perspective might be off a bit, but excellent idea, good luck =)
there needs to be some shadow on the side of the flower and the flower pot facing the front
Nice job!
quote animmax
the light falling on the flower is coming from the wrong direction? or whether the shadow is going the wrong way. haha, well good idea, GL anyway.
cool idea to use the source as a pot, but it would help if the saturation of the different sources was matched a little better. Also, a little bit of shadow at the base of the pot would help it to not look like it's floating on the table. Good luck!
You did a wonderful work..... good luck
good job nice idea and good luck
Howdie stranger!
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No external source used
Tool:pen tool
brush tool
Etc (5 years and 3849 days ago)
the top needs a shadow connecting it to the acorns, creative idea and good luck =)
Not quite sure what your trying to say with this.. But your reflection seems too far right?? You look to have flipped it horizontal as well as vertical.. GL..
Twins joined together?
more info need, for understand what you whant show
Erm, what is it Sorry this jsut confuses me a little.
Nice idea! Good luck!
where is brother? I can see only sister
good luck
good job nice idea and good luck ...you are improving..keep up
Howdie stranger!
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Interesting idea good luck!
I think this would be improved if you added some facial features, just my opinion. GL.
very very very floaty.. but I think that was your goal.. very great character.. only if you want to tweak it up a notch.. put all the body parts on different layers and build several of them in different postiions.. you pretty much got all the parts LOLOL good luck.. and
good poin paulus, ill see what other people think, i was kinda goin for a model thing but i will change it if people think it will look good
good luck
Well you couyld see what some facial features are like, but in the end its a matter of what your happy with.. GL.
Looks like his head is going to fall off 
Very well done.
Simple :P
very nice work
nice entry.. good luck
good job and good luck
Howdie stranger!
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